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I’ve long believed that we’re better together—it’s in this spirit that I am excited to announce a professional learning opportunity with the Migrant Education Program (MEP). My colleague, Ceair St.Onge writes beautifully about our upcoming Art of Belonging Conference,
As educators, we are aware that belonging and identity are crucial to one’s life satisfaction, happiness, mental and physical health, and even longevity. A sense of belonging also gives us purpose and meaning . . . The ultimate goal of this collaboration is to provide educators, administrators, advocates, and other staff an opportunity to reimagine how they serve migratory students and their families in Washington state.
Join us August 17 & 18 at the Yakima Convention and Event Center for workshops and keynote addresses about successful educational practices and how to bring the arts into the classroom. Registration is supported by the federally funded MEP with no charge to participants. Free clock hours. Register here.
The conference organizing team includes: OSPI’s Migrant Education Program and Art Education along with Migrant Student Data Recruitment & Support office, ESD105 ESD, ESD123, NWESD 189, NCESD 171, ArtsWA, Pacific NW Ballet, Seattle Public Schools, WA Art Education Association, WA Music Educators Association, and WA Thespians.
Enjoy summer and I hope to see you in Yakima!
Janet Hayakawa, Associate Director The Arts - Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Cell/Text: 360-764-6157
Artwork— by Becky Broyles, Co-President, WA Art Education Association.
BIPOC Mental Health Awarness
To further the work of Bebe Moore Campbell (author and teacher), the Mental Health America (MHA) provides resources and tools to connect with community and advocate for more community-led and mentally healthy spaces for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). The 2023 theme is Culture, Community, And Connection.
Artwork—“Hope” by S. Holliday, photograph, Superintendent’s High School Art Show, 2016
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching & Learning
This 2023 report from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Education Technology defines artificial intelligence (AI) and offers insights and policy recommendations about its use in the classroom. It promotes “understanding what these emerging technologies can do to advance educational goals—while evaluating and limiting key risks.”
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Art Education
The title of this article by Nikhil Ghodke says it all, Balancing the Promise and Peril of AI in Art Education. What is the impact of artificial intelligence on human creativity, innovation and art making? What are the ethical boundaries and responsibilities? Link to the article here.
Arts Integration Resources
The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM founded in 2013 provides free online resources including podcasts, lessons, videos, guidebooks, articles and toolkits that support the integration of various arts with content from other disciplines.
Connect Visual Arts to Good Thinking
In Studio Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Art Education (2007), the authors set out to systematically investigate what it is that visual arts teachers in arts-based high schools teach in their classes, and how these classes are organized. This resulted in a framework, Studio Habits of Mind. See the Studio Thinking website for more information, tools and resources.
Searchable Resources for Teaching Theatre
PBS LearningMedia has a host of lesson plans, videos, interactivities and more in an online site searchable by grade, resource type and topic. Review hundreds of resources here.
John Legend in Concert
See John Legend perform in a solo concert in Basel, Switzerland. Legend is an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony) award winner, the first African American man to receive this exceptional honor.
Read About Dance
Linda Murray is the Jerome Robbins Dance Division Curator at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. She shares her recommendations for books about dance. Check them out here.
Place Music at the Center of Learning
Dedicated to supporting cultural diversity, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings presents a new initiative that provides music collections, lesson plans and more to bring a multidisciplinary approach to classroom instruction. Organized by an interactive map, find music experiences from the Smithsonian Folkways’ Network of Music Educators.
Visit Artist Tauba Auerbach
Watch Tauba Auerbach work in their studio creating spontaneous drawings with a “knit structure.” This short video demonstrates a wisdom embedded in techniques and procedures of making art.
WA Youth Arts Leadership—Deadline July 16
Washington Youth Arts Leadership (WAYAL) Program is a yearly cohort of youth and young adults (ages 16-19) from across Washington State. Young artists in the program explore arts and arts administration careers with mentors in the field. Applications are open now.
Conference Aug 17 & 18 -- REGISTER NOW!
OSPI’s Migrant and Arts Education Programs are working together to offer the “Art of Belonging” Conference for educators, administrators, advocates and other staff at the Yakima Convention Center. The ultimate goal of this professional development is to reimagine how we serve migratory students and their families. Click here for more information and to register. All interested educators are encouraged to participate. Thanks to Title I, Part C, there is no charge for conference registration. Clock hours available.