All around Seattle, businesses are being boarded up. Some because they've closed, but others fear racially-motivated vandalism. After the Jade Garden Restaurant in Seattle's International District had its windows smashed, a local photographer asked for help from the arts community. The resulting murals are both inspiring and uniting!
 Spring training may have been suspended, but our love for baseball has not. Author/editor Emily Nemens joins Nancy Pearl to talk about short stories, writing and...baseball! Nemens' debut novel, "The Cactus League," is about a fictional baseball player on a fictional team during the excitement of spring training.
 An eviction moratorium is in place to help deal with the extensive economic impact of COVID-19, but a major challenge still lies ahead. What resources are available to both tenants and landlords as the crisis continues? Brett Waller from WA Multi-Family Housing Association and Edmund Witter from the King County Bar Association join Brian Callanan on City Inside/Out.
 Gene Moy has seen a lot over the years. He lived through the 1918 influenza pandemic, served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and now the COVID-19 outbreak. But current events didn't stop Gene's friends and family from celebrating his 103rd birthday... from a distance.
 Enjoy five fabulous music videos, hand-picked by Eva and Cedric, hosts of Video Bebop. Grab your favorite snack, sit back, and watch "The Good Get Gone" by Kilcid Band, "Ego Slave" by DoNormaal, "Blonde" by Prom Queen, "1966 Freestyle" by New Track City, and "TV" by Naked Giants.

We are honored to receive 16 Northwest Regional Emmy Award nominations from the Northwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS). The nominations were announced virtually via a "Social Distancing Nomination Party" Friday. We are proud to be among great company (and stiff competition) for work completed in the 2019 calendar year.
 The talented and generous-hearted Chris Ballew (The Presidents of the United States of America, Caspar Babypants, Caspar Adultpants) sings "Roly Poly Buggy Ball." Get ready to jump up and down like a silly bug.