Seattle Environmental Updates - May 2019

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May 2019


Hello Friends and Partners - 

May has been a great month for local climate action, with a number of state bills signed into law by Governor Inslee to reduce pollution and move WA to 100% clean energy, and the signing of Seattle’s EV Readiness Ordinance by Mayor Durkan.
We’re so proud to be part of a state and city that recognizes the importance of acting on climate!

The power of concerned Americans coming together to make change continues to grow and is shining a light on topics--such as racial and gender equity--that were issues long before the presidential election. Momentum for climate action grew significantly last year and shows no sign of dropping off, despite the federal government's attempts to derail it. I'm thrilled to be serving under a Mayor who believes in science and is committed to Seattle's leadership role on climate. 
The power of concerned Americans coming together to make change continues to grow and is shining a light on topics--such as racial and gender equity--that were issues long before the presidential election. Momentum for climate action grew significantly last year and shows no sign of dropping off, despite the federal government's attempts to derail it. I'm thrilled to be serving under a Mayor who believes in science and is committed to Seattle's leadership role on climate. 

- Jessica Finn Coven, Director
Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment