Blaine Harden's latest book, Murder at the Mission, unravels the elaborate web of lies that that turned failed missionaries Marcus & Narcissa Whitman into great American heroes. This story will have you questioning everything you ever learned in history class.
 There may be no replacement for the live entertainment that usually fills Seattle’s Pride Month, but a special live drag show proves the community is strong as ever. Learn more about “I Will Survive - Pride Show," which will take place virtually Saturday, June 19 at 8 p.m.
 Singer and songwriter Máire Kennan performs the very personal song, “My Hand Touches Your Ashes,” from her debut album Man in My Pocket on Art Zone with Nancy Guppy. The album, created in collaboration with local producer Jeff Fielder, is due this summer.
 Dr. Anthony Fauci was appointed Director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 1984 and has advised seven presidents on HIV/AIDS and other health issues. Hear him discuss his past, present, and future efforts to combat HIV/AIDS, why an HIV vaccine is so elusive, and the effects of COVID-19 on the LGBTQ community.
 The pandemic pushed more than 2.1 million women out of the U.S. workforce. Community leaders discuss the inequitable decisions and sacrifices COVID-19 forced women to make when it came to their financial security, health, and family well-being. What does the way forward look like after these steps back?
 Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19 each year, honors and commemorates the emancipation of enslaved people in the U.S. How will you celebrate? King County's virtual Juneteenth program is guided by the themes: educate, inspire, celebrate. And the Northwest African American Museum (NAAM) is celebrating with "Juneteenth Week" events through Monday. Last month, NAAM organized a fun and educational family-friendly movie night and plans to do more screenings throughout the summer.
a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.
a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.
a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.
a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation.
If you are 12 or older and live, work, or go to school in Washington, you can book your first and second appointments or schedule just a second appointment today at any of the City of Seattle's fixed vaccination sites. Minors will require authorization from a parent or guardian in the registration process. Vaccinations do not require an advance appointment - drop-ins are ok. Vaccines are free, insurance is not required, and while presenting an ID card at the time of your appointment is recommended, it is not a requirement.
Where to get vaccinated:
For the most comprehensive and up-to-date information visit the City’s vaccination website at www.seattle.gov/vaccine. The site contains vaccine information in seven languages, and in-language assistance is also available over the phone with the Customer Service Bureau Monday–Saturday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. (206) 684-2489.
Even as more residents get vaccinated, please continue to follow all public health guidance. Visit this website from Public Health – Seattle & King County for more information.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, schedule a free test at one of the city's sites.