How much do you know about the mythic tales of Lake Union that chronicled its ebbs and flows before settlers came ashore? Join Historic Seattle and expert guests for a storytelling event about the lake and surrounding region, past and present.
 Using nearly 400 sensors across Washington, ShakeAlert is a new earthquake early warning system that appears as an alert on your mobile phone. When activated, it will give you valuable time to find shelter when a quake could be minutes or seconds away. A national earthquake expert explains how it works.
 ShakeAlert is a game changer. But you still need to be ready for “The Big One”! Seattle's Office of Emergency Management says the “any day now” timing is a bit of a myth, but there are other kinds of earthquakes the region can expect and preparedness is no joke. Watch and learn the steps you can take before, during, and after an emergency to protect yourself and your neighbors.
 Author and professor Dr. Carol Anderson discusses “The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America.” The book takes a critical look at the Second Amendment using history to explain how, from its inception, it was designed to concentrate guns in the hands of white people while keeping African Americans vulnerable and powerless.
 Seattle’s Chinatown-International District saw pandemic shutdowns, protests, and anti-Asian hate crimes and prejudice on an extreme level this past year, but when shops and restaurants boarded up, artists saw an opportunity for multicultural solidarity.
 July 17 and 18, the City of Seattle is hosting a two-day celebration of local food and culture at Hing Hay Park! The events will feature martial arts demonstrations, lion dances, and cultural performances; live music and performances from local artists Hollis, Chong the Nomad, Evan Flory Barnes, Bleachbear, Daniel Pak, Massive Monkees, Chrysalis Circus, Totem Star, and more. There will also be a vaccination pop-up offering Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer vaccines. Drop by Hing Hay Park at 423 Maynard Ave. S. on Saturday July 17 and Sunday July 18, between 1 - 7 p.m.
If you are 12 or older and live, work, or go to school in Washington, book your first and second appointments or schedule just a second appointment today at the City of Seattle's vaccination site. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when they receive their vaccine and require authorization from a parent or guardian during the registration process. Vaccinations do not require an advance appointment, are free, insurance is not required, and while presenting an ID card at the time of your vaccination is recommended, it is not a requirement.
Where to get vaccinated:
For the most comprehensive and up-to-date information visit the City’s vaccination website at www.seattle.gov/vaccine. The site contains vaccine information in seven languages, and in-language assistance is also available over the phone with the Customer Service Bureau Monday–Saturday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. (206) 684-2489.
Even as more residents get vaccinated, please continue to follow all public health guidance. Visit this website from Public Health – Seattle & King County for more information.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, schedule a free test at one of the city's sites.