In Washington state, Indigenous women go missing four times more often than white women. State lawmakers have just passed a bill that, once signed into law, will create a system, similar to Amber Alerts, to raise public awareness of the crisis and to hopefully reunite families with their loved ones.
 “I knew I represented all women.” Retired Battalion Chief Bonnie Beers became the first woman firefighter for the Seattle Fire Department in 1977. She simultaneously battled fires and discrimination, but never backed down from either. Her hard work and determination paved the way for the next generation of women firefighters.
 "Our hopes are just to come back together as a community again." On the first Saturday of each month, Friends of Little Sài Gòn volunteers work to remove trash from Seattle's historic Vietnamese neighborhood. Earlier this month, a few city leaders joined the cleanup to help bring attention to Little Saigon, which had been struggling with public safety issues.
 Historians discovered a treasure trove of cassette tapes documenting the oral histories of early Ballardites, and historians are thrilled. They used these uniquely personal stories to create a multimedia map for the benefit of the whole community. Hear a few of these incredible uncovered tales.
 Throughout history, much of the work of Black women has been minimized and overshadowed. The Seattle Public Library hosts a discussion with Stanlie M. James about her book “Practical Audacity: Black Women & International Human Rights,” and the Black women who’ve made an impact on scholarship and activism around the world.
 Washington state’s new Homeowner Assistance Fund could provide relief to residents who feel anxious about mortgages, utility bills, and property taxes. City Inside/Out convenes homeowners and community leaders to discuss what that support could look like, and who exactly it will help.
 Running on a theme of "municipal housekeeping," Bertha Knight Landes made history on March 9, 1926, becoming the first woman elected as mayor of Seattle. Learn more about her two years in office in this TikTok.
 The 2021 Technology Matters Policy Summit disrupts the status quo. Author, historian, UW Professor, and keynote speaker Dr. Margaret O'Mara inspires a conversation about the way technology has changed the ways we work, learn, and create policy, and what our future looks like as a result.
Free at-home tests. Each household is eligible to receive two sets of four free at-home COVID-19 tests from the federal government. And, while supplies last, Washingtonians can order up to two COVID-19 test kits per month from the website sayyescovidhometest.org (ordering available in English and Spanish).
Free N95 masks. The federal government recently announced that each adult can get up to three free N95 masks. Masks can be picked up in person at participating pharmacies. Be sure to call ahead to check availability at your pharmacy.
Updates. As of March 1, the vaccine verification requirement is no longer in effect in King County. Beginning March 12, King County’s mask order changes and you will no longer be required to wear a mask in many indoor settings.
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