Verification is the process of confirming free and reduced-price meal eligibility based on an application. The verification process begins each year on October 1 and concludes November 15. Results of the verification process are reported in the Verification Summary Report (VSR). The VSR must be submitted to OSPI by February 1 annually.
Important Details
- All sponsors are required to submit the VSR in WINS.
- Local Education Agencies (LEAs) operating CEP or Provision 2 district-wide and RCCIs with no day students are not required to conduct verification. However, the VSR must still be submitted in WINS to certify enrollment information and attest that verification was not required. Please reference the VSR – CEP/Provision 2 District-Wide and RCCIs Reference Sheet.
- The VSR must be completed and submitted in WINS by February 1, 2024.
- Sponsors will not be able to submit their January claim until their VSR is error free and submitted in WINS.
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
Participation in U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) school meal programs requires program operators to meet certain annual requirements. These include:
Completed forms are not required to be submitted to OSPI; however, you must keep them on file for Administrative Reviews.
The school meal programs have other requirements that must be completed throughout the program year. The School Meal Programs Requirements Reference Sheet and School Meal Program Monthly Requirements Reference Sheet summarize program requirements.
Instructions, forms, and tools are available on the Child Nutrition Services website.
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
The USDA released the Child Nutrition Program Integrity Final Rule in August 2023. The final rule impacts the School Meal Programs, Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) with the goal to strengthen program integrity. To support the implementation of the final rule, the following policy memos were released:
SP 21-2023, CACFP 10-2023, SFSP 12-2023: Initial Implementation Memorandum: Child Nutrition Program Integrity Final Rule – Provides an overview of the provisions codified in the final rule and the compliance date for each provision.
SP 03-2024: Administrative Review and Food Service Management Company Review Cycles – Provides more detailed guidance on the provision that allows for a 5-year review cycle in the School Meal Programs.
SP 04-2024: State Agency Discretion for Repeat Meal Pattern Violations Fiscal Action – Provides states with discretion to take fiscal action for all repeat meal pattern violations.
OSPI Child Nutrition Services is reviewing the Final Rule and supporting policy memos and will release additional guidance on the impacts to the Child Nutrition Programs in the coming months. For more information on the Final Rule, please visit the Child Nutrition: Program Integrity Final Rule webpage.
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
Breakfast Meals for Kids (Form Package 383)
This grant opportunity is available to public school districts, tribal compact schools, and charter schools.
Focus Areas for This Grant
This grant focuses on starting a new meal program, increasing participation in an existing program, improving program meal quality, and improving the equipment and facilities used in an existing program.
Application and Grant Funding Resources
How to Apply
Applicants may apply for a single school or multiple schools, including central kitchens. Applications are completed in iGrants (Form Package 383) and are due before 4 pm PT, Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
Important Step for Your Application!
When applying for grants in the iGrant system, your application must be in 'Request OSPI Approval' status by 4pm on January 16 to be considered for an award! Start early and coordinate with your district iGrants Administrators ensuring availability for the required internal review step.
Following these steps may be useful in a timely submission of your form package:
- Complete the contact page, then press the mark completed icon.
- Complete the application pages, then mark each one completed by pressing the mark completed icon.
- Mark the form package finished by pressing the finish icon.
- Press the notify button to email district officials (fiscal officer, Grants Administrator, and iGrants District Administrator) that the form package is ready for internal review.
- The iGrants District Administrator will provide the internal review and send (via the system) the grant submission - “Request OSPI Approval”.
Review this recorded webinar for more information about the Breakfast Meals for Kids Grant.
Questions? Please contact
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provided additional funding for a fourth round of Supply Chain Assistance (SCA) funds. These funds will be distributed in January. Details on SCA funds can be found in OSPI Bulletin 069-23. |
Supply Chain Assistance Funds Accounting Details
SCA funds must be used for the purchase of unprocessed or minimally processed domestic food products and are intended to support operations in SY 23–24.
Accounting for Federal Interest Generated
Interest earned on federal funds up to $500 per year may be retained for administrative expenses. This includes interest earned on SCA funds carried beyond SY 23–24. Interest in excess of $500 must be remitted to Department of Health and Human Services. Details can be found in 2 CFR 200.305.
Local Education Agencies were required to opt-in to receive round four of SCA funds. If you have not done so, you must contact no later than the close of business on January 8, 2024.
Program operators offering the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) during the 23–24 school year are encouraged to join us for monthly webinars!
OSPI CNS will discuss annual program requirements, new policy guidance, important reminders, and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions. Webinars are scheduled for the first Thursday of every month.
Register for the School Meal Programs Monthly Webinars here!
Dates: Monthly through June 2024 Time: 2–3pm PT
Please note: You only have to register once and you will receive updates and reminders for each webinar.
- Save us on your calendar! When you register, there is an option to add us to your calendar at the bottom of the confirmation email.
- A reminder email with your link to log into the webinar is sent 1 hour before the session starts.
- Follow up emails with a copy of the slides are sent to everyone registered for the session, even if they did not attend.
- We do not post recordings to the CNS webpages.
- Please keep an eye out in your inbox for these emails, if you do not see them in your inbox please check your SPAM box.
Have topic suggestions for a future monthly webinar? Email suggestions to
Yogurt has origins from countries in Western Asia and the Middle East.
The word Yogurt is believed to come from the Turkish word “yoğurmak,” which means to thicken, coagulate, or curdle.
There are many types of yogurts, and they can vary in texture, flavor, and sweetness.
- Yogurt makes a great snack as well as a main component in many meals.
Nutrition Information: Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and protein. Since yogurt is a fermented food, it has great probiotic benefits.
Choose yogurt that has the longest use by date or best by date. Keep yogurt refrigerated and in a container covered to prevent it from drying or in contact with other foods that may alter its flavor.
Discard if there are any signs of mold.
Yogurt can be frozen but will have a different texture. Frozen yogurt is great for smoothies and baked goods.
Educational Resources
Complete Your Interest Survey by January 19
The School Year (SY) 2024–25 USDA Foods Interest Survey allows you to express interest in which USDA direct products to add to our Washington State product list.
Complete the SY 2024-25 USDA Foods Interest Survey by January 19. Responses received after this date may not be considered.
Items with the highest interest will be included in the 2024–25 Pre-Order survey. Please note: the Interest Survey does not include all available items for school year 2024–25.
Interest Survey vs Pre-Order Survey
Interest Survey: Lets OSPI Child Nutrition Services know which USDA Direct products you are interested in and if we should add items to our product list. If enough interest is expressed and we can order in the proper quantities, products will become available on the Pre-Order Survey.
Pre-Order Survey: After you let us know the items you are interested in, you must commit to ordering. The Pre-Order Survey is your commitment to how much and which items you plan on ordering in the upcoming school year.
Questions about the survey? Please email the Food Distribution Inbox
Join OSPI CNS as we discuss the importance of the Pre-Order Survey, how to plan for it, placing your FDP Orders, and share tools and resources for completing this process!
Register for the SY 24–25 Pre-Order Survey Webinar Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2024 Time: 2–3 pm PT
Open Office Hours to Support You
In the weeks following the webinar, the FDP team will be hosting open office hours! Join in during these times to ask questions and receive additional support.
Register for the SY 24–25 Pre-Order Survey Office Hours Dates: Every Tuesday starting January 30–February 27 Time: 2–3 pm PT
January 8
Email to opt in to SCA funding
January 15
Claims Due in WINS
January 16
Breakfast Meals for Kids Grant Applications Due by 4pm
January 30
November 60-Day Claim Deadline—if you haven't already, submit your claim
February 1