What is the one question you’d like asked of the candidates at the upcoming Seattle mayoral debates? What are the most urgent challenges facing our city? Where do you live and what are the unique challenges facing your neighborhood?
The Washington State Debate Coalition (WSDC) is hosting a debate with Seattle mayoral candidates Lorena González and Bruce Harrell with a focus on the local economy and they want your questions! Join the conversation by emailing your question to us by Oct. 6 and it could be asked at the live debate.
Learn more about WSDC and register to stream the free virtual debate, which will be held Thursday, Oct. 14 at 7:00 p.m.
 After one woman’s adoptive parents passed away, she asked Della Kostelnik Juarez to help find her biological family. What they found changed her life for the better. Hear her story and those from other families this hometown historian has reconnected.
 Seattle City Council incumbent Teresa Mosqueda faces off with challenger Kenneth Wilson in a citywide election this fall. They join City Inside/Out to share their vision for Seattle for the next four years.
 The three sisters of Phnom Penh Noodle House reopened the legendary local restaurant last year, in the midst of the pandemic, after family tragedy forced them to close in 2018. They say they received incredible support from loyal patrons who love the establishment’s incredible food, community, and inspiring story.
 Addy Nachtrieb, 17, and Emma Kim, 16, picked up bows as kids and never put them down. Now they’re both winning titles, breaking records, and making waves in the national and international archery world. What else do they have in common? Intense focus, drive, and Olympic dreams.
 From neighborhood planning to COVID relief to tenants' rights, Councilmember Tammy J. Morales has an update on what's happening at City Hall. Morales, who represents District 2 (South Seattle and Chinatown International District), joins Council Edition to discuss her priorities, which include community wealth-building, nurturing an equitable economy, and investment in infrastructure.
 Rosie's Village is a 36-unit tiny house village that’s opening soon in the University District. The site will provide much-needed shelter spaces and was built in partnership with Sound Transit, Seattle City Council, Seattle Office of the Mayor, and other community and volunteer organizations.
Free Vaccinations & Boosters
Free vaccinations are available to everyone 12 and older regardless of insurance, citizenship, or immigration status. Visit Public Health – Seattle & King County for vaccination locations or consult with your primary care provider, if you have one.
Booster doses of the Pfizer vaccine are authorized for some people. Learn who is eligible to get a booster shot at kingcounty.gov/covid/vaccine.
Vaccination Verification
Beginning October 25, Public Health – Seattle & King County is implementing a countywide vaccination verification policy. People 12 years of age and older will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination, a negative PCR COVID-19 test in the last 72 hours, or a negative rapid test result conducted on site in order to enter many events and establishments:
Outdoor events with 500 people or more. Examples include professional and collegiate sports and entertainment events.
Indoor recreational events or establishments regardless of size. Examples include professional and collegiate sports, performing arts and live music venues, movie theaters, museums, gyms, and conventions.
Restaurants and bars, including indoor dining. This does not apply to outdoor dining, take-out customers, and places that aren’t primarily used for indoor dining such as grocery stores. Small restaurants and bars, defined as those with seating capacity for less than 12 people, will phase in on December 6, 2021.
Mask requirements
In Washington state, masks are required in public indoor spaces and for everyone ages 5+ at outdoor events with 500 or more people.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get a free test, with or without an appointment, regardless of immigration or insurance status.
Need help?
If you need language interpretation, help finding a vaccination or testing site, or ADA accommodation, call the King County COVID-19 Call Center at (206) 477-3977, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.