Wrapping up 2019 at OSE

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December 2019

Wrapping up an eventful 2019! 

Jessica Headshot

Dear Friends and Partners - 

As we close out 2019, we want to thank you for all you do for sustainability and the environment. We wish you a wonderful holiday season and a very Happy New Year. As is our tradition, we leave you with OSE’s 2019 by the numbers, with thanks to so many organizations and community members whose partnership made these activities possible.

- Jessica Finn Coven, Director
Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment

OSE’s 2019 By the Numbers:

  • Community members present to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the Duwamish Valley Action Plan: 150. Number of tacos eaten by them: 200. Burritos: 100
  • Number of times the Duwamish Valley Youth Corps visited the OSE office: 2
  • New members recruited for the Urban Forestry Commission: 5 
  • Constituent inquiries OSE triaged through TreesForSeattle@seattle.gov: 680
  • Elementary schools added to the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: 10. Students served through this program: 6,800
  • Number of Fresh Bucks applications received on first day of enrollment: 2,503
  • Languages spoken by Fresh Bucks customers: 15+
  • Fresh Bucks customer visits to Seattle Farmers Markets: 11,211
  • Apples & pears purchased by Fresh Bucks customers: 10,045
  • Ordinances requiring EV plugs in all new parking construction: 1
  • Percent of new vehicles in Seattle that are electric: 7%
  • Year by which Seattle city government will have a fossil fuel free fleet thanks to the Green Fleet Action Plan: 2030
  • Municipal buildings with completed energy efficiency improvement projects: 43
  • Number of oil heated homes converted to energy efficient heat pumps with City rebates in 2019: Number since program inception in 2017: 455. Gallons of oil saved: 227,500. Carbon pollution reduced: 2,275 MTC02e
  • Number of state legislative climate, environmental and food related bills reviewed by the OSE team: 84
  • Percentage of Seattle’s largest buildings compliant with new Tune-Up law: 89%
  • Technical assistance Tune-Up inquiries handled to help those buildings comply: 724
  • Number of Seattle buildings projected to save 10-15% energy via completed Tune-Up: 304
  • Number of cities replicating Seattle’s tune-up program: 3
  • Workshops the Environmental Justice Committee hosted for City of Seattle staff on Traditional Ecological Knowledge Expo in partnership with the Muckleshoot Tribe: 1
  • Number of Environmental Justice Leaders featured in our Leadership Spotlight Series: 5
  • Winter care kits with socks, hygiene supplies and snacks donated and assembled by OSE staff for Operation Sack Lunch50

  • Number of OSE staff members wishing you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year: 33!