Seattle will not forget where it came from. That’s largely thanks to the Vanishing Seattle project that preserves and celebrates the institutions, history, and cultures that make up our city. The Vanishing Seattle Film Fest highlights short films by independent creators about Seattle's living, breathing, shifting communities and cultures.
 Book Lust host Nancy Pearl has brought us countless interviews with authors of all kinds, but what is it that makes her tick? Why did she choose to call Seattle home (we’re so glad she did), and what drives her to spread her love of reading far and wide? Folio librarian Lillian Dabney takes a page out of Nancy’s interviewing book and gets all the answers.
 Bruce Harrell was sworn in as Seattle's 57th mayor at an inaugural event on Tuesday. He spoke of his unifying "One Seattle" vision, his administration, and his focus on housing, public safety, and more. Seattle City Council unanimously voted to elect Debora Juarez as Council President. City Attorney Ann Davison and Seattle City Councilmembers Teresa Mosqueda (position 8, citywide) and Sara Nelson (position 9, citywide) were also sworn in this week.
 The pressure is on for Washington state lawmakers to clarify police reform laws, address long-term care insurance, help cities solve homelessness, and more. City Inside/Out brings together four Seattle-area legislators and an Olympia correspondent to discuss what we can expect to see in Washington state's short legislative session.
 How do we help kids learn about emotional safety? The latest episode of Look, Listen & Learn talks about how being comfortable with yourself and how you feel, instead of worrying about what others think, can make you feel safe. And also that being yourself is one of the bravest things you can do.
 Local headliners look back on the biggest stories of 2021, including insurrectionists storming the U.S. Capitol, record-breaking extreme weather, the pandemic, and more.
 The collective trauma we’ve experienced since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought mental health to the forefront of countless conversations. King County’s Behavioral Health and Recovery Division hosted a forum to discuss mental health and substance abuse recovery in our region, and look forward to continuing the conversation in 2022.
Visit the Public Health - Seattle & King County website for the latest COVID-19 resources including masking advice, COVID-19 testing, COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, vaccination verification, and more.
Also, the City of Seattle and partners are hosting fixed location vaccination clinics and COVID-19 testing sites.
For language interpretation, help finding a vaccination or testing site, or ADA accommodation, call the King County COVID-19 Call Center at (206) 477-3977, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
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