The 2021 legislative session will be unique, with virtual hearings and an urgent focus on COVID relief, economic aid, and racial justice. How will Seattle-area lawmakers prioritize the 105-day session?
 Henchpeople get a bad rap, but did you ever consider they’re just trying to pay the rent like the rest of us? Author Natalie Zina Walschots introduces us to Anna, just such a person whose love of big data and spreadsheets leads her to uncover dark secrets of the superhero world in her new novel, "Hench."
 We’re leaning on our friends more than ever right now, but how do we show them we’re here for them, too? Possum, Auntie Lena, and the whole Look, Listen, and Learn team have some great ideas! Join them on this week’s episode to learn how to appreciate our friends and make new ones in the unlikeliest of places.
 New year, new music! We called our friends at Video Bebop to give us the healthy distraction we all need during these trying times, and they delivered! With a pint-sized special guest, twins Eva and Cedric Walker introduce us to talented Pacific Northwest musicians.
 Have you thanked a frontline worker today? This conversation features the experiences of workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has affected them.
 “I’d rather have a daughter without education than have no daughter at all.” Hear from journalists, lawyers, and artists in the discussion about The Seattle Times’ striking multimedia project “Disappearing Daughters,” an in-depth look at femicide in Mexico.
 Many immigrants and refugees are breathing easier after the November election, but there’s no shortage of work to be done when it comes to building equity and welcoming spaces. Local experts gathered to discuss next steps.