Sept. 27 webinar to address Task Force questions about the Lower Snake River Dams

From the co-chairs of the Governor's Southern Resident Orca Task Force

Please join us on Thursday, September 27, for a panel discussion via webinar to address questions from members of the Governor's Southern Resident Orca Task Force related to the Lower Snake River Dams. 

The following panelists will participate in the Lower Snake River Dams discussion:

  • Ed Bowles, Fish Division Administrator, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • Joe Bumgarner, Lower Snake River Hatchery Compensation Program, US Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Kieran Connolly, Vice President of Generation and Asset Management, Bonneville Power Administration
  • Michele DeHart, Manager, Fish Passage Center (To Be Confirmed)
  • Terri Flores, Executive Director, Northwest River Partners
    Michael Garrity
    , Columbia River/Water Policy Manager, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • Sam Mace, Inland Northwest Director, Save Our Wild Salmon
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, representative  (To Be Decided)
  • Guy Norman, Member, Northwest Power and Conservation Council
  • Dave Ponganis, Director of Programs, Northwestern Division, US Army Corps of Engineers 
  • Jim Waddell, Dam Sense; retired, US Army Corps of Engineers 

Task Force and Working Group members are encouraged to participate and ask questions, but no deliberations will take place, and no actions will be taken. The goal of the webinar is for Task Force and Working Group members to better understand this topic and help members formulate their perspectives about the potential orca recovery actions involving removal of the Lower Snake River Dams.

The public is welcome to listen to the webinar, which will be recorded for later viewing.

Please add the following webinar details to your calendars:

WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 27, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

HOW: When it's time...

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  • Meeting number (access code): 804 950 531
  • Meeting password: SalmonRecovery18


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    *Please remember to mute your phone when dialing in.

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