Local Education Agencies (LEAs) operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) will be required to upload student eligibility data to the Summer EBT Portal prior to the end of the school year.
Summer EBT Uploads
Student eligibility data must be uploaded to the Summer EBT portal prior to leaving for the summer. Important details:
Your school or district should have designated a Summer EBT contact person.
The Summer EBT Support Team sent user access emails with credentials, links, and instructions on Monday, May 6. If your contact did not receive this information, please reach out to the Summer EBT Support Team.
Student Eligibility data should be pulled prior to any end of year changes made based on transfers or graduations at the end of SY 2023–24.
Example: Students who graduate at the end of SY 2023–24 should still be included in your upload.
Please direct families to the SUN Bucks website or to the call center at 1-833-543-3230.
For more information on eligibility and requirements for Summer EBT:
Applications to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for SY 2024–25 must be submitted in WINS by June 30, 2024.
CEP allows schools with a high number of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals to serve free breakfast and lunch to all students without collecting school meal applications. CEP is available to public, private, and tribal schools.
To participate in CEP, schools or groups of schools must have an Identified Student Percentage (ISP) of at least 25% based off April 1 data. The ISP is calculated by dividing the number of identified students (students directly certified for free meals) by the number of enrolled students. The SY 2024–25 CEP Eligibility Report estimates the districtwide ISP and school level data using information from the Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS) as of April 1, 2024.
To receive approval, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) must calculate their actual ISP and submit source documentation representative of April 1, 2024. ISPs must be validated by CNS prior to approval to operate CEP. Tools to apply for CEP are posted to the CEP & Provision II Webpage.
CEP State Requirements
State Funding will Supplement Federal Funds in Schools with ISP of 40% or Greater
The state legislature provides state funds to CEP schools with an ISP of 40% or greater. When a school’s Free Claiming Percentage (the ISP multiplied by 1.6 (federal multiplier)) is less than 100%, state funding will supplement federal reimbursement so that all meals served are reimbursed at the federal free rate. Please note that state funds will only be provided to CEP school(s) with an overall ISP of 40% or greater.
All public school districts and private schools must conduct outreach for summer meals each school year as required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) even if your LEA is not operating a summer meal program. |
LEAs must advertise the availability of summer meals before the end of the school year. Outreach information includes distribution locations, meal times, and contact information through your regular communication channels.
There are a number of resources in both English and Spanish to raise awareness in your community.
USDA Resources
Families can call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479)
For Spanish, families can call 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273)
Summer Meals Locator- Promote this tool in English or Spanish.
- USDA National Hunger Hotline- can be reached Monday–Friday
No Kid Hungry Resources
OSPI Communication Toolkit
- The OSPI Communication Toolkit is located on the SFSP Requirements & Materials webpage, under the ‘Promotional Materials’ dropdown. There you'll find:
Social Media Graphics and Sample Social Media Posts
Marketing Materials such as flyers, banner imagery you can use to print materials, and more!
OSPI will conduct Administrative Reviews (ARs) and Procurement Reviews (PRs) for sponsors operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or the School Breakfast Program (SBP) in School Year (SY) 2024–25. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations direct AR and PR procedures.
For SY 2024–25, the administrative and procurement review will continue to be conducted separately. Sponsors will receive two email notification letters, one for the administrative review and one for the procurement review.
AR notification letters were sent to sponsors selected for review in May 2024.
PR notification letters will be sent to sponsors selected for review by Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Who will be selected for an Administrative Review?
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that originally received a review in SY 2017–18 or SY 2018–19 but have not received an AR in the current cycle due to the public health emergency, will receive an AR in SY 2024–25.
Who will be selected for a Procurement Review?
If your procurement review was conducted during SY 2019–20 or SY 2021–22 for FSMC sponsors, you are likely to have a PR during SY 2024–25. The PR will be conducted off-site, and the year of review is SY 2023–24.
Material Due Dates
Preliminary materials for both reviews are due September 30, 2024, and must be received prior to approval of your renewal application.
Submit AR materials to the School Meals inbox.
Submit PR materials to the Procurement Team inbox.
Join us for a webinar!
The Preparing for Your Reviews webinar will review both the AR and PR process, what documents will be requested, and how to prepare for a successful review.
Questions about Procurement Reviews? Please email Barbara Krogstad, Procurement Specialist.
USDA Farm to School Team will host a webinar for Farm to School partners, including Child Nutrition Program (CNP) operators, on the expanded geographic preference option in the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The final rule includes a small yet significant expansion of the geographic preference provision. Beginning July 1, 2024, the provision will permit CNP operators to use local as a specification when procuring unprocessed agricultural products. The USDA Farm to School Team will provide an overview to help farm to school partners share and learn about the expanded geographic preference option.
Join USDA Farm to School Team for a webinar!
SP 23-2024: Buy American Provisions Related to the Final Rule Titled, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
SP 23-2024 provides more detailed guidance on recent regulatory changes to the Buy American provisions. The Buy American Exceptions Tracking Standard Form is an optional template that school food authorities can use to organize files and document the use of exceptions to purchase non-domestic foods under the Buy American provision.
Optional Buy American Exceptions Tracking Standard Form:
School Meal Programs Annual Training will be held August 1 at North Central High School in Spokane, WA and August 13 at Highline High School in Burien, WA.
Who Should Attend Annual Training?
This training is meant to enhance your knowledge about the School Meal Programs and allow time for you to connect to other School Meal Program operators around the state. Training is free to attend; however, participants must pay for meals, parking, and any overnight stays.
Registration Information
While there is an option to register more than one attendee with one account, you will not be able to register each person for different sessions. Due to this issue, we recommend each participant to register with their own account.
Please limit attendance to 3 people per organization to ensure all who are interested in attending may have the opportunity.
Registrants will receive a confirmation email with their selected sessions. Keep this email for your records!
Register for the SY 2024–25 School Meal Programs Annual Training by July 22!
Best Practice: Review the Annual Training Schedule to review session descriptions and class times before registering! Participants may receive up to 8 Professional Standards Credits.
Available Workshops
OSPI is hosting annual training as multiple workshops to provide an opportunity to explore School Meal Program operations and hot topics in depth.
Basics of Operating the School Meal Programs | 8hr
This is a full-day session. Participants that register for this session must register for both Part 1 and 2 on the same day.
- Did you start working with the School Meal Programs in the last five years? This session is aimed at new Food Service Directors and Managers. We will focus on the basics of operating a successful school meal program, including meal pattern, menu planning, using your USDA Foods, and implementing an accurate point-of-service meal counting system.
Food Allergies in School Nutrition | 4hr
Food Allergies in School Nutrition is an in-depth training on managing food allergies in school nutrition programs hosted by the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN). This updated training contains information about the new 9th major allergen, sesame, and incorporates guidelines and regulations from the 2021 Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research Act and the FDA 2022 Food Code. School nutrition professionals who take this course will learn about food allergies, food intolerance, reading food labels, avoiding cross contact, accommodating students with food allergies, laws regarding food allergies, and educating the school community about food allergies.
Menus of Flavor: East and Southeast Asian Fusion | 4hr
- Menus of Flavor is a four-hour, instructor-led, hands-on training provided by the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) that focuses on global regions’ healthful and flavorful foods. This session will focus on the region of East & Southeast Asia. During each training, participants will recognize the benefits of scratch cooking, using the ingredients and flavors commonly found in the regional cuisine of focus. Participants will identify basic culinary skills and apply the skills during the hands-on culinary lab, preparing meals using regional recipes, further reinforcing the learning. After the training, participants will be able to recognize the benefits of scratch cooking, use global ingredients, and apply various culinary skills and competencies to their daily work.
Menus of Flavor: Latin American | 4hr
- Menus of Flavor is a four-hour, instructor-led, hands-on training provided by the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) that focuses on global regions’ healthful and flavorful foods. This session will focus on the Latin American region. During each training, participants will recognize the benefits of scratch cooking, using the ingredients and flavors commonly found in the regional cuisine of focus. Participants will identify basic culinary skills and apply the skills during the hands-on culinary lab, preparing meals using regional recipes, further reinforcing the learning. After the training, participants will be able to recognize the benefits of scratch cooking, use global ingredients, and apply various culinary skills and competencies to their daily work.
Planning Reimbursable School Meals for Menu Planners | 4hr
- Unlock the secrets to crafting a menu full of reimbursable school meals! Planning Reimbursable School Meals for Menu Planners is hosted by the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) and provides general concepts to help directors, menu planners, and school nutrition staff understand the general requirements for a reimbursable lunch and breakfast meal under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and National School Breakfast Program (SBP). This four-hour face-to-face training teaches operators how to plan reimbursable meals following the USDA meal patterns for breakfast and lunch.
Child and Adult Care Food Program Oversight* | 4hr
Do you operate the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) At-Risk Afterschool Care Program? Or, are you interested to learn more about this Program but you are not currently a Sponsor?
If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, this training is for you! The goal of this training is to cover CACFP At-Risk requirements, best practices and provide Program resources. All participants will receive an At-Risk Afterschool Care Program manual created by OSPI to set your Program up for success in SY 2024–25!
Topics covered in this training will include:
- At Risk eligibility
- Education and enrichment activities
- Staff training
- CACFP Meal pattern
- Offer vs serve
- Vended meals contracts
- Meal counts
- Site Monitoring and Oversight
*This training is required and will meet your CACFP annual training requirements if you operate CACFP At-Risk only.
A recording of this training will be posted in Canvas and available to view later if you are unable to attend in person. If you operate CACFP Early Childhood Education (ECE), additional training will be required.
Recorded Trainings
Workshops will not be recorded and are only available in-person at Annual Training. Recorded trainings on program requirements, such as meal pattern, processing applications, and verification, are available on the School Meal Programs Canvas Course. Please note: You must have a Canvas Account to access these trainings.
Important Update: OSPI will be restructuring the School Meal Programs Canvas course into training tracks based off the meal service option that your LEA implements (CEP, HB 1238, or Standard Counting & Claiming)! The goal of the training tracks is to help LEAs identify the applicable trainings for their staff based off how they are operating the School Meal Programs. These training tracks will be available starting on August 1, 2024.
 Registration is now open for two new learning opportunities offered through the FY23 Team Nutrition grant.
Join Child Nutrition Program peers from across Washington for action-focused training and collaboration offered through the FY23 Team Nutrition grant. Two pathways are available, Nutrition Education and Culturally Inclusive Meals & Menus.
We are excited to highlight the Nutrition Education pathway in this update:
Power Up Your Program with Nutrition Education! Strategies to engage students, spark connections, and boost program success.
- Nutrition education is a powerful tool to promote your program, help students try new foods, and build strong community connections. Explore food and nutrition education opportunities to increase participation and support program goals, including Farm to School, culturally inclusive meals, scratch cooking, reducing food waste, among others. The cafeteria is a classroom, fueling learning and bringing food to life for students.
Each pathway will include online training, peer-to-peer connections, and one-on-one support from the grant team to create successful on-the-ground local actions. We’ll start by identifying opportunities and teaming up with partners. From that, you will choose which actions to take and learn how to sustain and build on your efforts. Along the way, there will be opportunities for local, statewide, and national recognition of your efforts. This is a year-long journey with bite-sized action steps and support, all designed with your goals, needs, and schedules in mind.
Ready to join us? Complete the registration form to enroll.
Questions? Email Shannon Delaney, Project Coordinator, or Erica Lamson, Project Director.
The Washington School Nutrition Association (WSNA) is a statewide nonprofit association of child nutrition food service professionals with the goal of providing nutritious meals for children while placing a strong emphasis on continuing education for professionals. |
Join OSPI Child Nutrition Services at WSNA's Annual Summer Conference!
We will be presenting sessions on the USDA Meal Pattern Final Rule, Smart Snacks, Team Nutrition Training Grants, and more! But that's not the only reason to attend—You can kick off the year by having fun with your fellow School Meal Program officials, all while receiving Professional Standards Credits!
Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Spokane City Center & Convention Center Dates: Monday, July 29–Wednesday, July 31 Cost: Early Bird Rates available until June 30! Manager/ Employee—$175 | Directors/ Supervisors/ Chef—$225 | Non-Members—$450
Pre-Conference Activities on Sunday, July 28
Registration deadline: June 30
Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM)
Harvest of the Summer
To support sponsors in integrating local foods into your Summer meals, OSPI is excited to feature Harvest of the Summer resource sheets. Each week for the month of July and August we will highlight one local food that will be in season. The resource sheets include fun facts, nutritional information, selection and storage tips, recipe ideas, and educational resources/activities.
For July, we are featuring Spinach, Rhubarb, Raspberries and Cucumbers. You can find this, and future Harvest of the Summer resource sheets on our Farm to Summer webpage.
End of Year Tasks
- All USDA Foods must be delivered before June 30, including DoD orders
- Submit your Diversion Carryover requests June 1–13
- Report discrepancies before June 25
- Value of Commodities Shipped Report will be available in CNPweb after June 30
School Year 2024–25
CNPweb Down for Maintenance
CNPweb will be unavailable from June 14-16 for scheduled maintenance. Please plan accordingly. OSPI staff will not have access to CNPweb during this time.