Public Hearing:
1. HB 2734 - Creating pathways to recovery from addiction by eliminating a tax preference for the warehousing of opioids and other drugs.
2. HB 2894 - Concerning the taxation of concrete pumping services.
Possible Executive Session:
1. HB 2384 - Concerning the property tax exemption for nonprofit organizations providing rental housing or mobile home park spaces to qualifying households.
2. HB 2480 - Providing a sales and use tax exemption for diapers and diaper services.
3. HB 2634 - Exempting a sale or transfer of real property for affordable housing to a nonprofit entity, housing authority, or public corporation from the real estate excise tax.
4. HB 2825 - Promoting oil-free hydroelectric turbine technology.
5. HB 2821 - Establishing and funding the health insurance affordability account.
6. HB 1659 - Modifying dates related to the application due date for health sciences and services authorities and their sales and use tax authority.
7. HB 1679 - Authorizing cities planning under the growth management act to impose certain real estate excise taxes by councilmanic action.
8. HB 2032 - Providing a tax deferral for the expansion of certain existing public facilities district convention centers.
9. HB 2880 - Concerning sales and use tax exemptions for aircraft fuel used for research and development purposes.
10. HB 2497 - Adding development of permanently affordable housing to the allowable uses of community revitalization financing, the local infrastructure financing tool, and local revitalization financing.
11. HB 2797 - Concerning the sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing.
12. HB 2746 - Concerning affordable housing incentives.
13. HB 2620 - Expanding the property tax exemption for new and rehabilitated multiple-unit dwellings in urban growth areas.
14. HB 2868 - Allowing for extensions of the special valuation of historic property for certain properties.