In summer 2024, Washington State will launch Summer EBT, “SUN Bucks”, a new grocery benefit program that provides families $120 for each eligible school-aged child to buy groceries when school is out. The new, permanent program is in addition to free meals that kids of all ages can get at summer meal sites in their communities.
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) will be required to upload student eligibility data to the Summer EBT Portal in May 2024.
Benefits of Summer EBT:
- Helps parents and caregivers buy healthy foods for their children.
- Gives families the flexibility to select foods that fit their culture and lifestyle.
- Improves food security and diet quality for participating children.
- Children who live in a household that already receives assistance program benefits (SNAP, TANF, FDPIR), OR
- Child attends a school that operates the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program (NSLP/SBP), AND
- Is directly certified for free and reduced-price school meals, or
- Submits a qualifying free and reduced-price meal application, or
- Submits a qualifying Family Income Survey (FIS), or
- Submits a Summer EBT application
Join Us for a Webinar
May’s School Meals Monthly webinar will focus primarily on Summer EBT.
Register for the School Meal Programs Monthly Webinars Here! Date: Thursday, May 2, 2023 Time: 2–3 pm PT
Please note: You only have to register once and you will receive updates and reminders for each webinar. Follow up emails with a copy of the slides are sent to everyone registered for the session, even if they did not attend. We do not post recordings to the CNS webpages.
Questions? Visit Summer EBT Food Program for Children SUN Bucks in Washington | DSHS or Summer EBT | Food and Nutrition Service (
OSPI is excited to share that the Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit Application will be launching for school year 2024–25. With the implementation of the new Summer EBT program, USDA updated their guidance on applications in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) and Provision 2 schools. The Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit application merges the Free & Reduced-Price Meal Application and Family Income Survey and will be required to be distributed by ALL schools, including CEP and Provision 2, next school year.
The Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit application may qualify households for:
- Meal benefits,
- Summer EBT benefits (if enrolled in a NSLP/SBP school),
- Reduced fees for other programs and activities, and/or
- Help secure funding for the school district.
The application, Letters to Households, Notice of Eligibility, promotional materials, and other resources will be released in the coming weeks.
Additional guidance on the application and it’s requirements will be provided in the Monthly Webinar on May 2 from 2–3pm PT.
We are very excited for this change as it will provide more accurate poverty data reporting for the State, be less burdensome and confusing for families and schools, and help ensure equitable access to all benefits households may qualify for.
If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Program Specialist.
The federal government used Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number (CFDA) as a resource to help find government programs available to corporations, government agencies, and citizens. Child Nutrition Programs are assigned a CFDA Number. CFDA numbers are used routinely in reporting federal grants and grant expenditures for example, the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA).
Recently, CFDA numbers transitioned to Assistance Listing Number (ALN). Only the name changed.
Federal Child Nutrition Program
School Breakfast Program
CFDA 10.553
ALN 10.533
National School Lunch Program
CFDA 10.555
ALN 10.555
Special Milk Program
CFDA 10.556
ALN 10.556
Child and Adult Care Food Program
CFDA 10.558
ALN 10.558
Summer Food Service Program
CFDA 10.559
ALN 10.559
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
CFDA 10.582
ALN 10.582
USDA Food Distribution Program
CFDA 10.555
ALN 10.555
CNS Revenue Codes and CFDA Numbers Reference Sheet (
For a complete listing of ALN numbers, visit
OSPI will update division resources that reference the CFDA number in the coming weeks.
Questions? Contact 360-725-6200
The Department of Ecology has new and upcoming requirements designed to reduce litter and PFAS pollution from disposable food packaging and service ware. There are five different requirements that organizations serving food (including schools) should know about:
- Use PFAS-free food packaging.
- Avoid expanded polystyrene (EPS).
- Look for compostable product labeling.
- Avoid single-use plastic carryout bags.
- Ask customers before giving out single-use service ware.
Learn more about the requirements on their blog.
View the printable Quick Guide for Food Service Organizations and Businesses that summarizes the requirements for disposable food packaging. Also available in multiple languages:
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Application for School Year 2024–25 is open in WINS!
The FFVP provides a fresh fruit or vegetable snack to elementary school students and is an effective and creative way to introduce fresh produce as a healthy snack option. Funds are awarded to the highest free and reduced-price (FRP) percentage elementary schools. We invite all schools that meet the eligibility requirements to apply for this program.
There are two requirements for eligibility:
- 50% or more of the students enrolled in the school must be eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
- The school must meet the definition of an elementary school.
The application deadline for participation for school year 2024–25 is April 30, 2024.
Please review the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Application School Year 2024–25 bulletin for more details on the application process.
Application Process
Your application will be submitted using the Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS).
Questions? Please email Rachel Floyd or call 360-742-4155
Appeal procedures give USDA Child Nutrition Programs sponsors an avenue to appeal when the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition Services takes adverse administrative action as required by federal regulations.
These procedures are specific in what actions are appealable and what programs they apply to. Appeal procedures are included in Final Letters summarizing review findings; however, you may review the procedure at any time on our webpages.
Questions? Please contact your Program Specialist.

School Lunch Hero Day provides you with the perfect opportunity to recognize the hardworking professionals in your school cafeterias.
Between preparing healthy meals for America’s students, adhering to strict nutrition standards, navigating student food allergies, and offering service with a smile, school nutrition professionals are true heroes.
Celebrate #SLHD24 on Friday, May 3!
Want to learn more about the inspiration behind School Lunch Hero Day? Watch the video!
You’ll find lots of #SLHD24 recognition ideas on SNA's website, including thank you cards. Plan to spread the word and get the rest of your school, district and community with the help of the customizable press release and proclamation.
Share Your Celebrations with Us!
We know school nutrition professionals make a difference for every child who comes through the cafeteria. Tag your social media posts with #SLHD24 and email the School Meals Team with your celebrations!
 Just Peachy!
Dieringer School District recently served a scratch-made peach crisp with Local Food for Schools (LFS) peaches on breakfast-for-lunch day. It was a hit! They have also been serving delicious local foods including, apples, carrots, yogurt, and tortillas.
 So Fresh!
West Valley School District - Yakima has incorporated multiple LFS foods into their menus, including Coho salmon served with edamame, cucumbers, and sriracha mayo, and beef stroganoff and noodles made with a recipe submitted by students in their Culturally Inclusive Recipe Contest in Fall 2023.
Share Your Success!
We want to see the great things that your LEA is doing to promote scratch cooking, local foods, and culturally inclusive menu planning! Share your stories and pictures with us by emailing
Grant Opportunities
- Oregon and Washington Farm to School K–12 Institute - Application reopened through April 22!
Applications for the Oregon and Washington 2024-25 Farm to School K–12 Institute have temporarily been reopened until Monday, April 22, 2024. You can still find information including FAQs on the Institute Webpage. We encourage you to read our Institute Overview and Application Instructions before submitting your application. Please reach out to with any additional questions.
2. EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program - Rolling Applications.
EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights is awarding approximately $2 billion in Community Change Grants to fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation. Funds for this grant program were made available by the Inflation Reduction Act. Eligible entities include partnerships between two community-based organizations (CBOs) or a partnership between a CBO and a local government, federally recognized Tribe, or institute of higher education.
3. Newman's Own Foundation - Food Justice for Kids Prize: Nutrition Education and School Food: Application closes June 11, 2024
Through the Food Justice for Kids Prize, Newman’s Own Foundation invites applications from eligible organizations with innovative projects that support community-based direct service, ecosystem and community power building, and/or sustainable practices that drive enhanced nutrition education and nutritious school food. As many as 5 applicants in the Nutrition Education and School Food priority program area will receive up to $50,000 each in 2024, with the opportunity for an additional grant of up to $50,000 each in 2025.
Register for the Q&A Webinar Date: May 6, 2024 Time: 1:00 pm
4. USDA Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) Grants - Deadline May 14, 2024
The Local Food Promotion Program grants support local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to consumer marketing to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products. In FY 2024, LFPP offers four project types: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation, 3) Turnkey Marketing and Promotion, and 4) Turnkey Recruitment and Training. Planning project types fund the planning stages of developing, coordinating, or expanding a food business; this includes business plans, feasibility studies, trainings, and pilot programs.
View the Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) Applicant Webinar
5. The Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) Program supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems.
RFSP funds two project types: 1) Planning & Design - these support partnerships in the early stages of convening, envisioning, and planning. 2) Implementation and Expansion - these support building on prior or ongoing efforts within local and regional food systems.
April 29
February 60-Day Claim Deadline—if you haven't already, submit your claim
April 30
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Application Closes
May 2
School Meals Monthly Webinar | 2–3 pm
May 3
School Lunch Hero Day