The SY 22-23 Adult Meal Pricing Tool is now available! Adult meal prices must be set at a price sufficient to cover the overall cost of the meal, including the value of the USDA Foods used in the production of the adult meals. Federal funds, student payments, and other nonprofit food service revenues cannot be used to support the cost of the adult meals.
Please review the Adult Meal Pricing Reference Sheet for additional information
Adult Meal Pricing Formulas
- NSLP: Paid Meal Price + Value of USDA Foods + Performance-Based Reimbursement + NSLP Paid Reimbursement Rate
- CEP & Provision II: NSLP Free Reimbursement Rate + Value of USDA Foods + Performance-Based Reimbursement.
Reimbursement rates are posted to the Claims, Fiscal Information, and Resources webpage.
Questions? Contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program Specialist.
We've recently received questions about how 30-day rollover impacts sharing eligibility information of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
Parental Consent
Annual parental consent is required before free or reduced-price eligibility information can be shared this consent expires at the end of each school year. House Bill 1660 (2020) introduced new requirements around fee waivers for students eligible for free or reduced-price meals or students enrolled in the College Bound Scholarship Program.
30-Day Carryover
Eligibility carryover allows children to maintain their prior school year eligibility status for up to 30 operating days into the next school year or until a new eligibility determination is made, however, parental consent does not carryover from the previous school year.
What You Need to Do
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are required to disseminate free and reduced-price application information at the beginning of the school year. LEAs should include the Consent to Share form in the application packet.
Do not share eligibility information unless a new Consent to Share form is received. The current year's form applies to the current year eligibility determination via an application or through the Direct Certification or Direct Certification-Medicaid (DCM) list.
Questions? Contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program Specialist.
Annual Training topics are meant to enhance your knowledge about the School Meal Programs. This year we have taken most of our in-person trainings (excluding networking sessions) and recorded them for you to view at your convenience!
IMPORTANT: We still have a couple trainings that need closed captioning in order to meet ADA compliance requirements. We will announce when the sessions become available Thank you for your patience.
Who Should Access These Trainings?
Anyone is able to access them by going to the School Meal Programs Annual Training Moodle. NOTE: You must have a Moodle Account to access these annual trainings.
We encourage you to maximize upon this opportunity and gain up to 20 Professional Standards Credits by viewing all the trainings. NOTE: These recorded sessions are the same as the sessions provided at in-person Annual Training on August 9, 2022, at Central Washington University and a separate certificate was provided for the in-person training.
Can I get a Certificate for These Trainings?
Yes! If you would like a downloadable and printable certificate for attending this session a virtual SY 22–23 School Meal Program Annual Training session, you may submit the questionnaire found in Moodle.
By completing this questionnaire, you are certifying that you viewed one or more of the recorded sessions. You will be able to download your certificate once your questionnaire is complete.
Steps to get your Certificate:
- Watch one or more recorded sessions.
- Select the certification tile, then 'Answer the Questions'
- You may submit the questionnaire for all the presentations you view, or one at a time.
- You will only receive one (1) certificate to mark which presentation(s) you viewed.
- On the next page type in your name, organization, and which session or sessions you completed.
- Once you submit your questionnaire, you will be able to select the 'Virtual Annual Training Certificate' option on the screen.
- Download your certificate and save for your records!
Questions? Please email Sam Brueske, Training and Communications Specialist.
The Direct Certification system for SY 22–23 opened earlier this month.
Students on the district list, confirmed near matches, and students found using the Student Search function are free and reduced-price meal eligible beginning SY 22–23.
Direct Certification is the process of matching Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) information with student enrollment in the Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS). This helps Local Education Agencies (LEAs) identify students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Students that are directly certified are not required to submit a meal application to their district.
Direct Certification is required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and must be conducted monthly under Washington state law. RCW 28A.235.280(3)
The direct certification list is in OSPI’s Education Data System (EDS). Locate the User Manual and other resources on the CNS webpages.
Potentially Enrolled and Definitely Enrolled Students
At the beginning of each year, each school district will not have students identified as definitely enrolled and the definitely enrolled list will be blank. Once the district data manager for EDS uploads CEDARS enrollment, usually around October 1, the definitely enrolled list will show.
In the meantime, local education agencies will use the potentially enrolled list to identify directly certified students. Potentially enrolled means the student may be enrolled in the school district for SY 22–23 but until district enrollment is submitted in CEDARS, it cannot be confirmed. Potentially enrolled students are directly certified for free and reduced-price meals.
For more details, please review the Direct Certification User Manual.
Contact Information
Applications for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP) are due by August 30 for Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI) and September 30 for Local Education Agencies (LEA).
Updated Link: SY 22–23 WINS Renewal Application Training - This training is located in the School Meal Programs Annual Training Moodle course. Please note: You must have a Moodle Account to access this training.
Renewal Bulletins
- Public and Private Schools
- Residential Child Care Institutions
Questions? Contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program Specialist.
Breakfast After the Bell (BAB) requirements related to House Bill 1508: The Washington Kids Ready to Learn Act will be returning in SY 22–23 and is required in high-need schools. High-need schools are defined as any public school where at least 70% of the total students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals; or, if operating the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), the school has a free claiming percentage of 70% or more.
View the Recorded Webinar on our Moodle Platform!
Note: You will need a free Moodle Account to view this training.
Questions? Please email the CNS Team inbox.
Important Requirements and Information
As annual requirements are due, we wanted to remind you of some important information when working with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) or vendors.
Questions? Please email Jeff Booth, Audit and Financial Manager or Hydie Kidd, Fiscal Supervisor.
Register for a Webinar!
The USDA is hosting Unpaid Meals: Best Practices to Ensure Student Access to Meals. This webinar will feature panelists who will share proactive strategies to prevent and manage unpaid meal charges as schools return to standard counting and claiming in SY 2022-2023. Participants will also have an opportunity to engage in a question and answer session after the presentation.
Register for the Introducing the USDA Unpaid Meals webinar Date: Wednesday, August 24 Time: 11 am–12 pm PT
Do you need an alternative format or accessibility tools to help you participate in this event? The USDA Child Nutrition Programs would like to share that this webinar will be offered with closed captioning. Participants who require a different accessibility tool to participate in this webinar, please reach out by Friday, August 19, 2022, to Sheila Kopczynski, FNS-RAC.
The Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) is the only federally funded national center dedicated to applied research, education and training, and technical assistance for child nutrition programs.
Register for a Webinar
This S.T.A.R. webinar will highlight how food presentation, along with its texture, taste, and smell, can influence your students’ perception of their dining experience—it also says a lot about the quality of the food served. Join this webinar to hear about successful strategies and tips for preparing creative, nutritious meals for kids.
Register for the Back-to-School: Best Practices and Tips to Prepare Healthy School Meals webinar Date: Thursday, August 25 Time: 12–1 pm PT
Additional Details
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
- Registrants are eligible to receive a continuing education certificate for attending this webinar. Professional Standards Code: 2230–Maintaining Food Quality and Appearance.
- Webinar recordings can be found on ICN’s online course platform, iLearn, one week after the live webinar.
You will see additional funds up to the amount of $200,333.00 in your account when placing an order in FFAVORS. These funds are connected to the CCC Funds that our state received and will expire on September 30th.
These funds are available to all sponsors on a first come first served basis until depleted or September 30. Once the funds are gone then your orders will start drawing down from your allocation total.
Questions? Please email Sarah Davis or call 360-725-6215.
Please remember all shipping pallets must be returned to the delivery company. Please have your pallets available for pick up at the time of your next USDA Foods shipment.
Unreturned pallets can lead to increased shipping costs for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation.
Questions? Please email Food Distribution team or call 360-725-6204.