Child Nutrition Financial Report (CNFR)
Private schools and Residential Childcare Institutions (RCCIs) participating in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs are required to complete and submit a Child Nutrition Financial Report (CNFR) annually. This includes sponsors that participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Special Milk Program (SMP).
The CNFR reports the net resources for state fiscal year ending 2024 (July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024). The report is filed in Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS) and is due December 31, 2024.
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) who do not submit their CNFR in WINS by December 31 will receive a claim error when submitting claims after this date. Claims will remain in error status until the CNFR is in approved status.
Breakfast Meals for Kids Grant
This grant opportunity is available to public school districts, tribal compact schools, and charter schools.
How to Apply
Focus Areas
This grant focuses on starting a new meal program, increasing participation in an existing program, improving program meal quality, and improving the equipment and facilities used in an existing program.
Application and Grant Funding Resources
The application deadline for the Plant Based School Meals Grant is fast approaching! The Washington State Legislature provided $75,000 for this grant to support schools seeking to implement more plant-based meal options. OSPI will award competitive grants up to $10,000 per Local Education Agency (LEA) to be spent during School Year (SY) 2024–25.
Who Can Apply?
All K–12 schools, including public, charter, and tribal compact schools, participating in the NSLP and/or SBP in Washington state are eligible to apply. All LEAs interested in making more plant-based entrees, sides, and/or dairy alternatives available to students are encouraged to apply. Only LEAs that have not previously received funding for the Plant-Based School Meals Grant may apply.
Application and Grant Funding Resources
Program operators offering the NSLP and SBP during school year 2024–25 are encouraged to join us for monthly webinars.
Webinars include annual program requirements, new policy guidance, important reminders, and an opportunity to ask questions.
The next webinar is January 9 and will focus on Verification Summary Reports, On-Site Reviews, and other state updates!
Dates: Monthly through June 2025 Time: 2–3pm PT
Please note: You only have to register once, and you will receive updates and reminders for each webinar.
When you register, there is an option at the bottom of the confirmation email to add the webinar to your calendar.
A reminder email with the login link to the webinar is sent one hour before the session starts.
A copy of the slides are sent to everyone registered for the session, even if they did not attend.
Webinars are not recorded.
Please keep an eye out for the webinar emails. If you do not see them, check your email SPAM box.
OSPI is proposing changes to WAC 392-157-125 to better align with State Auditor’s Office performance audit results, leading research, and national best practices by requiring a minimum seated lunchtime of 20 minutes in K–12 public schools. Research shows the way schools schedule lunch can significantly affect students’ eating habits. Students who have more time to eat lunch consume more nutritious food and waste less food.
Seated lunchtime is the amount of time students have to eat their lunch after going through the lunch line and sitting down to eat, which is different than the total amount of time scheduled for lunch. Any requirements will take effect in school year 2025–26 or later.
A public comment period is open through January 14, 2025. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and community members are encouraged to review the proposed rule and provide comments.
Submit public comments by email to child.nutrition@k12.wa.us or by mail to PO Box 47200, Olympia, WA 98504.
OSPI will host a virtual public hearing to provide a summary of proposed rule changes and an opportunity for comments. Please share the following information with staff, colleagues, and families to support awareness and engagement:
Harvest of the Month
Each month OSPI highlights one local food in season the following month in a Harvest of the Month resource sheet. The resource sheets include fun facts, nutritional information, selection and storage tips, recipe ideas, and educational resources/activities. We are featuring If you don’t have access to Parsnips near you or want to feature another food item, check out our past Harvest of the Month resource pages on the OSPI Farm to School webpage under the "Harvest of the Month" drop down.
Want to plan ahead for future months? Check out the school year 2024–25 Harvest of the Month Calendar.
Local Foods for Schools Videos
Through the USDA Local Food for Schools (LFS) Cooperative Agreement, OSPI purchased 23 unprocessed and minimally processed foods from local producers and made them available at no cost to Washington schools operating the NSLP in school year 2023–24.
OSPI has released two new videos highlighting the impact of the LFS project on Washington farmers, ranchers, schools and students.
How Local Produce is Impacting Washington Students:
Join us as we learn about Rowley & Hawkins Fruit Farm and Pure Country Farms and how their locally sourced products are used in the Selah School District and across Washington State. Featuring Laurie Ozanich from Selah School District, Mark Rowley from Rowley and Hawkins, Paul Klingeman Jr. from Pure Country Farms, and more!
Cooking with Julia:
Follow Julia Richfield as she prepares shepherd's pie for Boistfort's elementary, middle, and high school lunch and talks about how the LFS project impacted her district! The video also features interviews with Maura Vasquez from Silva Family Farm, and Sean So from Jack Mountain Meats.
Grant Opportunities — Still Open!
January orders close Wednesday, December 11, at 4 pm
Surplus orders open Thursday, December 12, at 1 pm for groups 1 and 2; 1:30 pm for group 3; and 2 pm for group 4.
Surplus closes Friday, December 13, at 4 pm.
To place an order, log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order.
- Sponsor Ordering Instructions
- Reminder: Minimum of 20 cases per warehouse (dry vs frozen).
Important Reminders
Confirmation of USDA Foods
If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA foods delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
- Standard USDA food deliveries are wrapped and stacked on pallets no higher than approximately five feet and left at your loading dock for you to remove.
- Carriers will drop pallets at the dock or just inside the threshold of your facility if the entrance can accommodate. Any request for removal of product from the pallet or for the driver to enter the facility requires additional cost and must be arranged in advance.
Winter weather is upon us! We realize that inclement weather or other events may unexpectedly affect your hours of operation, staff availability, and access to buildings.
Important Reminder - USDA Foods Deliveries
Notify your carrier as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change your delivery of USDA Foods. Deliveries combine orders from multiple LEAs, loaded in the order they will be delivered. Early notification to your carrier allows for adjustments so other LEAs may still receive their order.
If your LEA experiences unexpected closures and your delivery cannot be accepted, please contact the Empire Distribution System (IEDS) carrier that delivers your USDA Foods:
Hernandez Transportation – 509-547-8800
Fastway Transportation – 509-534-9351
Holman Transportation – 253-867-0682
Peninsula Transportation – 800-942-9909
Loading docks and delivery areas must be clear of snow and ice to allow for safe deliveries. Please work with your facilities department to ensure your delivery area is ready.
Led by State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI oversees K-12 public education in Washington state. Our mission is to provide funding, resources, tools, data and technical assistance that enable educators to ensure students succeed in our public schools, are prepared to access post-secondary training and education, and are equipped to thrive in their careers and lives.
ADA NOTIFICATION FOR OSPI CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES EVENTS To arrange accommodations for persons with disabilities for OSPI Child Nutrition Services events, please contact the Child Nutrition Services Team at 360-725-6200, TTY 360-664-3631, or by email, child.nutrition@k12.wa.us at least three business days before the event. Please note that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not require OSPI to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider.