Did you know that Scarecrow Video has a "holiday horror" section? You'll want to rush out and grab the 1989 “Deadly Games: Dial Code Santa Claus” after hearing Matt Lynch's review of this intense film of a department store Santa who terrorizes a family, but meets his match in a Rambo-obsessed kid.
 ACT's annual production of the beloved heart-warming tale of love and redemption has a few new twists, including two powerhouse actors, Amy Thone and R. Hamilton Wright, alternating in the roles of Jacob Marley and Ebenezer Scrooge. "The idea of being in an audience again, after two years, is its own story of reclamation and reunion," says Wright.
 Light up your night with a spectacular interactive display of hundreds of animal- and nature-inspired lanterns that will take you to wild places around the globe. 🦖🦈🦋 🐆🦥🕷 Each amazing lantern is made from lacquered silk stretched over a steel frame. Take our photo tour of a selection of the 64 unique art installations, or see it for yourself at the zoo Tuesday-Sunday through Jan. 30.
 Every autumn, the sound of rakes and leaf blowers signal the changing seasons, but ever wonder what happens to all of those leaves? Learn how Seattle Public Utilities' composting program transforms yard and food waste into compost, a nutrient-rich soil that help plants grow without the need for chemical fertilizers, while also reducing greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate change.
 Recent U.S. Census data shows Seattle recorded double-digit population growth in the last decade. But some neighborhoods grew much faster than others and Seattle's seven city council districts will need to be redrawn. City Inside/Out dives into how redistricting works.
 Not only are you “the best you the world will see,” like Auntie Lena always says, you’re the only one! In this episode of Look, Listen & Learn, Possum gets all dressed up for costume day and learns about self-expression and what it means to be unique.
 Free Vaccinations & Boosters
Free COVID-19 vaccinations are currently available to everyone 5 and older regardless of insurance, citizenship, or immigration status. The City of Seattle and partners are offering free and accessible first, second, and/or booster doses at hubs across Seattle. Learn more at seattle.gov/vaccine, visit Public Health – Seattle & King County for additional locations, or consult with your primary care provider, if you have one.
Pfizer's kid-sized vaccines have been authorized for children ages 5-11. Use the Vaccine Locator, visit the getting vaccinated in King County page, or contact a clinic to make a vaccine appointment.
Booster doses of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized for anyone 18 and older if enough time has passed since their initial vaccination. Learn more about booster doses at kingcounty.gov/covid/vaccine.
Vaccination Verification
King County requires vaccination verification for everyone 12 years of age and older. You must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination, a negative PCR COVID-19 test in the last 72 hours, or a negative rapid test result conducted on site in order to attend outdoor events of 500 or more people, indoor recreational events, or establishments, restaurants, and bars. Throughout Washington state, many businesses, events and employers are also requiring vaccination verification. Visit the Department of Health's vaccine website for details and proof of vaccination options, including the new WA Verify tool.
The Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce has put together a Vaccine Verification Toolkit that provides businesses with resources to comply with King County’s new vaccine verification order.
Mask requirements
In Washington state, everyone 5 years of age and older, regardless of vaccination status, is required to wear a mask in public indoor spaces, at outdoor events with 500 or more people, and in outdoor public places when six feet of distance is not possible.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get a free test, with or without an appointment, regardless of immigration or insurance status.
Need help?
If you need language interpretation, help finding a vaccination or testing site, or ADA accommodation, call the King County COVID-19 Call Center at (206) 477-3977, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.