Talented journalist and producer. Passionate community volunteer. Dedicated mother to two children. And now a proud U.S. citizen! Seattle Channel producer Susan Han’s career in local journalism, ignited by the importance of a free press, spans nearly 30 years. Her drive to inform the public, engage citizens and generate public debate has never diminished. But it wasn’t until last month, that Susan took the oath of U.S. citizenship.
Fifty years ago, the Boeing 747 took to the skies and changed commercial flight forever. CityStream shares the story of the "Queen of the Skies" and the pioneering Boeing team known as "The Incredibles" that built the world’s largest airplane at the time. And they did it in just 29 months from conception to rollout.
 The legacy of redlining has cast a long shadow on the way Seattle has developed and is evolving. A panel discussion, 6:30 p.m., Friday, July 12 at the Northwest African American Museum (NAAM), will examine the mid-20th century practice of redlining, which led to racial and ethnic segregation of Seattle’s neighborhoods. What are the racial, economic and cultural impacts on the city’s neighborhoods today? Co-presented by NAAM, Pratt Fine Arts Center, Wing Luke Museum and Seattle Channel.
 Planning to enjoy the 4th of July holiday on the water? With nearly 200 miles of waterfront to patrol, the Seattle Fire Department's fleet of fireboats serve a critical mission. Whether it's a shoreline fire, a boat in distress or a medical emergency on the water, a fireboat gets the call. But maritime response requires specialized training. That's where the Maritime Academy comes in.
 The historic Louisa Hotel's upper floors sat vacant for more than 50 years. Last weekend it was full of new life. A lion dance and blessing were part of a public reopening ceremony for the 1909 building, now home to 84 units of workforce housing in Seattle's Chinatown-International District.