Participation in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) school meal programs requires program operators to meet certain annual requirements. These include:
Completed forms are not required to be submitted to OSPI; however, keep them on file for Administrative Reviews.
The School Meal Programs have other requirements that must be completed throughout the program year. The School Meal Programs Requirements Reference Sheet and School Meal Program Monthly Requirements Reference Sheet summarize program requirements.
Instructions, forms, and tools are available on the Child Nutrition Services website.
Questions? Contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
Don't miss out—attend the USDA Foods Show!
OSPI is hosting a USDA Foods show for School Meal Program sponsors.
Learn from peers about enhancing your meal programs, making the most of your entitlement, using USDA Foods and LFS foods in your scratch recipes, and taste test USDA Foods available to order.
The food show is free, with two opportunities to attend.
Register for the West Side Location: University Place, WA Date: January 27, 2025 Time: 8:00am–3:00pm PT
Register for the East Side Location: Spokane, WA Date: January 31, 2025 Time: 8:00am–3:00pm PT
Registration closes January 20, 2025. Please limit to two attendees per district.
Local Education Agencies (LEA) with Food Service Management Companies (FSMC) and those with inter-district agreements are required to complete and submit a Financial Information Report (Form 1505) annually.
The financial information gathered in Form 1505 is used to complete the 1800 Report. The 1800 Report is a compilation of reports and statistics for public schools to evaluate the performance of their food service operations.
Form 1505 records the distribution of FSMC expenditures for school fiscal year ending August 31, 2024.
Submit your 1505 report to CNS Fiscal Services, by February 13, 2025.
Questions? Contact CNS Fiscal Services.
The USDA released the following policy guidance to support CACFP operations following the publication of the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (89 FR 31962, April 25, 2024).
SP 07-2025, CACFP 07-2025: Requirement to Accept Medical Statements from Registered Dietitians for Schools and Child and Adult Care Institutions and Facilities
Some questions addressed in the memo include:
- Which professionals may submit medical statements on behalf of participants with disabilities?
- Are RDs who are employed by local program operators or state administering agencies allowed to write medical statements for participants?
- Can program operators accept medical statements from healthcare professionals licensed in a different state than where the school, child and/or adult care institution, or facility serving the participant is located?
- Are RDs providing medical statements required to be licensed?
- Who is a “registered dietitian” or “registered dietitian nutritionist?”
The USDA requests public comments on the following Child Nutrition Program topics.
Request for Information: Child Nutrition Programs Tribal Pilot Projects
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, provided $2 million for pilot projects that will allow Tribes to administer Child Nutrition Programs, assuming the roles and responsibilities typically held by state agencies.
Register for the webinar to learn more about the Request for Information: Child Nutrition Programs Tribal Pilot Projects. Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Time: 12:00–12:45 pm PST
Request for Information: Grain-Based Desserts and High-Protein Yogurt Crediting in Child Nutrition Programs
The request for information aims to obtain input to inform future policymaking, guidance, and technical assistance related to grain-based desserts and high-protein yogurt crediting in Child Nutrition Programs.
Register for the webinar to learn more about the Request for Information: Grain-Based Desserts and High-Protein Yogurt Crediting Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Time: 12:00–12:45 pm PST
For more information on submitting comments, please review the Tips for Submitting Effective Comments.
Program operators offering the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) during SY 24–25 are encouraged to join us for monthly webinars!
OSPI will discuss annual program requirements, new policy guidance, important reminders, and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions. Webinars are scheduled for the first Thursday of every month.
Register for the School Meal Programs Monthly Webinars here!
Dates: Monthly through June 2025
Time: 2–3pm PT
Please note: Register once to receive updates and reminders for each webinar.
- When you register, there is an option at the bottom of the confirmation email to add the webinar to your calendar.
- A reminder email with the login link to the webinar is sent one hour before the session starts.
- A copy of the slides are sent to everyone registered for the session, even if they did not attend.
- Webinars are not recorded.
- Please keep an eye out for the webinar emails. If you do not see them, check your email SPAM box.
Have topic suggestions for a future monthly webinar? Email suggestions to