Sponsors of USDA Child Nutrition Programs enter into a permanent agreement with OSPI when initially approved to operate. This agreement remains in effect as long as the annual program renewal is approved. OSPI has recently updated the permanent agreement to reflect the following changes:
- Replaced all references to Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) with Assistance Listing Number (ALN).
- Added information about Vended Meals and clarified Sponsor responsibilities in the Food Service Management Company (FSMC) Section.
- Updated the language for clarity and to reflect federal updates to 2 CFR 200 in the Federal Award and Audit Requirements Section.
- Moved the requirement for electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments from the NSLP section to the Claims for Reimbursement section, making it a requirement for all sponsors.
These updates do not change the nature of the agreement, so new agreements between Sponsors and OSPI are not necessary. To review the changes, please visit the Child Nutrition Programs Updated Permanent Agreement Terms and Conditions on our New Sponsor Webpage.
Monthly claims are due by the 15th of each month following the claim period. All claims entered into WINS and in “OK to Pay” status will process for payment at the end of the month.
New Deadline: Starting November 15, 2024, claims data must be entered into WINS by 2 pm PT on the 15th of each month to be processed and paid by the end of that month. WINS will automatically log all users out of the system on the 15th of each month at exactly 2 pm PT.
All Claims that are in "OK to Process" status will process for payment in the same month.
Didn't submit your claim by the 15th? That's okay! Submit your monthly claim by the 60-day deadline.
NEW! Claim Due Dates 2024-25
Best Practice: Submit claims early in case an error comes up and you need assistance.
Claiming Resources
Visit our Claims, Fiscal Information, and Resources webpage for essential tools and guidance. The Claims Reference Sheet provides key details, including updates and late-claim exceptions. The WINS Claim Status Guide offers solutions for common claim errors.
For any fiscal-related questions, including claims or grant payments, reach out to our Child Nutrition Services Fiscal Team via our shared inbox at CNSFiscalServices@k12.wa.us. We're here to help!
OSPI will conduct Administrative Reviews (ARs) and Procurement Reviews (PRs) for sponsors operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or the School Breakfast Program (SBP) in School Year (SY) 2024–25. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations direct AR and PR procedures.
For SY 2024–25, the administrative and procurement review will continue to be conducted separately. Sponsors will receive two email notification letters, one for the administrative review and one for the procurement review.
AR notification letters were sent to sponsors selected for review in May 2024.
PR notification letters will be sent to sponsors selected for review by Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Who will be selected for an Administrative Review?
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that originally received a review in SY 2017–18 or SY 2018–19 but have not received an AR in the current cycle due to the public health emergency, will receive an AR in SY 2024–25.
Who will be selected for a Procurement Review?
If your procurement review was conducted during SY 2019–20 or SY 2021–22 for FSMC sponsors, you are likely to have a PR during SY 2024–25. The PR will be conducted off-site, and the year of review is SY 2023–24.
Material Due Dates
- Preliminary materials for both reviews are due September 30, 2024, and must be received prior to approval of your renewal application.
This webinar will be recorded and made available at a later date on the Team Nutrition website. All who register will receive an email when the recording is available. USDA Professional Standards for School Nutrition Programs, Key Area 1000: Nutrition and Training Topic 1100: Menu Planning.
- Identify strategies to reduce added sugars in school meals that reflect local food preparation practices and taste preferences.
- Summarize best practices for incorporating menu items to reduce added sugars in school meals.
- Discuss how Team Nutrition resources can help improve the nutritional quality of school meals and meet added sugars limits.
For questions regarding this webinar, please reach out to TeamNutrition@USDA.gov.
Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) is offering Recognition Awards to celebrate School Food Authorities (SFAs) that have made significant improvements to the nutritional quality of their school meals. This is part of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s Healthy Meals Incentives initiative.
SFAs meeting Recognition Award criteria will receive national and local recognition, as well as an awardee toolkit that includes digital assets and travel stipends to attend a national Healthy Meals Summit!
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through June 30, 2025.
Eligibility Criteria
Operate the NSLP and/or School Breakfast Program.
Please request the State Agency Letter of Support from your Program Specialist.
Recognition Award Categories
Breakfast Trailblazer Award
Small and/or Rural SFA Breakfast Trailblazer Award
Lunch Trailblazer Award
Small and/or Rural SFA Lunch Trailblazer Award
Innovative School Lunch Makeover Award
Innovation in the Cultural Diversity of School Meals Award
Innovation in the Preparation of School Meals Award
Innovation in Nutrition Education Award
The Crediting in the Child Nutrition Programs Tip Sheet series has been updated to match the new guidance in the Final Rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This series includes seven tip sheets covering the five meal components: fruits, vegetables, meats/meat alternates, fluid milk, and grains (with three separate tip sheets over grains). The updates show the menu-planning options beginning July 1, 2024, and other changes for the upcoming school year in an easy to read format.
View the tip sheets here.
The Spanish series will be available online in September and print copies of both the Spanish and English tip sheets will be available at a later date! We will keep you posted when these are available for use
Harvest of the Month
OSPI is excited to feature a 2024–2025 School year Harvest of the Month Calendar and resource sheets. Each month we will highlight one local food that will be in season the following month. The resource sheets will include fun facts, nutritional information, selection and storage tips, recipe ideas, and educational resources/activities. We are featuring Cauliflower for the month of October. If you don’t have access to cauliflower near you or want to feature another food item, check out our past Harvest of the Month resource pages on the OSPI Farm to School webpage under the Harvest of the Month drop down menu.
Celebrate National Farm to School Month in October!
October is National Farm to School Month! Join OSPI and thousands of schools, early care and education sites, farms, communities and organizations across the country as we celebrate food education, school gardens and lunch trays filled with healthy, local ingredients. Consider planning to celebrate by doing one or more of the following activities:
Bring students out to the school garden for a lesson or activity.
Educate students about your region's agricultural community.
Organize a farm tour or trip to the local farmers’ market or invite a farmer to lunch.
Highlight your farm to school activities in your newsletters and menus.
Invite media & policymakers to visit your school.
Share and promote your activities on social media using the hashtags #F2SMonth, #farmtoschool, #WAfarmtoschool, and #TasteWADay.
The National Farm to School Network has created free resources for planning and promoting Farm to School month celebrations in your community. WSDA’s Farm to School Toolkit has resources that may help you meet your farm to school month goals. If your district needs support, OSPI Farm to Child Nutrition team can help support your district’s Farm to School month programing. Contact farmtocnp@k12.wa.us to request support.
Need help sourcing local Washington grown ingredients? Search for farms near you using the Washington Food and Farm Finder. WSDA Farm to School can help you connect with a Washington producer. Contact Annette Slonim at aslonim@agr.wa.gov or (206) 714-2757 for support.
ESD 101 and WSDA Culinary Training and Networking Events
Join ESD 101 and Chef Mataio for a culinary training focused on processing and cooking with local produce followed by a producer/ buyer networking event to help you make connections with regional vendors.
Walla Walla – September 19, 2024 | 9 am–3 pm
Prosser – October 9, 2024 | 9 am–3 pm
Grant Opportunities
Apply Now to Become a 2025 Healthy School Food Pathway Fellow — Due Sept. 12, 2024
The Chef Ann Foundation is now accepting applications for our 2025 Healthy School Food Pathway Fellowship! The Fellowship helps experienced school food professionals across the country realize their visions for school food change — both locally in their home districts and at a national scale. Register for an informational webinar on August 21 for a brief overview of the Fellowship program and to hear directly from current Fellows and graduates about their journey to becoming scratch cook school food leaders.
October orders will close Wednesday, September 11, at 4 pm.
Surplus orders will open Thursday, September 12, at 1 pm for groups 1 and 2; 1:30pm for group 3; and 2 pm for group 4.
Surplus closes Friday, September 13, at 4 pm.
There are new group numbers this year. Please verify your Group Numbers Reference Sheet to see when you have access to Surplus.
- To place an order: log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order.
- Sponsor Ordering Instructions
- Reminder: Minimum of 20 cases per warehouse (dry vs frozen).
The Ordering and Receiving webpage has multiple resources to assist you in placing your order including instructions and the order and distribution schedule.
Important Reminders
Confirmation of USDA Foods If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA Foods Delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
- Deliveries
- To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
- Standard USDA food deliveries are wrapped and stacked on pallets no higher than approximately five feet and left at your loading dock for you to remove.
- Carriers will drop pallets at the dock or just inside the threshold of your facility if the entrance can accommodate. Any request for removal of product from the pallet or asking the driver to enter the facility will require additional cost and must be arranged in advance.
- If there are delivery discrepancies or damages, you may return those cases with the driver.
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution team inbox or call 360-725-6204.