Child Nutrition Financial Report (CNFR)
Private schools and residential child care institutions (RCCIs) participating in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs are required to complete and submit a Child Nutrition Financial Report (CNFR) annually. This includes sponsors that participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Special Milk Program (SMP).
The CNFR reports the net resources for state fiscal year ending 2021 (July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022). The report is filed in Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS) and is due by December 31, 2022.
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) who do not submit their CNFR in WINS by December 31 will receive a claim error when submitting claims after this date. Claims will remain in error status until the CNFR is in submitted status.
Report 1505 for School Districts with FSMC
Child nutrition sponsors with Food Service Management Companies (FSMC) and those with inter-district agreements are required to complete and submit a Financial Information Report (Form 1505) annually.
The financial information gathered in Form 1505 is used to complete the 1800 Report. The 1800 Report is a compilation of reports and statistics for public schools to evaluate the performance of their food service operations.
Form 1505 records the distribution of FSMC expenditures for school fiscal year ending August 31, 2022.
Submit your 1505 report to Hydie Kidd, Fiscal Supervisor by December 31, 2022.
Questions? Contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program Specialist.
It's hard to believe that we transitioned to weekly program newsletters over three years ago! Over the past several months, OSPI CNS has been looking at our current practices and leaning into questioning how to best serve you by asking ourselves "Does this still work?"
Changes to Newsletters
We heard you! OSPI CNS wants to ensure the information shared in newsletters continues to be pertinent and timely.
We will continue to share information in newsletters based on program (School Meals, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Summer Food Service Program), but keep an eye out for these changes starting January 2023:
- Newsletters will come to your inbox on the 2nd and 4th Mondays every month!
Monthly program webinars—These webinars will share important information and reminders for the upcoming month, be sure to register to attend!
By changing to this format, we hope that you'll have more time to focus on what you do best—serving children delicious meals, while also ensuring you have the information to operate your programs successfully!
Mark Your Calendars
It's that time of the year where many of us will take a break from busy work schedules to spend the holidays with family and friends.
OSPI Child Nutrition Services will not be releasing a weekly newsletter on the following dates:
- Monday, December 26, 2022
- Monday, January 2, 2023
Staff will be available to answer questions and provide technical assistance.
Thank you for all you do to provide nutritious meals to children in our state. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season.
Thank You for Your Feedback!
Last week, we announced the start of monthly webinars for School Meal programs! Due to your feedback, we've adjusted the dates to work around the Food Distribution Surplus Ordering periods. Webinars are now going to be held on the first Thursday of the month (excluding April due to Spring Break). Thank you so much to all who brought this to our attention.
About this Webinar Series
Program operators offering the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) during the 22–23 school year are encouraged to join us for monthly webinars!
OSPI CNS will discuss annual program requirements, new policy guidance, important reminders, and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions.
Register for the School Meal Programs Monthly webinars here! Dates: Monthly, January–June 2023 Time: 2–3pm PT
Please note: You only have to register once and you will receive updates and reminders for each webinar.
- Save us on your calendar! When you register, there is an option to add us to your calendar at the bottom of the confirmation email.
- A reminder email with your link to log into the webinar is sent 1 hour before the session starts.
- Follow up emails with a copy of the slides are sent to everyone registered for the session, even if they did not attend.
- We do not post recordings to the CNS webpages.
- Please keep an eye out in your inbox for these emails, if you do not see them in your inbox please check your SPAM box.
The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health was a great success due to valuable input provided by conference participants across the country. For more information about the conference, action steps and goals moving forward, please review the following:
Post-Conference Updates
To keep momentum of the Conference, please join the Biden-Harris administration for their first post-Conference monthly update.
Register for the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health Monthly Update session Date: Wednesday, December 28 Time: 12:30 - 1:00 pm PT
Are you in need of additional entitlement for the remainder of the School Year? If so, now is your chance!
Complete Your SY22–23 Additional Entitlement Request. The request form closes at 4pm PT on Friday, December 23, 2022.
Important Information Regarding Additional Entitlement
- Allotted amounts could range from zero (0) to the total amount requested based on your usage and state availability.
- This form must be completed by the Program or Ordering contact listed in CNPweb.
- May be used for the following FDP Programs:
The FDP team will review requests during the week of December 27, 2022.
Questions? Please email Sarah Davis or call 360-725-6215.
February orders open Wednesday, January 4, 2023, and will close Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at 4 pm.
Surplus orders will open Thursday, January 12, at 1pm for groups 1 - 3, and 2 pm for all other groups. Surplus closes Friday, January 13, at 4 pm.
For more information on your group number, please review the SY 2022–23 Order and Delivery Schedule.
- To place an order - log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order
- Ordering Instructions
- Review the messages on the CNP Web message board for a current list of product availability and shortages
- New Fees - Delivery Fee Schedule for SY 2022–23
New - Minimum 20 cases per warehouse (dry vs frozen).
The Ordering and Receiving webpage has multiple resources to assist you in placing your ordering including instructions and an order and distribution schedule.
Important Reminders
Confirmation of USDA Foods—If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA Foods Delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
- Deliveries
To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
- Standard USDA food deliveries are wrapped and stacked on pallets no higher than approximately five feet and left at your loading dock for you to remove.
- Carriers will drop pallets at dock or just inside the threshold of your facility if the entrance can accommodate. Any request for removal of product from the pallet or asking the driver to enter the facility will require additional cost and must be arranged in advance.
- If there are delivery discrepancies or damages, you may return those cases with the driver.
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution Office or call 360-725-6204.
Each year, sponsors are asked to complete a Pre-Order Survey as part of their Food Distribution Program requirements. This survey informs OSPI Food Distribution of the volume and types of foods we need to order for the entire upcoming year.
Join Us for a Webinar!
Join OSPI CNS as we discuss the importance of the Pre-Order Survey, how to plan for it, placing your FDP Orders, and share tools and resources for completing this process!
Register for the SY 23–24 Pre-Order Survey Webinar Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Time: 2–3 pm PT
Open Office Hours to Support You
In the weeks following the webinar, the FDP team will be hosting open office hours! Join in during these times to ask questions and receive additional support.
Register for the SY 23–24 Pre-Order Survey Office Hours Dates: Every Tuesday starting January 31–February 21 Time: 1–2 pm PT
December 26
No Weekly Newsletter
December 30
October 60-day Claiming Deadline - if you haven't already, submit your claim
December 31
Child Nutrition Financial Report Due for Private Schools and Residential Child Care Institutions
December 31
1505 Report Due for Districts with Food Service Management Companies
January 2, 2023
No Weekly Newsletter
January 4–11
February USDA Foods Orders Open in CNPweb
January 9
Semi-Monthly Newsletter Released
January 12–13
November USDA Foods Surplus Orders Open in CNPweb
January 15
December Claims Due in WINS