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Quality Arts Education Takes Time and Effort
Last month, I had the good fortune to attend two conferences in Portland, OR, the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) Annual Convening, and the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) Symposium. It was invigorating to meet with colleagues in-person for the first time since the onset of COVID. And, it was a good reminder that being together in the same physical space accelerates collaboration and learning. Here are my top five takeaways:
- See, hear and value each student (we heard from students who didn’t experience this in school).
- Identify the key arts education stories to tell and retell.
- Find people in leadership roles that can speak to the value of arts education (preferably because they have experienced it themselves).
- Have an arts education plan. It takes time and effort, but if you want to get somewhere, you need a plan to get there.
- Realize that this is a long game. Many success stories have been working at it for 20+ years.
Thank you for all that you do to support arts education,
Janet Hayakawa, Associate Director The Arts - Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Cell/Text: 360-764-6157
Photo— “Suffocation” by Morrill McKaye, Superintendent’s High School Art Show
Make Holiday Ornaments for the Governor’s Mansion
Washington students are invited to make ornaments for this year’s holiday tree at the Governor’s Mansion. First Lady, Mrs. Inslee has selected the theme of “favorite sports” – to watch or play, any and all sports-- for this year’s tree. Many will visit the Governor’s mansion this holiday season and will see the display of ornaments created by K-12 students.
Teachers interested in having their students make ornaments for the 2023 holiday tree can apply here by noon on Friday, October 13, 2023. Selected classes will be notified by Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Ornaments must be completed and sent to OSPI by November 10, 2023. Student participants will receive a certificate of appreciation from the Governor’s Office. Questions? Email
Photos – Governor’s Mansion holiday ornaments, “holiday toys” theme, 2022.
Peace Through Music Award
Quincy Jones (Garfield High School, Seattle Public Schools) is the first recipient of the U.S. Department of State’s Peace Through Music Award. The award honors the 28-time Grammy award winning producer, musician and arranger for his “invaluable role in cross-cultural exhanges and whose music work advances peace and mutual understanding globally,” according to a press release. This award is part of the launch of the State Department’s new Global Music Diplomacy Initiative. Read more here.
Photo—by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File
Academic Learning is Social and Emotional
This self-paced, interactive course with supporting resources will help educators build knowledge and skills to use equity focused Social Emotional Learning (SEL) practices in their classroom instruction. Free clock hours available. This program was developed by OSPI with the American Institutes for Research.
Got questions? Ask OSPI!
OSPI has launched a new publication that invites all Washington residents to ask OSPI questions directly and get answers publicly. Called The Study Session, this publication is an opportunity for families and community members to engage with OSPI on all things public education. It is published once per month on the OSPI Blog. Click to learn more about The Study Session, including how to submit questions.
Power of Maker-Centered Learning
Agency by Design is an ongoing research initiative at Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Project Zero. The focus of this work is on maker-centered learning with a sensitivity to design. The goal of this type of learning is to help students “feel empowered to build and shape their worlds.” Learn about the thinking routines, tools and practices here.
Arts Can Boost Social Skills
This blog post by Melissa Collins shares how she integrated arts throughout the elementary school curriculum by working with artists, dancers, musicians, and museum curators to create engaging learning experiences.
Teacher’s Guide to Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework developed by CAST, Inc. to support teaching all students in an inclusive learning environment. This Teacher’s Guide written by Katie Novak provides information about getting started, designing a UDL lesson, goal setting, methods, materials and assessment.
PS Dance! The Next Generation
This 55-minute documentary features a project out of the Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) program in New York City. Ann Biddle, one of the founding members of DEL adapted a teacher training model for her middle and high school students which prepared them to teach dance in the elementary classroom. See how dance can inspire and change the world.
Lesson: Building Ensemble
This lesson from the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) includes exercises and games that strengthen interpersonal and teambuilding skills. Assessment tools are also provided.
Artwork—“Summer Days” by Yuki Kondo, watercolor and pen, Superintendent’s High School Art Show, 2021.
Essential Hip-Hop Artists of Latin Descent
The team at All Arts (WNET) have curated a playlist of essential hip-hop artists of Latin descent. Hip-hop was born at a 1973 back-to-school party in the Bronx, New York. At that time, the Bronx was the first borough in New York City to be made up predominately of Black and Puerto Rican residents. Listen to the playlist here.
“Speaking Our Truths” Youth Speak Out
Stage & Studio on ArtsWatch presents the debut of the Speaking Our Truths: The –Ism Youth Files (IYF) podcast. This five-part series focuses on writings and interviews centered on mental health and wellness of BIPOC youth and youth with disabilities (ages 12 -21). Listen to episode 2, World on Fire here. This project is from the Peabody award-winning multicultural production organization, MediaRites.
What Works? Watch these Short Videos
The George Lucas Educational Foundation’s Edutopia has produced a series of 60-second videos that capture effective classroom strategies. See the collection here.
Illustration—by Katie Lukes
School Success Kit to Support Executive Functioning
This article by Rae Jacobson, Child Mind Institute, provides strategies to help students with executive functioning issues get organized and focused.
Rethinking the Way We Teach Music
Sammy Miller, a Grammy nominated drummer and founder of Playbook, a music education company, wrote this op-ed published in The New York Times. He offers that music is its own language and should be taught as one, and that community is an important element in developing musical skills and retaining students in music programs.
Artwork—Courtesy of Playbook
Apply Now! Youth Choreography Lab
Seattle Theatre Group and the University of Washington Dance Department invite 14-18 year old students with intermediate to advanced dance experience to apply for this free, 8-month program. DANCE This participants will attend workshops, get mentorship from local and international dance artists, and attend dance performances. Register here.
National Town Hall for Arts Education Supervisors—Oct 12, 12 – 1:30 pm
This event is for arts education supervisors at the district level. Town hall attendees will share the work being done in communities and how national arts education service organizations can support and translate those needs into national policy conversations. Register here.
Teacher In-Service & Student Leadership—Oct 13
Registration is open for a day of learning and collaboration, featuring workshops from local teaching artists and professional in the theatre arts industry. The schedule will include an adult track (educators, teaching artists) and a student track (ages 14 – 19). Registration includes lunch. Scholarships available. Free clock hours.