A historic gift | Looming crisis for renters? | Cambodia connections

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“Plein air your life.” The outdoors inspires Seattle painter.

Artist Kimberly Trowbridge

Artist Kimberly Trowbridge says plein air is just a “fancy Frenchy word” for outdoors. But she loves the practice of painting outside, including her time on the picturesque grounds of Bloedel Reserve. Now, those paintings can be seen at Bainbridge Island Museum of Art in her exhibit “Into the Garden.”

A Fresh St-art

"Now and Then" and back again

Paul Dorpat's donation of books, flyers, newspapers, etc. at the Seattle Public Library

Historian Paul Dorpat dedicated his career to documenting this ever-transforming city. His Seattle Times column “Now and Then” fascinated readers for decades, and the collection of photos, maps, books, and documents he used to create it is unmatched. He recently donated that collection to the Seattle Public Library and needs your help exploring it.

Make History

City Inside/Out examines rental crisis looming over state

City Inside/Out host Brian Callanan

211,000 families are behind on rent in Washington state right now. Eviction moratoriums have helped slow the spread of COVID-19 amongst other critical challenges, but as of now, those moratoriums only extend through June. Brian Callanan speaks to guests about the intersections of housing, debt, and public health on City Inside/Out.


Two-week trip evolves into passion project, mentoring & supporting Cambodian artists

Artist Lauren Iida

Seattle-artist Lauren Iida's plane to Thailand was diverted to Cambodia after political protests erupted in Bangkok in 2008. Her plans for a short visit to Southeast Asia turned into a years-long passion project. Today, she manages Open Studio Cambodia in Siem Reap, an artist collective building the country's art scene from the ground up.

Cambodia Connections

When architecture helps build community, it's worth preserving

A couple and their dog sit on a balcony at La Quinta apartments

Residents of La Quinta Apartments love their building and the neighbors in it so much, they rallied to obtain landmark status for the 1927 Capitol Hill oasis. Tucked amidst greenery, the courtyard and balconies lend a touch of whimsy, but the real sense of community living comes from its unique U-shaped design.

H❤️me Sweet H❤️me

Eligible but still unvaccinated?

A vaccine is adminstered

If you're on the current eligibility list for a COVID-19 vaccination, sign up for the City of Seattle's notification list. You can also call the Customer Service Bureau at 206-684-2489, Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. for help getting on the list. Once on the list, you'll be notified when vaccination appointments become available at any of the city's three fixed sites (Rainier Beach, West Seattle, and Lumen Field). Starting March 31, the Rainier Beach and West Seattle locations will be full-time vaccination hubs. For more information about eligibility and locations, visit the city's COVID-19 vaccination website.                   

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Save the date! Join us for a virtual Civic Cocktail on April 1

Civic Cocktail - April 2021

April's Civic Cocktail continues the multi-part, multi-party series on the state of our democracy with local leaders who will discuss the next steps for the Democratic Party in D.C. Join CityClub for a virtual Civic Cocktail evening program with host Joni Balter and guests Congresswomen Pramila Jayapal and Suzan DelBene.

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