Food establishments, including school food authorities (SFAs), will be required to have at least one employee with a Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) certificate starting on March 1, 2023, per WAC 246-215-02107.
The CFPM’s responsibilities include training managers and staff, implementing a food safety program, and ensuring food safety requirements and procedures are followed. A CFPM is not required to be employed at each site. One employee may be the CFPM for all sites within an organization (such as the Food Service Director). If the CFPM leaves employment, a new CFPM must be on staff within 60 days.
The CFPM certificate must be obtained through an ANSI accredited organization. You can view a list of accredited organizations that issue food protection manager certifications on the Washington Department of Health’s (DOH) website. National Restaurant Association ServSafe, Food Protection Manager Training meets the CPFM certification requirements.
Participation in USDA school meal programs requires program operators to meet certain annual requirements. These include:
Verification Summary Report: Verification is the process of confirming free and reduced-price meal eligibility based on an application. The verification process begins each year on October 1 and concludes November 15. Results of the verification process are reported in the Verification Summary Report (VSR). The VSR must be submitted to OSPI by February 1 annually.
Food Safety Inspections: Receive two food safety inspections for each site, each school year. If two inspections are unable to be received in the school year, document a written request to the local health department for two inspections.
Annual Civil Rights Training: You must train all organization staff who help administer the nutrition program. Training must include your organization’s requirements and procedures as well as meet the training requirements outlined in this presentation. Note: You must have a Moodle Account to view this recorded training.
Completed forms are not required to be submitted, however, you must keep them on file for Administrative Reviews.
The school meal programs have other requirements that must be completed throughout the program year. Resources:
Questions? Please contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program Specialist.
Civil Rights Requirements
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated their nondiscrimination statement in May 2022 to clarify prohibitions against discrimination based on sex in all USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) programs.
Sponsors must:
Update program discrimination complaint processing procedures to include complaints alleging sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, if not currently part of your organizational practices.
Process any complaints alleging sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination as complaints of prohibited sex discrimination.
Ensure webpages and other widely distributed documents contain required Civil Rights information, including:
- The updated USDA Child Nutrition Programs Nondiscrimination Statement.
- The nondiscrimination statement is required on all documents referring to program access, program approval, and widely distributed documents. Examples include: items distributed to the public, landing page of web pages, student handbooks, brochures, letters to families, or press releases.
- OSPI CNS updated documents to include the updated statement in English and Spanish. USDA will be updating their Nondiscrimination Statement Webpage as additional translations are made available. Be sure to use the document listed under the "All Other Programs NDS" column.
- Information regarding Child Nutrition Programs in languages commonly encountered in your program(s).
- Operators and sponsors are required to take reasonable steps to ensure program access and benefits to individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
- Information regarding accommodating disabilities and special dietary needs in your program(s).
- Details on how to file a Civil Rights complaint, including complaint procedures.
Continue using the 2019 'And Justice for All' posters OSPI CNS has ordered updated 'And Justice for All' posters, we are currently waiting to receive these items and will announce when distribution will begin. Until you receive the updated posters, please continue using the 2019 'And Justice for All' posters in areas where participants may see it.
Civil Rights Training
Civil Rights training must be completed annually by all staff who help administer a Child Nutrition Program. Program directors and administrators must train staff on organizational practices and requirements.
Review Your Requirements with the CNS Civil Rights Training!
CNP sponsors, administrators, and directors of organizations must be trained annually on Civil Rights requirements, as well as train program staff on their requirements. While this training goes over what is required for Civil Rights training, it does not go into your organization’s practices. Additional training must be provided to staff to meet requirements.
How To Access This Training
Anyone is able to access the Civil Rights training in the Moodle platform. NOTE: You must have a Moodle Account to access this training.
Questions? Please email the Child Nutrition inbox so we may assist.
It's hard to believe that we transitioned to weekly program newsletters over three years ago! Over the past several months, OSPI CNS has been looking at our current practices and leaning into questioning how to best serve you by asking ourselves, "Does this still work?"
Changes to Newsletters
We heard you! OSPI CNS wants to ensure the information shared in newsletters continues to be pertinent and timely.
We will continue to share information in newsletters based on program (School Meals, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Summer Food Service Program). Keep an eye out for these changes:
- Newsletters will come to your inbox on the 2nd and 4th Mondays every month!
Monthly program webinars—These webinars will share important information and reminders for the upcoming month, be sure to register to attend!
By changing to this format, we hope that you'll have more time to focus on what you do best—serving children delicious meals, while also ensuring you have the information to operate your programs successfully!
To help you navigate the CNS Newsletter format, here are a few helpful tips:
1. Use the Table of Contents at the Beginning of the Newsletter
At the top of every newsletter there is a table of contents to give you an overview of what you MUST look at and what is "good to know" (see details below).
2. See "Action Item" at the beginning of the article?
"Action Items" are things that require action on your part. Not completing required steps may result in delay of renewal or reimbursement for meals served.
3. See "Update" at the beginning of the article?
Articles with the word Update at the beginning indicates that there is an important update in regards to State or USDA requirements. These are the articles you must review to stay in the loop about requirements.
4. If you see "Reminder" at the beginning of the article
Reminders are previous "updates" that are still important, but were shared in previous newsletters.
5. How about "FYI"?
If you see an article starting with FYI, this is a good-to-know. These include resources, outside trainings and opportunities, grant opportunities from partner agencies, or other good-to-know type of items.
6. Highlights
CNS Highlights are articles highlighting good practices, Food, Body, and Mind Awardees, and other items.
7. Important Dates to Remember
You will find these at the bottom of every newsletter. They will include things like claim due dates, upcoming training and webinars, and other important dates.
We hope this is helpful! If you have any questions or comments about newsletters, please reach out to Sam Brueske, Training and Communications Specialist.
Thank you to everyone who completed our survey to let us know how to present the Institute of Child Nutrition’s (ICN) Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership (ISNL) training.
Based on your feedback, we're excited to offer this training virtually in February 2023!
Register for the Training!
This 30.5 hour training is for new and aspiring school nutrition program directors. Lessons provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role and responsibilities of a director, and review the relationship between local policies and State/Federal regulations.
Registration closes at 4pm on Friday, January 27—Register Early!
Register for the ISNL Training Here Dates: February 15, February 22, March 1, March 8 Times: 8:00 am– 4:30 pm PT
Breaks and Lunch will be build into the training time. Participants will be required to attend each training session in order to receive a certificate of completion and Professional Standards Credits for this training.
There is a limit of 25 participants for the session. If we have reached the maximum number of participants, you will automatically be added to the waitlist.
Questions? Please reach out to Sam Brueske, Training and Communications Specialist.
Breakfast Meals for Kids (Form Package 383)
This grant opportunity is available to public school districts, tribal compact schools, and charter schools.
Focus Areas for This Grant
This grant focuses on starting a new meal program, increasing participation in an existing program, improving program meal quality, and improving the equipment and facilities used in an existing program.
Application and Grant Funding Resources
How to Apply
Applicants may apply for a single school or multiple schools, including central kitchens. Applications are completed in iGrants (Form Package 383) and are due before 4 pm PT, Thursday, January 19, 2023.
Important Step for Your Application!
When applying for grants in the iGrant system, your application must be in 'Request OSPI Approval' status by 4pm on January 19 to be considered for an award! Start early and coordinate with your district iGrants Administrators ensuring availability for the required internal review step.
Following these steps may be useful in a timely submission of your form package:
- Complete the contact page, then press the mark completed icon.
- Complete the application pages, then mark each one completed by pressing the mark completed icon.
- Mark the form package finished by pressing the finish icon.
- Press the notify button to email district officials (fiscal officer, Grants Administrator, and iGrants District Administrator) that the form package is ready for internal review.
- The iGrants District Administrator will provide the internal review and send (via the system) the grant submission - “Request OSPI Approval”.
The second round of USDA Supply Chain Assistance Funds (SCA) funds will be issued at the end of January. SCA details and background information can be found in OSPI Bulletin No. 051-22.
About These Funds
SCA funds must be used to purchase domestic, unprocessed, or minimally processed food products for the school meal program. Labor, supplies, equipment, and administrative expenses are not allowable uses of these funds.
The USDA directed funding formula includes a base payment + a proportional amount based on October 2022 enrollment. School districts are paid through apportionment under revenue code 6198.11 and private schools and RCCI’s are paid through AFRS - identified as SCA Funds.
An additional attestation form is not required if one was previously submitted. Any LEA may choose to decline these funds by emailing Hydie Kidd, Fiscal Supervisor by Friday, January 13.
We anticipate the a third round of SCA funds to be issued in August 2023, for utilization in SY 2023-24.
Join Us for Office Hours!
Join OSPI CNS for Office Hours! During this time we will discuss best practices for using these funds and answer your questions!
Register for the SCA Funds Office Hours Here Date: Wednesday, January 11 Time: 3–4 pm PT
These sessions will be held monthly! Join us on the second Wednesday of the month from 3–4 pm PT!
Office Hour Questions? Please reach out to Nichole Garden, Farm to Child Nutrition Program Specialist.
USDA Foods Pre-Orders will begin in February. Before you can participate in pre-orders, you must fill out the Pre-Order Interest Survey. While the Food Distribution Program (FDP) team is still preparing the survey, we ask that you keep an eye out for notifications of when it is launched.
Once the survey is ready, the FDP team will release an announcement along with a link. Please check your inboxes for further updates.
February orders opened Wednesday, January 4, 2023, and will close Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at 4 pm.
Surplus orders will open Thursday, January 12, at 1pm for groups 1 - 3, and 2 pm for all other groups. Surplus closes Friday, January 13, at 4 pm.
For more information on your group number, please review the SY 2022–23 Order and Delivery Schedule.
- To place an order - log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order
- Ordering Instructions
- Review the messages on the CNP Web message board for a current list of product availability and shortages
- New Fees - Delivery Fee Schedule for SY 2022–23
New - Minimum 20 cases per warehouse (dry vs frozen).
The Ordering and Receiving webpage has multiple resources to assist you in placing your ordering including instructions and an order and distribution schedule.
Important Reminders
Confirmation of USDA Foods—If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA Foods Delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
- Deliveries
To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
- Standard USDA food deliveries are wrapped and stacked on pallets no higher than approximately five feet and left at your loading dock for you to remove.
- Carriers will drop pallets at dock or just inside the threshold of your facility if the entrance can accommodate. Any request for removal of product from the pallet or asking the driver to enter the facility will require additional cost and must be arranged in advance.
- If there are delivery discrepancies or damages, you may return those cases with the driver.
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution Office or call 360-725-6204.
Each year, sponsors are asked to complete a Pre-Order Survey as part of their Food Distribution Program requirements. This survey informs OSPI Food Distribution of the volume and types of foods we need to order for the entire upcoming year.
Join Us for a Webinar!
Join OSPI CNS as we discuss the importance of the Pre-Order Survey, how to plan for it, placing your FDP Orders, and share tools and resources for completing this process!
Register for the SY 23–24 Pre-Order Webinar Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Time: 2–3 pm PT
Open Office Hours to Support You
In the weeks following the webinar, the FDP team will be hosting open office hours! Join in during these times to ask questions and receive additional support.
Register for the SY 23–24 Pre-Order Office Hours Dates: Every Tuesday starting January 31–February 21 Time: 1–2 pm PT
Winter weather is upon us! We realize that inclement weather or other events may unexpectedly affect your hours of operation, staff availability, and access to buildings.
Important Reminder - USDA Foods Deliveries
Notify your carrier as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change your delivery of USDA Foods. Deliveries combine orders from multiple LEAs, loaded in the order they will be delivered. Early notification to your carrier allows for adjustments so other LEAs may still receive their order.
If your LEA experiences unexpected closures and your delivery cannot be accepted, please contact the Empire Distribution System (IEDS) carrier that delivers your USDA Foods:
- Holman Transportation – 253-867-0682
- Hernandez Transportation – 425-305-7051
- Fastway Transportation – 509-534-9351
- Peninsula Transportation – 800-942-9909
- Oak Harbor Transportation – 253-288-8370
Loading docks and delivery areas must be clear of snow and ice to allow for safe deliveries. Please work with your facilities department to ensure your delivery area is ready.
Thank you for assisting the carriers that serve you!