Listed below are the legislative committee activities the Partnership will be following during the week. If you plan to attend a committee meeting, be sure to check the latest committee schedule before you leave home. Committee schedules change frequently and are updated at
Opening Day and Swearing-in Ceremonies
Environment & Energy—1:30 PM
House Hearing Rm B, John L. O'Brien Building
Public Hearing:
HB 2246 - Concerning the reorganization of laws related to environmental health without making any substantive, policy changes. (If measure is referred to committee.)
HB 2265 - Eliminating exemptions from restrictions on the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in firefighting foam. (If measure is referred to committee.)
Appropriations—3:30 PM
House Hearing Rm A, John L. O'Brien Building
Work Session:
Presentation of the Governor's proposed 2020 Supplemental Operating Budget by the Office of Financial Management.
Public Hearing:
HB 2325 - Making 2019-2021 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. (If measure is referred to committee.)
SB 6036 - Providing opportunities for drought mitigation using trust water rights. (If measure is referred to committee.)
SB 6071 - Concerning increased deterrence and meaningful enforcement of fish and wildlife violations. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.) (If measure is referred to committee.)
Creating an exemption from shorelines substantial development permit requirements for single-family residential protective marine bulkheads [S-5205.1].
SB 6147 - Concerning the replacement of shoreline armoring. (If measure is referred to committee.)
Transportation - 3:30 PM
Senate Hearing Rm 1, J.A. Cherberg Building
Work Session:
Summary of Governor’s proposed 2020 supplemental transportation budget (OFM).
Public Hearing:
Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium [Z-0772.1].
Ways & Means - 3:30 PM
Senate Hearing Rm 4, J.A. Cherberg Building
Public Hearing:
SB 6168 - Making 2019-2021 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. (If measure is referred to committee.)
K-12 public schools.
Higher education.
Early learning.
Employee compensation.
Mental health.
Other human services.
Natural resources.
All other.
Governor's capital budget.
K-12 public schools.
Higher education.
Human services.
Natural resources.
All other.
SB 6167 - Making expenditures from the budget stabilization account to alleviate the issue of homelessness. (If measure is referred to committee.)
Environment, Energy & Technology - 8:00 AM
Senate Hearing Rm 1, J.A. Cherberg Building
Public Hearing: Bills to be determined.
Local Government - 8:00 AM
House Hearing Rm D, John L. O'Brien Building
Work Session:
Local government permitting processes, challenges, and recommendations.
Report on the stakeholder work group discussions and recommended improvements to the Washington Underground Utilities Damage Prevention Act.
Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources - 8:00 AM
House Hearing Rm B, John L. O'Brien Building
Work Session: The Role of Fish Passage in Salmon Recovery. Public Hearing:
HB 2109 - Concerning membership of the Chehalis board.
HB 2138 - Requiring signage on certain lands that are closed to the public.
HJM 4012 - Recognizing the international year of the salmon.
Appropriations - 3:30 PM
House Hearing Rm A, John L. O'Brien Building
Work Session: Updates on the operating budget related impacts of:
E2SHB 1873 (Vapor product taxation).
ESSB 5993 (Model Toxics Control Program).
E2SHB 1646 (Juvenile rehabilitation confinement).
Transportation - 3:30 PM
Senate Hearing Rm 1, J.A. Cherberg Building
Work Session:
State of Transportation – WSDOT.
WSDOT’s Long-Term Estimates of Bridge Preservation Needs – JLARC.
Environment & Energy - 8:00 AM
House Hearing Rm B, John L. O'Brien Building
Public Hearing:
HB 2248 – Expanding equitable access to the benefits of renewable energy through community solar projects. (If measure is referred to committee.)
Environment, Energy & Technology - 10:00 AM
Senate Hearing Rm 1, J.A. Cherberg Building
Public Hearing:
SB 5412 - Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation fuels. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
Amending state greenhouse gas emission limits for consistency with the most recent assessment of climate change science [Z-0798.1].
Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks - 1:30 PM
Senate Hearing Rm 3, J.A. Cherberg Building
Public Hearing:
SB 6091 - Continuing the work of the Washington food policy forum. (If measure is referred to committee.)
Creating the Washington soil health initiative [S-5092.1].
Capital Budget -1:30 PM
House Hearing Rm B, John L. O'Brien Building
Work Session:
Water System Rehabilitation Consolidation Funding Panel Discussion.
Community Forests Overview.
Community Forests Panel Discussion.
Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources - 10:00 AM