Students on the district list, confirmed near matches, and students found using the Student Search function are free and reduced-price meal eligible beginning SY 23–24.
Direct Certification is the process of matching Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) information with student enrollment in the Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS). This helps Local Education Agencies (LEAs) identify students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Students that are directly certified are not required to submit a meal application to their district.
Direct Certification is required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and must be conducted monthly under Washington state law. RCW 28A.235.280(3) Students are directly certified for free or reduced-price meals because of participation in the following programs:
- Basic Food
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Foster Care
Medicaid Programs (Only some Medicaid programs)
Migrant Students
Potentially Enrolled and Definitely Enrolled Students
At the beginning of each year, each school district will not have students identified as definitely enrolled and the definitely enrolled list will be blank. Once the district data manager for EDS uploads CEDARS enrollment, usually around October 1, the definitely enrolled list will show.
In the meantime, local education agencies will use the potentially enrolled list to identify directly certified students. Potentially enrolled means the student may be enrolled in the school district for SY 23–24 but until district enrollment is submitted in CEDARS, it cannot be confirmed. Potentially enrolled students are directly certified for free and reduced-price meals.
Exact Match, Near Match, and Unmatched Lists
Directly Certified students will appear in three ways in the system. OSPI uses a matching software system and establishes parameters for exact and near matches. All students that do not fit into the parameters are considered unmatched and are available in the student search function.
Exact Match- The student meets matching parameters as an exact match and student is shown on the direct certification list.
Near Match- The student is not an exact match, but enough information potentially matches a student in the district. LEAs must use district information to “confirm” the DSHS information matches enrollment information. The parameters for near matches are set to allow for only some students to show up on this list.
LEAs should access the near match list and resolve all near matches before accessing the exact matches list. Resolved near matches become exact matches.
The matching software for direct certification list has changed including the parameters for matching. As a result, we have noticed fewer near matches on district lists.
Unmatched List- The unmatched list contains all students that cannot be matched with the software. Use the Student Search to find students in the Direct Certification system.
CNS encourages LEAs to use Student Search often to ensure all eligible children receive meal benefits.
For EDS access, passwords, and to have Direct Certification added to your application list within the EDS system – public school districts should contact their district data security manager. Private schools should email Liz Beechler, Director of School Meal Programs.
For Direct Certification system questions–Email OSPI Customer Support
For eligibility and program questions– Contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
For questions regarding your meal counting system– Contact your software vendor.
The Washington State Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 1238 (2023) which amended the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 28A.235. House Bill 1238 requires LEAs to provide meals at no cost to students enrolled at elementary schools where 40% or more of enrolled children are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. This requirement begins SY 2023–24 and is based off October 2022 data. The free and reduced-price percentages used within the Eligibility Report are calculated using October Building Data reported to OSPI by LEAs with the October claim for reimbursement annually.
Review the 2023–24 HB 1238 Eligible Schools Report to access the complete list of HB 1238 eligible schools in your district.
Please note that all schools required to participate for the 23–24 school year have been notified by Child Nutrition Services.
The webinar will review the impacts and requirements for offering meals at no cost under House Bill 1238.
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
What are your next steps when operating under HB 1238?
Notify households about the availability of breakfast and lunch at no cost through funds provided by HB 1238.
Distribute free and reduced-price meal applications and share resources provided on the HB 1238 – Meals for Washington Students webpage.
Ensure an accurate meal counting system is in place that counts meals by eligibility category (free, reduced-price, and paid) and prevents second meals from being claimed for reimbursement.
Serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students at qualifying school(s).
Important Requirements and Information
Sponsors who contract with Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs) and/or vendors for program year 2023–24 must complete the FSMC/Vendor Fact Sheet in WINS. The fact sheet must be submitted and approved before you enter your first claim in WINS. Otherwise, the claim will go into error status.
Sponsors who contract with FSMCs must maintain signature authority over reimbursement claims in WINS. FSMC employees may prepare the claims and provide supporting data but sponsor staff must review, approve, and submit the claims for reimbursement in WINS per 7 CFR 210.16(a)(5).
Local Education Agencies contracting with an FSMC are required to attend annual training on Monitoring Your FSMC Contract. Email SchoolMeals@k12.wa.us if you did not attend Annual Training on August 9 or 10 in Ellensburg.
Recorded trainings on program requirements, such as Civil Rights, meal pattern, processing meal applications, and verification, are now available on the School Meal Programs Canvas! Canvas is OSPI’s new learning management system and is replacing Moodle. Many features in Canvas are similar to Moodle; however, Canvas will provide a broader range of functionality for all learning styles. Please note that you will need to self-enroll in the Canvas course and create an account prior to accessing the trainings.
Progressing Through a Canvas Module
Content is organized into "Modules" in Canvas.
To move forward in a module, you can use the "Next" button in the lower right.
To go back a page, use the "Back" button in the lower left.
You can also click the "Modules" item in the sidebar on the left, and then click individual items in a module.
Canvas has a robust support system. Select the "Help" icon and navigate to the topic area where support is needed.
OSPI CNS has ordered updated “And Justice for All Posters” and are currently waiting to receive these items. Ordering information will be announced when the new posters have been received. Until you receive the updated posters, please continue using the 2019 “And Justice for All” poster in areas where participants may see it. Administrative Review findings will not be issued for missing or outdated posters.
The USDA, in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services Center (DHHS) for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), encourages Child Nutrition Program sponsors to conduct outreach to ensure households currently receiving Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage do not lose benefits as a result of the end of the federally declared public health emergency.
Child Nutrition Program sponsors can take the following steps:
Partner with community partners to encourage households on Medicaid and CHIP to do the following:
Update contact information with the State Medicaid or CHIP Agency.
Respond to the Medicaid/CHIP renewal form when it arrives.
- Parents should respond even if they no longer think they’re eligible – children could still be eligible!
Consider other coverage options: If you are no longer eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, check if you can get coverage through your employer, through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace, or through Medicare.
Share letter templates and downloadable flyers with households – available in English and Spanish on the CMS website.
Utilize and Promote CMS’s Communications Toolkit.
Launch a text messaging campaign to reach households who may be on Medicaid or CHIP. See CMS's toolkit for sample text messages.
Promote social media content and graphics pulled from CMS’s toolkit on your social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Uplift HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra’s video (in English and Spanish) on Medicaid renewals across your social media channels.
Check out CMS’s ‘All Hands on Deck’ Fact Sheet with additional calls to action to help keep children and families on Medicaid or CHIP covered.
Amplify USDA’s radio coverage and alert about Medicaid and CHIP redeterminations among community partners.
Looking to increase the amount of locally sourced food served in your school meal program?
The application closes Monday, September 25, 2023, at 5:00 PM.
Led by State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI oversees K-12 public education in Washington state. Our mission is to provide funding, resources, tools, data and technical assistance that enable educators to ensure students succeed in our public schools, are prepared to access post-secondary training and education, and are equipped to thrive in their careers and lives.
ADA NOTIFICATION FOR OSPI CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES EVENTS To arrange accommodations for persons with disabilities for OSPI Child Nutrition Services events, please contact the Child Nutrition Services Team at 360-725-6200, TTY 360-664-3631, or by email, child.nutrition@k12.wa.us at least three business days before the event. Please note that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not require OSPI to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider.