Monthly claims are due by the 15th of each month following the claim period. All claims entered in WINS and in OK to Pay status will process for payment at the end of the month.
WINS will be available to input claims until 5:00 pm PT, Thursday, September 15. At 5 pm, WINS will log sponsors out of the system in order to run the monthly payment process and will not be available until after noon on Friday, September 16.
Best Practice - Submit claims early in case an error comes up and you need assistance.
Working on Renewal?
If your organization is working on your SY 22–23 renewal application, you will be logged out at 5 pm PT on Thursday, September 15. Make sure to save your progress before 5 pm. You will be able to continue working on your application once claims processing is complete on Friday, September 16.
August Operating Days
- If your LEA has less than 10 operating days in August, they may be included in your SY 22–23 site calendar and may be combined with the September claim for reimbursement.
- If your LEA has more than 10 operating days in August, they must be added to the SY 21–22 site calendar and a separate August claim for reimbursement must be filed.
General Claiming Reminders
- Monthly claim data must be in "OK to Pay" status by 5:00 pm PT on the 15th.
- WINS will automatically log all users out of the system on the 15th of each month at exactly 5pm PT.
- Give yourself enough time to input all claiming data, preview errors, correct errors. Completing these steps will help you ensure the claim is in “OK to Pay” status.
- At 5 pm, the claim function is closed. This means that the system does not allow access to claims until after the monthly reconciliation process is complete. This can take up to two business days.
- Didn't submit your claim by the 15th? That's okay! Submit your monthly claim by the 60-day deadline.
- Example: The August 60-day claim deadline is October 31, 2022.
- Claim reimbursements that are not entered into WINS or not in OK to pay status will NOT process for payment by the end of the month.
- The 22–23 Claim Processing Dates Information Sheet takes weekends and holidays into consideration for the 60-day deadlines. You may want to print or bookmark this information.
- Refer to the Claims Reference Sheet for details on what to do if you don't submit your claims by the 60-day claim deadline.
- Errors must be resolved for claims to be paid. WINS has multiple edit checks to help resolve issues before your claim is submitted.
- WINS edit checks the number of approved operating days for each site to the number of operating days entered in the site claim. If these numbers don’t match, the claim will go into error status.
- Review the Claiming Error Messages in WINS Information Sheet for more details on possible errors.
- Pro-Tip: Always select “Preview Errors” at the bottom of each site claim once information is entered.
Claiming Resources
Questions? Contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program Specialist.
Using “share tables” is an innovative strategy to encourage the consumption of nutritious foods and reduce food waste in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
About Share Tables
Policy Memo SP 41-2016, CACFP 13-2016, SFSP 15-2016 provides information about share tables and gives an overview of the food safety requirements child nutrition program operators must follow when choosing to include share tables in their meal service.
Share tables allow food or beverage items to be reused in a number of ways, depending on the Program’s preference:
- Children may take an additional helping of a food or beverage item from the share table at no cost;
- Food or beverage items left on the share table may be served and claimed for reimbursement during another meal service (i.e., during an afterschool program when leftover from a school lunch); and/or
- Food or beverage items may be donated to a non-profit organization, such as a community food bank, homeless shelter or other non-profit charitable organization (see Memo Policy SP 11-2012, CACFP 05-2012, SFSP 07-2012: Guidance on the Food Donation Program in Child Nutrition Programs)
Reminder that share tables are not for adult consumption or to be used for programs outside of child nutrition, with the exception of food donation outlined in the above policy.
The revised WA state food code also talks about share tables on page 40 of the document.
Questions? Contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program Specialist.
Important Requirements and Information
As annual requirements are due, we wanted to remind you of some important information when working with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) or vendors.
Questions? Please email Jeff Booth, Audit and Financial Manager or Hydie Kidd, Fiscal Supervisor.
In the U.S., more than one-third of all available food goes uneaten through loss or waste. Public and private organizations are creating solutions to address food loss and waste throughout the food system – from farm to table.
On September 14, 2022, from 7–11 am PT, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will host the 2nd USDA Food Loss and Waste Innovation Fair, which will showcase some of the latest food loss and waste mitigation technologies, innovations, and programs developed by USDA, academic institutions, local governments, and businesses.
This free, virtual event is perfect for businesses, nonprofits, researchers, and food sector leaders, and individuals who want to know about the latest developments in reducing food loss and waste.
Register for the 2nd USDA Food Loss and Waste Innovation Fair and share this notice with your friends, family, and colleagues—all are invited to attend! You only need an email to register.
Click here to view the Agenda!
Unable to attend live? No worries! Register now and you will receive access the event (platform, videos and other resources) for 12 months from the date of the live event!
USDA's Food & Nutrition Service has launched its Back-to-School media toolkit!
This toolkit features sample social media posts, downloadable flyers and fact sheets and video soundbites from USDA's Director of Nutrition Security and Health Equity on topics such as the importance of school meals and what parents need to know about School Meals.
Flyers and Fact Sheets
Visit the USDA Back-to-School Media Toolkit webpage to access the free tools to help promote your program!
Now is a great time to get started planning your Far-Out menu items for National School Lunch Week, October 10–14!
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) serves nearly 30 million children every school day in cafeterias, classrooms, and when necessary, even at home! National School Lunch Week highlights the importance of school lunch as well as the critical role school nutrition professionals play in helping children succeed.
This year’s theme is Peace, Love, & School Lunch
How to participate?
- Deck out your cafeteria with NSLW posters and other artwork portraying nutritious lunch foods. This is a great opportunity to make use of the annual theme to highlight lunchtime favorites.
- Share your upcoming celebration on social media! Download the official #NSLW22 social media graphics to start promoting.
Get in touch with local personalities! Business owners, elected officials, athletes, news anchors, musicians or someone else your students will recognize, can be invited to stop by your cafeteria to eat with the students. If you can’t find a local celebrity, you can always have the school mascot or ask a volunteer to dress up as a movie or TV character.
- Invite teachers, administrators or even your school principal to stand in as guest servers for lunch one day.
- Offer a tasting of new menu items and talk to students about the nutritious benefits they get from certain foods. Tell them they get vitamins and minerals from all the colorful fruits and vegetables, or explain to them the way whole-grains provide carbs for sustained energy during recess or sports practice.
Visit the NSLW22 webpage for additional tools and resources!
Share Your Celebration with the School Nutrition Association!
We Want to Celebrate YOU!
Send pictures and stories of your NSLW celebrations to the School Meals Team inbox!
Breakfast After the Bell (BAB) gives all students the opportunity to eat a nutritious meal at the beginning of the day. Many low-income students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals face barriers to participation in school breakfast programs. When all students have better access to breakfast, participation increases, eliminating some of the stigma attached to eligibility for free and reduced-price meals.
Join Us for a Webinar
Come learn about positive outcomes for students and schools as well as how to overcome common challenges with BAB! This webinar will focus on how teachers, principals, and building staff can collaborate with food services to create and sustain successful BAB programs.
Register for the Breakfast After the Bell - Collaborate to Overcome Challenges Webinar Date: Thursday, September 22 Time: 4–5 pm PT
Questions? Please email Mikhail Cherniske, Legislative Programs Specialist.
The WA Department of Ecology’s Waste Not Washington School Award Program is now open and accepting applications for the 2023 funding cycle!
Is your school or your school district interested in implementing a waste reduction program in your cafeterias or classrooms? This program awards schools with up to $5,000 for projects in waste reduction, recycling, and composting and requires no matching funds.
Feel free to browse a document of Examples of Waste Reduction Programs to see what kinds of programs have been implemented or are suggested.
Applications are due by 5pm on Friday, September 30, 2022.
How To Apply
The application processes was updated to streamline submissions for schools and now no longer requires a submission through the online portal. Instead, simply:
- Read the School Award Guidelines to ensure you are familiar with what is required of applicants (Please note- these guidelines will be updated August 2nd to reflect changes to the program)
- Download the fillable PDF application, available on the Waste Not Washington School Awards webpage
- Complete the section for the award category you are applying for
- Once complete, email this form and any supporting documents to
- You’ll receive an email within 1 business day confirming the receipt of your application
Changes from Last Year
Please be aware that while prior years have allowed nonprofits and local governments to apply to the Creative Curriculum Award category, they are no longer allowing any entity other than a school or school district to apply for these awards. With that in mind, they highly encourage interested nonprofits and local governments to partner with schools in their application and programs to ensure success and a robust program! Partners can assist schools with their applications, provide guidance throughout the process, and provide support through technical assistance or matching funds to ensure our schools are set up for success.
Additional Resources
Feel free to browse this list of additional resources for past, current, and future applicants on Ecology’s School Awards webpage under our “Additional Resources” drop down menu item towards the bottom of the page.
Stay In the Loop
Join WA Department of Ecology's email list to stay informed about the Waste Not Washington School Awards!
Questions? If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out directly to the Department of Ecology or call Heather Church at 509-202-6946.
Are you passionate about ensuring high-quality, healthy school meals for Washington students? Do you enjoy helping to maximize individual and program potential? If so, Northeast Washington Educational Services District (NEWESD 101) has the dream job for you!
As part of the Team Nutrition Grant awarded to Washington state, NEWESD 101 is accepting applications for Child Nutrition Cooperative Mentors.
Apply Today
NEWESD 101 is hiring three Child Nutrition Cooperative Mentors! This role will provide training and mentorship to school food service directors participating in the USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant-funded mentorship program in ESDs 105, 113, 123, and 171. Positions are based in Tumwater at ESD 113, Pasco at ESD 123, and Wenatchee at ESD 171.
All positions close at 12 pm PT on Friday, September 16.
Links to position descriptions and application information:
Questions about the 2022 Team Nutrition Mentorship Grant? Please email Erica Lamson, Team Nutrition Grant Director or Abby Miller, ESD 101 contact.
Upcoming Scratch Cooking Recipe Development Trainings
At this free, half-day training, you’ll learn the basics of recipe standardization from how to find and analyze a starting recipe through taste testing and scaling to volume. Other useful scratch cooking topics such as determining crediting information, using local ingredients, and how to promote your new recipes will also be covered.
Register Today!
This training will be most useful for nutrition professionals responsible for scratch recipe development and menu planning.
Each participant must register for the event using their own pdEnroller account.
Funding for this training is provided by a USDA Team Nutrition Grant. For additional information about this or other Team Nutrition Grant activities email Erica Lamson, Team Nutrition Grant Coordinator.
October orders open Tuesday, September 6, and will close Wednesday, September 14, at 4 pm.
Surplus orders will open Thursday, September 15 at 1pm for groups 1 - 3, and 2 pm for all other groups. Surplus closes Friday, September 16, at 4 pm.
For more information on your group number, please review the SY 2022–23 Order and Delivery Schedule.
- To place an order - log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order
- Ordering Instructions
- Review the messages on the CNP Web message board for a current list of product availability and shortages
- New Fees - Delivery Fee Schedule for SY 2022–23
New - Minimum 20 cases per warehouse (dry vs frozen).
- Due to increased labor and production cost, several processors issued price increases starting in the November order period. Please review the 10/11 W-Code Price Increase Article for more details.
The Ordering and Receiving webpage has multiple resources to assist you in placing your ordering including; instructions, order and distribution schedule.
Important Reminders
Confirmation of USDA Foods—If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA Foods Delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
- Deliveries
To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
- Standard USDA food deliveries are wrapped and stacked on pallets no higher than approximately five feet and left at your loading dock for you to remove.
- Carriers will drop pallets at dock or just inside the threshold of your facility if the entrance can accommodate. Any request for removal of product from the pallet or asking the driver to enter the facility will require additional cost and must be arranged in advance.
- If there are delivery discrepancies or damages, you may return those cases with the driver.
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution Office or call 360-725-6204.
Please remember all shipping pallets must be returned to the delivery company. Please have your pallets available for pick up at the time of your next USDA Foods shipment.
Unreturned pallets can lead to increased shipping costs for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation.
Questions? Please email Food Distribution team or call 360-725-6204.
September 13
October USDA Foods Orders Close in CNPweb
September 14–15
October USDA Foods Surplus Orders Open in CNPweb
September 15
August Claims Due in WINS
September 29
July 60-day Claiming Deadline - if you haven't already, submit your claim
September 30
LEAs - Deadline to Submit SY 22–23 Renewal Application