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Using a thinking routine like, “See-Think-Wonder” can deepen understanding of what we’re learning, who we are, and the questions we have to spur on more thinking. The arts have the capacity to engage us as a participant, as an observer, and as an observer of ourselves as a participant. The opportunities for learning the arts and through the arts are limitless!
With gratitude for all that you do in support of arts education,
Janet Hayakawa, Associate Director The Arts - Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Cell/Text: 360-764-6157
Artwork—“Genderfluid” by Samantha Kotulak, digital photography, Superintendent’s High School Art Show, 2022.
The enduring Power of The Arts
Join us at Benaroya Hall (Seattle) on May 30, 2023, 1- 3 pm as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Superintendent’s High School Art Show. Students and teachers will be recognized for excellence in the visual arts, and there will be a showcase of the performing arts. Entry by ticket only (complimentary). Get ready to be uplifted and inspired!
Get your complimentary ticket here.
Artwork—“Escapism” by Toko Kameda, Superintendent’s High School Art Show, 2022
Explore Arts Education Policy
The latest version of Arts Scan has just been released. This clearinghouse shares the state policies supporting arts education from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity.
Divisive Concepts Laws and Music Education
The National Association for Music Education released a report, Divisive Concepts Laws and Music Education (January 2023) to provide information about legislative and executive orders that seek to restrict teaching, student and professional learning regarding race, gender, sexuality, and U.S. history.
Teaching Artist Training Lab Alumni Spotlight
Erricka Turner Davis is an accomplished dancer/choreographer/director/teacher who is currently Tacoma Arts Live's Assistant Manager of Education and an Instructor of Dance at Cornish College of the Arts. She has worked with a wide range of organizations including Tacoma Urban Performing Arts Center (TUPAC)/ELO/TAM), AileyCamp (STG), Spectrum Dance Theater, Northwest Tap Connection, Evergreen State College, University of Washington Dance Series, and many other venues throughout the Pacific Northwest.
“An unforgettable TAT Lab moment was putting myself into a kindergartener's head and exploring a storytelling learning plan. It was fun and informative.”
Youth Media Challenge—Through June 2023
Engage student voice and choice while fostering civic engagement through this media challenge, open to middle and high school students. See what students from the Evergreen School in Shoreline have produced here.
Puppets and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
This video highlights how puppets in the elementary classroom can be used to practice social emotional learning strategies. Based on the Feel Your Best Self (FYBS) program developed by the University of Connecticut, students watch videos (English and Spanish), make puppets and practices SEL strategies. A Facilitator Toolkit and more are here.
Oh Family Concert
Artist Diana Oh performs a concert of original music sharing a glimpse of how music, art and personal storytelling practices deepened their relationship with their immigrant mother.
Behind the Scenes with Doug Johnson
Grammy event designer and choreographer, Doug Johnson gives a backstage tour of the Recording Academy’s after-party, which spans the length of three football fields, features a bird themed décor/make-up/costuming and presents a high energy dance show.
Afrocentric SEL Through the Arts
This framework aims to break new ground by leveraging arts education as a way to support Pan-Africanism through the individual storytelling of Black teaching artists and the most relevant research-based pedagogical approaches. Tools include; 5 competency areas, interactive curricular examples and tips, guiding questions, and more.
More Artful Lives
Dr. Paul Reed, Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion interviews Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson, National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) Chair for a discussion on the vital role arts and culture play in building resilience and supporting us in the recovery from stressors like the pandemic.
Community Oral History Workshops—Apr 12 & May 3
This two-part professional development (virtual) for educators will develop oral history skills to facilitate a community-based interviewing process and storytelling project. For educators (grades 6 – 12), aligned to Cultural competency, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion standards, six clock hours available. See more information here.
Arts & Climate Science Workshops—Deadline Apr 15
Two workshops will combine arts and climate science for educators (grades 3 – 8). Hands-on experience exploring the health of local trees and collagraph artmaking. Participants receive: lesson plan, $200 stipend, 4 STEM clock hours, catered lunch. For more information and to register, click here.
Dept of Natural Resources Art Contest--Deadline Apr 18
Students (K-12) are encouraged to submit an art project, using any medium, which addresses this year’s theme, Environmental Justice League. Sponsored by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, this project supports equal protection from environmental hazards for everyone. See the art contest rules here.
Heritage Arts Apprenticeship—Deadline Apr 23
Individuals seeking to preserve traditional practices important to their community, heritage, and identity are invited to apply to participate in this program. Focus areas may include music, dance, visual arts, language practices, foodways and more. Master Artists receive a $4,000 honorarium and Apprentices receive $1,000. The program is sponsored by the Center for WA Cultural Traditions. Click here for more information.
Congressional Art Competition—Deadline Apr 26
This opportunity is open to all high school students in Washington’s 1st District. Submissions should be 2-dimensional art, no larger than 26” x 26” x 4” (framed). The winning artwork will be displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol. Find more information here.
Supporting Students of Color in the Arts—Apr 26, 11 am
The Hunt Institute will host a virtual conversation with resource experts focused on the importance of arts education for all students and adapting arts material for a diverse population. Free. Register here.
Arts Integration Grant for P-3—Deadline Apr 27
ArtsWA’s Creative Start Project Grant is open to non-profit organizations, public schools, ESDs, and tribal, state, or municipal agencies working with PreK-grade 3 students. This grant supports projects that engage preschool to 3rd grade students in arts integrated learning. Grants range from $5,000 to $20,000. Learn more and apply here. Application widow: March 15-April 27, 2023.
Call for Interns in Seattle—Deadline Apr 28
The American Alliance for Theatre & Education will hold its national conference, Illumination in Seattle, July 26 – 29, 2023. Applications for interns are now open. Internships are available to anyone interested in theatre and education, with priority given to full-time students studying the field. Benefits include free conference registration, travel stipend and more. Apply here.
Celebrate the West Art Competition—Deadline Apr 30
The Western Governors’ Association launches its annual competition sponsored by Americans for the Arts. High school students are challenged to create original works inspired by their state. A panel of arts experts will select one finalist from each state and territory who will go on to compete for overall First, Second and Third Place. Cash awards will be given. 2023 Competition Guidelines and Application
Strategies for Implementing SEL—May 2 & 4
The Washington Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Professional Learning Network will host two webinars on practical teaching strategies for implementing SEL standards, benchmarks, and indicators. The webinars will be similar in structure, with one geared toward the elementary level (5/2) and the other focused on the secondary (5/4).
Call for Proposals—Deadline May 12
The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is seeking session proposals for the AEP Annual Convening, in Portland, OR, September 13-14. Priority content areas: Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion, Collective impact and engagement, Policy and systems change, The Post-COVID vision and reality for arts education.
Reframing Rural Arts Education—May 18, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Join Washington State Teaching Artist Training Lab (TAT Lab) for a conversation about teaching the arts in rural areas of our state. What can we learn from the voices and stories of rural teaching artists? How can we support each other? Led by TAT Lab faculty Tamar Krames and Orlando Morales, this virtual event is free and open to teaching artists, school-based arts specialists, and youth arts providers across Washington state. One clock hour available. Register here.
Call for Proposals—Deadline May 31
Dance Educators Association of Washington is accepting proposals for its 2023 Conference, September 9-10 at the University of Washington. Based on an Alvin Ailey quote, “Making dances is an act of progress; it is an act of growth, an act of music, an act of teaching an act of celebration, an act of joy” – the conference theme is Dance as an Act of . . . Submit proposals here.
Call for Student Designers
High school student designers and creatives are invited to apply to be considered for High Fashion High, a teenage fashion show at this Fall’s Bumbershoot (September 2 -3). Workshops and mentorships will help student designers improve their skills and learn more about the art and fashion industry.
Contact with questions, and click here to apply.
Stronger Connections Grant –Application Guidance
OSPI recently received additional funding for Title IV, Part A through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) of June 2022. Grants will be distributed to high-need local education agencies (LEAs) on a competitive basis. Application guidance will support stakeholder engagement and planning efforts. The final application will be open in iGrants sometime in March 2023. Submit questions to