Reignite Your Passion
As we prepare to launch into the new season, we are excited to share new opportunities that have been planned and created to celebrate your successes, learn best practices, and build connections and relationships with one another as we move our work forward to support students, families, and communities.
So many of us are educators and working professionals who are passionate about our crafts. Although we may not know where this school year will take us, we are challenged to find excitement in the possibilities, and to re-invigorate our passion to support and believe in our students.
How often do we get new opportunities to grow in our profession and reignite the passion that drove us into our careers as school counselors and student support staff? Many times, when we are surrounded by other like-minded and passionate professionals, we feel inspired and encouraged to try new things. It is our hope that as you read through this newsletter, you make plans to dive into this school year with a lens on supporting your own growth and learning as well as that of your students, colleagues and district leaders. Whatever you find to reignite your passion, the greater joy and renewed energy you will experience, and that will be passed along to your students and families through everything that you do!
Best wishes for a great school year!
Brittni Thompson, Secondary School Counseling Program Supervisor
OSPI is partnering with AWSP and Hatching Results to provide SSB 5030/CSCP support for administrators and staff implementing their district's CSCP!
Statewide Webinars (90 minutes of content; 30 minutes of Q&A):
Thur., Oct. 6th
80/20 Direct & Indirect Services
Tues., Nov. 29th
CSCP Support in a MTSS (Tier 1)
Tues., Jan. 17th
CSCP Support in a MTSS (Tiers 2 & 3)
Wed., Mar. 15th
Annual Review for CSCP + School Counselor Evaluation Options
Regional ESD Trainings:
Combination of 80/20 Direct and Indirect and CSCP Support in a MTSS (Tier 1)
Combination of CSCP Support in a MTSS (Tiers 2 & 3) and Annual Review for CSCP + SC Evals.
Stay tuned for the 2022-23 Calendar of ESD-hosted events - coming soon!
OSPIs Graduation Equity Webinar Series 2022-2023
Graduation: A Team Effort (GATE) Equity Webinars are 90 minutes long and an opportunity to learn from people trying innovative approaches across the state. Webinar topics include attendance, early warning systems, school climate, mental health & suicide prevention, early learning, hope & mentoring, reengagement, adult social-emotional learning, mental health, youth voice, and college transition & readiness.
Join us for the September Webinar:
Hope & Healing Centered Engagement
Wednesday, September 14 | 10:00-11:30am
We’ve invited Dr. Hellman to share connections between Hope Science and Healing Centered Engagement practices and we’ll have a panel of practitioners to talk about how they’re applying these strategies. Dr. Chan Hellman’s research on Hope Science defines hope as the belief that your future will be better than today and you have the power to make it so. Using tools developed to increase hope, Dr. Hellman can help you and the students you know to find pathways and the willpower needed to accomplish your goals. We always offer free Clock Hours for your participation and resources to support your learning.
Subscribe to the Engage Newsletter
Save the Dates!
Mark your calendars now for this year's OSPI-WSAC Wednesday Webinar Series!
This webinar series is dedicated to supporting the career and college exploration, preparation and transition processes for secondary students. All events will take place from 9-10:30am and free clock hours will be available.
Additional information and registration links will be posted on OSPIs Career and College Readiness webpage soon!
- 10/5/2022: Financial Aid Advising Day & Financial Aid Supports
- 02/1/2023: TBD ~ will be based on feedback from participants!
- 05/17/2023: Legislative Updates and Celebrations
Supporting LGBTQ+ Students
In response to the recent increases in community members' concerns related to school counselor and staff support of LGBTQ students, we're providing links to ASCAs model policies, websites, and more resources to help you understand and be able to reference current best practices and ethical guidelines for supporting LGBTQ students in your school or district.
ASCA Resources
The Class of 2023 Graduation Toolkit and High School Beyond Plan Template Coming Soon!
The updated Class of 2023 Graduation Toolkit and HSBP Template will be posted soon! Be sure to check out OSPI's Graduation Webpage for access!
The Workforce Board’s popular (and FREE!) Where Are You Going? career exploration guides are freshly updated and hot off the press. They’re one option to use with middle or high school students as a career interest inventory for their High School and Beyond Plan!
This popular guide features:
- A career quiz for readers to pinpoint their interests and abilities and how they relate to a range of careers.
- Hundreds of occupations, including projected growth rates in Washington, education requirements, and average pay in our state.
- Quick tips on how to write a resume and cover letter, do’s and don’ts for interviews
- A wide range of education and career-focused resources, including grants and scholarships information.
To order copies of your own FREE guides, go to: https://bit.ly/3Nbk52C
OSPI Publishes Guidance on Excusing Mental Health Related Absences
OSPI has published guidance concerning excusing student absences for mental health reasons as required by House Bill 1834. This document provides guidance to school districts as they implement this law and rule change.
Find the guidance and additional resources on OSPI's Mental Health Related Absences Webpage.
OSPI SEL Curriculum Grant Open!
School districts can now apply to receive the OSPI SEL Curriculum Grant in iGrants (Form Package 167)! The application is open now and will close on September 24, 2022 at 4:00 PM.
- The SEL Curriculum grant is available for districts to apply for and receive up to $30,000 for the purchase of evidence-based SEL curriculum from the CASEL Program Guide.
- Prior to applying, districts must choose a curriculum they plan to purchase and be able to provide the exact cost for the materials on their application.
- Districts who do not already have SEL curriculum in place will be prioritized to receive the grant.
- Districts can access the SEL Network for collaborative resources and technical assistance
For more information, please visit the FAQ And Key Points document here.
OSPIs SEL Team is Providing Grant Writing Support!
Join OSPIs SEL Team for an informational webinar on Tuesday September 13, 2022 to cover key points about the SEL Curriculum Grant and offer a Q&A opportunity. The Zoom link can be found here.
For questions, please contact Ben Everett at ben.everett@k12.wa.us or 564-200-3083.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Starting July 16, 2022, you can call, text, or chat 988 to be connected to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL). It will be confidential, free, and available 24/7/365. Services will be available in Spanish, along with interpretation services in over 250 languages. For people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and TTY users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 1-800-273-8255.
You can dial 988 if you are having:
- Thoughts of suicide.
- Mental health crises.
- Substance use crises.
- Any other kind of emotional distress.
You can also dial 988 if you are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.
For more information, you can access: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline | Washington State Department of Health
Fueling My Healthy Life Nutrition Education for 7th and 8th Grade Students
The USDA has released a tool to help school staff determine if certain foods meet the nutrition reequirments to be sold in school fundraisers and students stores on campus: https://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/guide-smart-snacks-school
SSB 5030 Resources for School Counselor Advocacy
One of the most important roles of the school counselor is advocating for our students and professions. Check out some of the resources available on the Open Educational Resources HUB for ways to be incredible advocates for your profession and your students! Just type "5030" into the search box to reach these professional learning modules that can be done in partnership with your fellow school counselor(s) and administrator(s)!
School Counseling Team Update
Hi there everyone! For my last OSPI newsletter, I'd like to let you know that I have moved on to pursue my next adventures and passions outside of the educational realm, as well as take the opportunity to focus more on being the best mom I can be!
I am moving forward into the next chapters of my journey grateful for each opportunity I have experienced and each person that I have been given the chance to share a passion for supporting students and families with. This passion for students and families is something that I've loved sharing WITH you all, and experiencing FROM you all as well. It is the devotion that we all have for educating ALL students about ALL of their pathways to success that inspired me to take the leap into the next exciting stage of my life.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in making a positive statewide impact on students, families and communities across WA by supporting best practices for the secondary school counseling profession, please check out the current job posting for my position HERE.
For elementary and secondary school counseling program questions in the interim, please reach out to Kim Reykdal for support.
Hoping you have the best school year,
Brittni brittnithompson88@gmail.com
Led by State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI oversees K-12 public education in Washington state. Our mission is to provide funding, resources, tools, data and technical assistance that enable educators to ensure students succeed in our public schools, are prepared to access post-secondary training and education, and are equipped to thrive in their careers and lives.