Ever wonder what emails you need to keep and for how long, and what you can get rid of right now? Or if you need to keep every email in a chain or just the top email? Answers to these questions and more can be found in the updated Email Retention Basics guide. Please take time to review the guide and let the Records and Information Management Program know what email topics you’d like to hear more about!
As the primary agency charged with overseeing public K–12 education in Washington state, OSPI collects, creates, and maintains large amounts of data and information to provide educational services and to comply with state and federal requirements. OSPI also uses these data in statewide decision-making such as apportionment, grantmaking, policy development, reporting to the Legislature, education research, and more. Data dive materials were designed so that OSPI staff have a foundational understanding of the data sets we collect and roll up at a state level, including student, educator, and finance data. These and other resources are on the Data Management Sharepoint page.
Lunch & Learn: Social Emotional Learning
Tuesday, March 5, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Join the Social Emotional Learning team for SEL community building activities in celebration of International SEL Week (March 4-8, 2024). 11:30 am - 12 pm: SEL Activities with Ken Turner 12-12:30 pm: Brown Bag Lunch Social Brouillet Conference Room on the 4th floor Email emme.williamson@k12.wa.us with questions.
Academic Learning is Social and Emotional Webinar: Resources to Support WA Educators in Integrating Equity-Centered Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning
Wednesday, March 6, 12-1 pm via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83932477348
Open to OSPI staff, teachers, administrators, and community members. This webinar will provide an overview and exploration of resources to support the integration of social and emotional learning (SEL) and academic instruction, creating supportive learning environments focused on equity. A special focus will be on equity tools. Clock hours are available: www.pdenroller.org/ospi/catalog/166952 Email emme.williamson@k12.wa.us with questions.
Our State Fiscal Year (FY24) ends Sunday, June 30, 2024, which means all goods and services using State FY 2024 funds must be received by our agency on or before June 30.
To assist with planning between now and June, the following cutoff dates have been established:
Correctional Industries (CI)
- Standard gross product orders exceeding $100,000 and all custom products have a 90 workday minimum lead time. Orders must be submitted to CI no later than February 27, 2024.
- Standard gross product order under $100,000 have a 60 workday minimum lead time. Orders must be submitted to CI no later than March 29, 2024.
- Products offered through Fast Fulfillment on the CI website have a 7 workday minimum lead time. Orders are based on available stock inventory and must be submitted no later than June 1, 2024. Fast Fulfillment items are available on a first come basis and orders are processed in the order they are received. If two separate orders for the same product are being submitted at the same time, the order that is received first will be processed first and may impact the quantity truly available to the order received moments later.
IT Equipment
DELL: May 5, 2024
Synchronous Technologies: May 1, 2024
Zones: Software: June 13, 2024
- Equipment Requiring and IT Exception Request:
Due to IT Services, no later than April 29, 2024. The approved Exception Request and accompanying PR must be submitted to the Procurement Office no later than May 13, 2024.
- All Other IT equipment, Software or Services:
Deadlines vary by vendor, so please submit Purchase Requests to the Procurement Office no later than May 16, 2024.
Office Supplies
Office Depot: June 15, 2024
Amazon: June 15, 2024
All Other Vendors: May 31, 2024
Technology Support Center (TSC) will be unavailable for in-person appointments on March 12, 2024, due to supporting the All-Staff Meeting. We kindly ask that you book an appointment for an alternate date if you need in-person assistance with your technology or if you need to pick up any IT equipment. TSC will not be able to accept appointments for March 12.
Not sure how to book an appointment with TSC? No problem, click here to learn how to schedule an appointment. You may also reach out to us by submitting a TSC ticket or by calling and leaving a detailed voice message at 360-725-6375.
In addition to being a financial services regulator, the Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) provides financial education outreach throughout the state on a wide variety of topics. We hope you will join us at this upcoming webinar.
Money! Money! Money! You work hard to make it, sometimes it’s hard to save it, and we all want to make sure we have enough of it to live a long life in retirement. These sessions will aim to share information and resources you can use to help you save for your future and learn to spot and avoid financial fraud.
Thursday, March 7, 12-1 pm on Teams Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 224 564 695 761 Passcode: h3HcNs Credit - It’s not all bad, honestly. Learn how to make credit work FOR you!
7 in 10 of Us Will Need Long-Term Care. Are You Prepared? Most of us will need long-term care but don't have a way to pay for it. WA Cares Fund is a first-in-the-nation program that ensures working Washingtonians can access affordable long-term care coverage. WA Cares covers services and supports to help you stay at home, like training and paying a family caregiver, professional in-home care, home safety modifications, home-delivered meals, transportation and more. WA Cares benefits can also be used to pay for care in a residential setting like a nursing home. Employers are required begin deducting WA Cares Fund premiums on July 1, 2023.
How the fund works: Contributions WA Cares Fund is a benefit you earn, like Social Security, to ensure all Washingtonians can access affordable long-term care. Washington workers will contribute 0.58% of each paycheck to WA Cares, or about $24/month for the typical worker. Eligibility Each year you work at least 500 hours, you earn a qualifying year. Benefits become available in July 2026 if you need long-term care and have contributed:
• 3 of the last 6 years at the time you apply, or • l0 years (without a break of 5+ years) at any point in your career
Near-retirees born before 1968 can earn lifetime access to a partial benefit ( l 0% of the full amount for each year they contribute). People who live out of state, military spouses, workers on nonimmigrant visas, and veterans with 70%+ disability can choose to opt out.
Benefits: Starting in July 2026, each person who is eligible to receive the benefit can access care costing up to $36,500 (adjusted annually for inflation) over their lifetime. WA Cares Fund was designed to help people age in place in their own home. A few hours of help each day with basic tasks like bathing, meal preparation and transportation can keep you living independently. The benefit includes many options to provide support and flexibility for family caregivers. Families can use the benefit to train and pay a family caregiver or hire someone to help with care so the family caregiver can take a break. With WA Cares, you choose the services that meet your needs.
OSPI is not vested with the authority to oversee or assist local governments (including school districts and ESDs) with their compliance efforts with the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) or Preservation and Destruction of Public Records (RCW 40.14). Any advice or information provided from OSPI staff on these topics can be seen as legal advice and should be avoided. If someone outside of OSPI is asking you for information on how long to keep a record, how to organize/find their records, or needs records for a public records request, please refer them to back their own Agency Records Officer, Public Records Officer, legal counsel, and/or their assigned Archivist with Washington State Archives. You can also forward their email to the Public Records Office and we will respond on behalf of the agency.
If someone is having issues obtaining records under a public records request submitted to a district or other entity, you can direct them to the Attorney General’s Office Open Government Ombuds (AGOOmbuds@atg.wa.gov or (360) 570-3418). If someone is having issues inspecting other agency records under FERPA requirements, you can direct them to the Department of Education.
If you have any questions, please contact the Public Records Office.
OSPI is committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and belonging workplace where every voice is heard and valued. To ensure that we continue to grow and evolve in our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) work and through STRIDE, we invite you to participate in our annual DEIB Professional Development Survey.
Your insights are valued in shaping our DEIB learning and development. This survey aims to gather your thoughts on exploring opportunities for further training and development. Your participation is anonymous, and the survey will only take a few minutes. If you have any questions, please contact HROffice@k12.wa.us.
Click on the link below: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7456415/2024-STRIDE-PD-Opportunities
Based on feedback from The Wellness Committee OSPI survey in August 2023, The Wellness Committee is supporting intentional space for book studies regarding wellness topics.
Our first book study will focus on Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey. Virtual Book Study sessions will take place in April, May, and June. Our fourth and final session will take place in-person in June for those who would like to recap and hold space together in person.
If you have interest and know you can prioritize at least half of the book study sessions, please email the Wellness Committee to reserve your spot. There are 20 spots that include the book, free of charge. Meetings will be shared with those who email to reserve their spot on the Spring book study.
To reserve your spot or ask any questions please reach out to wellness.committee@k12.wa.us.
Virtual Book Study Sessions April 29, 9am-10am May 30, 9am-10am June 20, 1pm-2pm
In Person Debrief June 21, 12pm-1pm
Check out what OSPI's Comms team has been working on this week!
Student Stories: Senior Season
As Megan Jewell works her way through her final year of high school, she reflects on the various “seasons” that the year is divided into: application season, decision season, graduation season. “I’ve realized the importance of cherishing life’s little things this year,” writes the Burlington-Edison School District student in her latest contribution to OSPI’s Student Stories program.
The Human Resources team is excited to announce the launch of its brand-new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) intranet page. The space is designed to enhance DEIB communication and simplify access to essential DEIB-related resources as a one-stop hub. We invite you to explore the page and join us on a journey of enhanced productivity and engagement – welcome to our new DEIB Intranet Hub. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (sharepoint.com)
Do you want to learn more about MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports)? Join RJ Monton, OSPI's Director of MTSS, (and guests!) for office hours dedicated to questions, insights, and collaborative conversations on all things MTSS.
When: 9:30-10:30 am on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.
Where: Zoom, link here.
In 2024, SmartHealth is better than ever. Together with WebMD, we're committed to prioritizing your well-being and helping you thrive.
Whether the aim is to maintain your current health, boost fitness, manage stress or explore ways to enhance your overall well-being, SmartHealth is here to help. Your journey to a healthier state is personal and unique, and we're dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.
Get your personalized health report in just 10 to 15 minutes!
The SmartHealth well-being assessment is your gateway to understanding your current health
status, guiding you toward next steps and tailoring your homepage with empowering
insights for a healthier and happier life.
When you complete the well-being assessment, you earn 800 points, getting you a step closer to qualifying for a $125 wellness incentive in 2025.
Have questions about SmartHealth? Contact WebMD online or call WebMD Customer Support at 1-800-947-9541, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. You can also visit Accessing SmartHealth for step-by-step log on instructions.
Newsletter Submissions
Do you have any news, events, announcements, or facts to share in the employee newsletter? Email the Comm Team!
Pet of the Week
Do you have a pet who deserves the spotlight on the internal TVs? Contact the Comm Team with a picture of your animal, along with fun facts, good stories, or other details!
Agency Intranet Calendar
Share what's happening in your department, division, or office! Everyone is able to add items to the agency calendar. See here for more information.
SEL Smartsheet
Please share your SEL-related work with us! SEL-related Initiative Submission Form. Request access to see what your colleagues are working on: SEL WORK-OSPI WIDE - Smartsheet.com. If you have questions, reach out to Debra Parker.