Frank Nishimura was a decorated World War II veteran and local hero. In September, the Purple Heart and Congressional Gold Medal recipient passed away. Celebrate Frank's incredible life with this animated documentary, based on a graphic novel, that shares his story.
 If you recognize the heartfelt twangs of “Never No More” by Stephanie Anne Johnson and The Hidogs from their album “Take This Love,” it’s because this local band is blowing up around the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Check out their performance on Art Zone, then see the band live at Freakout Fest on Nov. 12 at the Tractor Tavern in Ballard.
 We’ve all heard about global supply chain issues that have led to product shortages, businesses struggling to find employees, and the all-around economic strife in this continuing pandemic, but what do all those issues mean on the ground in Seattle?
 Artist Jacqueline Barnett’s vibrant colors and wild designs nearly leap off the canvas in this exclusive Art Zone with Nancy Guppy tour through Barnett's studio. Have you ever seen so many canvases?
 A partnership between Refugee Artisan Initiative and Swedish Health Services tackles a need for quality healthcare supplies, skill-building and jobs for refugees and immigrants, and sustainability, all with one ingenious solution—custom medical scrubs.
 Advocates say the conversation about homelessness cannot end with basic shelter. It must extend to long-term stable housing with financial backing, otherwise it’s just “theories of smart people that cannot be actualized to support the people that need us.”
 Auntie Lena helps Possum learn that a disability doesn’t change who a person is, it just means they might do things a little differently! Check out the full episode for crafts, storytime, and a fantastic meal. Let’s get learning!
Free Vaccinations & Boosters
Free COVID-19 vaccinations are currently available to everyone 12 and older regardless of insurance, citizenship, or immigration status. Booster doses of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized for some people. Learn who is eligible to get a booster shot at kingcounty.gov/covid/vaccine.
The City of Seattle and partners are offering free and accessible first, second, and/or booster doses at hubs across Seattle. Learn more at seattle.gov/vaccine. Visit Public Health – Seattle & King County for additional vaccination locations or consult with your primary care provider, if you have one.
Pfizer's kid-sized dosage of their vaccine has been authorized for children between 5-11 years old. Starting this weekend, vaccines for kids aged 5 and up will be available by appointment at City of Seattle vaccination hubs as well as some pediatrician offices, community clinics, and vaccine partnership sites throughout the region.Visit Public Health – Seattle & King County for updates.
Vaccination Verification
King County requires vaccination verification for everyone 12 years of age and older. You must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination, a negative PCR COVID-19 test in the last 72 hours, or a negative rapid test result conducted on site in order to attend outdoor events of 500 or more people, indoor recreational events, or establishments, restaurants, and bars.
The Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce has put together a Vaccine Verification Toolkit that provides businesses with resources to comply with King County’s new vaccine verification order.
Mask requirements
In Washington state, everyone 5 years of age and older, regardless of vaccination status, is required to wear a mask in public indoor spaces, at outdoor events with 500 or more people, and in outdoor public places when six feet of distance is not possible.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get a free test, with or without an appointment, regardless of immigration or insurance status.
Need help?
If you need language interpretation, help finding a vaccination or testing site, or ADA accommodation, call the King County COVID-19 Call Center at (206) 477-3977, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.