We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you a vitamin D delivery via this two-minute sunny summer Seattle stroll. Do enjoy.
 Artists have taken up residence in Seattle’s old Immigration and Naturalization Services building in recent years, bringing even greater significance to the place where some found citizenship and opportunity, and others detention and deportation. Investors want to sell the building, but artists hope to save and reimagine the historic space.
 Some cyclists with disabilities need special adaptive bicycles if they want to pedal around town. Now, one local nonprofit is helping to make that happen, with over 250 bikes available for free checkout.
COVID-19 cases are spiking across Washington and many of the state's hospitals are reaching capacity for adult beds. Starting on Tuesday in King County, face masks will be required while at outdoor events with 500 or more people in attendance. This requirement applies to all vaccinated and unvaccinated people 5 years of age and older.
To keep yourself and the community healthy, the best protection is to continue to mask up and to get vaccinated. Vaccinations are available regardless of insurance, citizenship, or immigration status. The City of Seattle is no longer offering COVID-19 vaccinations but that does not mean it's too late to get one. See below for your options.
If you need language interpretation, help finding a vaccination or testing site, or ADA accommodation, call the King County COVID-19 Call Center at (206) 477-3977, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get a free test, with or without an appointment, regardless of immigration or insurance status.