Thank you to everyone who took our project survey, emailed, called, or joined a recent community meeting to give input on the permanent design for the Alki Point Healthy Street.
The design this project is moving forward with for public engagement is Option 1 from the survey: Stay Healthy Street + Neighborhood Greenway. This design will upgrade the street to a Neighborhood Greenway and include additional elements of a Healthy Street.
As part of the larger Healthy Streets program, we've also updated the name of the project to "Alki Point Healthy Street."
 Upgrading to a Neighborhood Greenway means we’ll add stop signs at all intersecting streets along the Alki Point Healthy Street. We’ll also add bike markings on the pavement to show it’s a shared space for people to drive and bike.
Neighborhood Greenways also have more traffic calming elements like speed humps, raised crosswalks, and traffic circles. We’ll work together with the community to figure out which traffic calming elements to design and build.
 Traffic calming elements on Neighborhood Greenways could include raised crosswalks (left) and traffic circles (right).
The Healthy Street upgrade adds elements to calm traffic even further. This includes installing the Healthy Street signs at every intersection and building decorative design elements, such as crosswalks or traffic circles.
 Examples of Healthy Street signs in downtown Seattle (left) and Greenwood (right).
While people can still drive on the Alki Point Healthy Street to get to homes, businesses, and other destinations on the route, using the street as a cut-through is discouraged so that it stays calmer and safer for all users.
We’ll remove about 5 parking spaces as part of the project, but there will still be parking for anyone who uses the street for biking, walking, sight-seeing, and water activities.
Next steps for Alki Point
In coming days, we’ll email again with information about public engagement events in November 2022. We’ll be hosting in-person and virtual events, so that the community has more than one option for attending and giving feedback on the Alki Point Healthy Street design.
If you have a request for our public engagement events in November, please email us at
 The design this project is moving forward with for public engagement is Option 1 from the survey: Stay Healthy Street + Neighborhood Greenway.
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