The nationwide waivers that allowed the operation of the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) in SY 21–22 expire on June 30, 2022 and School Food Authorities will return to traditional operation of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) in SY 22–23. With the return to traditional operations, Child Nutrition Services will continue conducting Administrative Reviews (ARs) and Procurement Reviews (PRs) for sponsors operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or the School Breakfast Program (SBP).
In prior years, a combined administrative review (AR) and procurement review (PR) notification letter would have been e-mailed out to sponsors selected for review in the upcoming school year by June 30. For SY 22–23, the administrative and procurement review will continue to be conducted separately. Sponsors will receive two e-mail notification letters, one for the administrative review and one for the procurement review.
AR notification letters will be sent to sponsors selected for review by Thursday, June 30, 2022.
PR notification letters will be sent to sponsors selected for review by Friday, August 5, 2022.
Who will be selected for an Administrative Review?
Those sponsors initially scheduled for an AR in the third year of the four year cycle. If a sponsor was scheduled for a review in SY 21–22, but the AR was not conducted, anticipate being selected for an AR in SY 22–23.
Material Due Dates
- Preliminary materials for both reviews are due September 30, 2022 and must be received prior to approval of your renewal application.
- Submit AR materials to the School Meals inbox.
- Submit PR materials to the Procurement Team inbox.
Questions about Administrative Reviews? Please contact your OSPI School Meals Program Specialist.
Questions about Procurement Reviews? Please email Barb Krogstad, Procurement Specialist.
Applications to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for SY 22–23 must be submitted in WINS by June 30, 2022.
CEP allows schools with a high number of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals to serve free breakfast and lunch to all students without collecting school meal applications. CEP is available to public, private, and tribal schools.
To participate in CEP, schools or groups of schools must have an Identified Student Percentage (ISP) of at least 40% based off April 1 data. The ISP is calculated by dividing the number of identified students (students directly certified for free meals) by the number of enrolled students. The SY 22-23 CEP Eligibility Report estimates the districtwide ISP and school level data using information from the Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS) as of April 2022.
To receive approval, LEAs must calculate their actual ISP and submit source documentation representative of April 1, 2022. ISPs must be validated by CNS prior to approval to operate CEP. Tools to help Local Education Agencies (LEAs) apply for CEP are posted to the CEP & Provision II Webpage.
CEP Questions? Please contact your OSPI CNS School Meals Program specialist.
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Child Nutrition Services (CNS) is applying for the USDA Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement (LFS) Program.
About This Program
The goal of the LFS program is to increase local food consumption and support farmers/producers by creating purchasing relationships for the future. This program will allow OSPI CNS to purchase domestic, locally grown foods. These foods will be purchased from local producers, small businesses, and socially disadvantaged farmers/producers for distribution to schools. OSPI CNS plans to apply for approximately $3.6 million in LFS funding.
Our Plan
OSPI CNS solicited information through a Request for Information (RFI) to help identify potential food items for the LFS funding.
Once our LFS proposal is approved, School Breakfast Program (SBP) and National School Lunch Program (NSLP) sponsors will be able to order these foods to use in their programs at no cost to them.
We Need Your Feedback!
To help ensure the food items we plan to target will meet your needs, please respond to this short survey by Monday, June 27.
Questions? Please email Nichole Garden, Farm to School Program Specialist.
The Western Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) extended the automatic eligibility of participants in Washington State’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) for a one-year period.
Institutions that feed and claim children enrolled in ECEAP are not required to collect income applications. Children enrolled in ECEAP are automatically eligible for free meal benefits without further application or eligibility determination.
B038-22 Waiver of Eligibility for Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program
The waiver covers children participating in child care centers that claim meals under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and children participating in child care centers that claim meals under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP).
All Child Nutrition bulletins can be located on OSPI's Bulletins and Memos webpage.
Questions? Please contact your OSPI CNS Program Specialist.
Thank you for all your work to provide nutritious meals to the students of Washington! Because of your hard work and dedication, over 105.3 million meals have been provided to students so far this school year. We hope you have a wonderful, restful summer!
Reminders for the End of the Year
School Meal Programs Annual Training will be held 8/8 & 8/9 at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA.
Who Should Attend?
This training is meant to enhance your knowledge about the School Meal Programs and allow time for you to connect to other School Food Service Directors around the state. Training is free to attend; however, participants must pay for meals, parking, and any overnight stays.
Registration Information
- Each participant must register for the event using their own pdEnroller account.
- While there is an option to register more than one attendee with one account, you will not be able to register each person for different sessions. Due to this issue, we recommend each participant to register with their own account.
Create your free pdEnroller account if you do not have one already.
- Please limit attendance to 3 people per LEA to ensure all who are interested in attending may have the opportunity.
- Registrants will receive a confirmation email with their selected sessions! Keep this email for your records!
Register for the SY 22–23 School Meal Programs Annual Training today!
- Monday, August 8 - Pre-Con Day
- New Director Training | 12–4 pm
- Are you new to the School Meal Programs? This session is aimed at new Food Service Directors and Managers. Join us for a 4-hour, interactive overview of Performance Standard 1: Certification & Benefit Issuance, Performance Standard 2: Meal Pattern Requirements, and General Areas with the goal to set you up for a successful school year.
- Participants will receive 4 hours of Professional Standards Credits for this session.
- SY 2022–23 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Annual Training | 1–4 pm
- Did you get funding to operate the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program for the upcoming school year? Join this pre-con session to review the program. Required for new FFVP operators, this session is appropriate for returning sponsors as well.
- Participants will receive 3 hours of Professional Standards Credits for this session.
Tuesday, August 9 - Annual Training—Planned training sessions will include a variety of topics for both new and seasoned staff. Best Practice: Review the Annual Training Schedule to review session descriptions and class times before registering! Participants may receive up to 6.5 Professional Standards Credits for attending the full day training.
Recorded Training Option
All planned trainings will be recorded and posted to the School Meal Programs Annual Training Moodle course for those who are unable to attend this in-person training. Maximize your Professional Standards Credits by viewing all trainings! Please note: You must have a Moodle Account to access these annual trainings.
Questions? Please email Sam Brueske, Training and Communications Specialist.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) renewal closing date for the current program year is June 30, 2022.
Sponsors who do not renew their CACFP application by June 30, will not be eligible to operate CACFP the remainder of Fiscal Year (FY) 22 (July- September 2022).
Sponsors most affected by this change are those who plan to operate At Risk or Pre-school programs that start in August or September 2022 who have not operated CACFP this school year.
School Districts that do not renew their CACFP application by June 30 for their pre-school programs may decide to:
- Claim pre-school children on NSLP for SY 2022–23
- Claim pre-school children on NSLP for August/September 2022, then renew their FY 23 CACFP application and claim preschool children on CACFP October 2022–June 2023.
If you plan to operate CACFP in the Summer or Fall and have not yet renewed your CACFP application, please contact your CACFP Specialist to start this process.
For more details on this and other changes in FY23, watch the “What’s New in CACFP” recorded webinar.
All Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Sponsors with multiple sites must have an Outside Employment Policy (OEP) that states work outside of the school district:
- In no way interferes with the performance of the employee’s duties, including CACFP-related duties or responsibilities; AND
- Is performed outside the employee’s approved work schedule and off school district premises
About the OEP
“Outside employment” includes self-employment, consulting activities and volunteer activities that, if compensated, could be considered outside employment.
The OEP is to be reviewed with all School District employees with CACFP roles at least once annually. New employees must be instructed on the outside employment policy during their first month of employment.
The School District must maintain an up to date OEP on file, but does not to submit these to OSPI. This documentation may be reviewed during CACFP administrative reviews.
Questions? Please contact your CACFP Specialist.
Join us for a Scratch Cooking Recipe Development Training following the WSNA Conference in Spokane on Wednesday, July 27!
At this half-day, free training, you’ll learn the basics of recipe standardization from how to find and analyze a starting recipe through taste testing and scaling to volume. Other useful scratch cooking topics such as planning for success, using local ingredients, and how to promote your new recipes will also be covered.
This training will be most useful for nutrition professionals responsible for scratch recipe development and menu planning. Location to be determined. This training will be repeated in three additional locations around the state in October. For additional information about this or other Team Nutrition Grant activities, email Erica Lamson.
Make plans to be in office!
September orders open Wednesday, August 3, and will close Wednesday, August 10, at 4 pm.
Surplus orders will open Thursday, August 11 at 1pm for groups 1 - 3, and 2 pm for all other groups. Surplus closes Friday, August 12, at 4 pm.
For more information on your group number, please review the SY 2022–23 Order and Delivery Schedule.
- To place an order - log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order.
- Ordering Instructions
- Reminder:
- New Fees - Delivery Fee Schedule for SY 2022–23 will be released in the coming weeks.
New - Minimum 20 cases per warehouse (dry vs frozen).
- Due to increased labor and production cost, several processors issued price increases starting in the November order period. Please review the 10/11 W-Code Price Increase Article for more details.
The Ordering and Receiving webpage has multiple resources to assist you in placing your ordering including; instructions, order and distribution schedule.
Important Reminders
Confirmation of USDA Foods If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA Foods Delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
- Deliveries
To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
- Standard USDA food deliveries are wrapped and stacked on pallets no higher than approximately five feet and left at your loading dock for you to remove.
- Carriers will drop pallets at dock or just inside the threshold of your facility if the entrance can accommodate. Any request for removal of product from the pallet or asking the driver to enter the facility will require additional cost and must be arranged in advance.
- If there are delivery discrepancies or damages, you may return those cases with the driver.
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution Office or call 360-725-6204.
For the upcoming 22–23 school year, we are receiving reports that the following items will be delayed until at least November or have limited availability.
Categories of note, pasta and poultry are becoming our biggest challenge. USDA has yet to receive bids to manufacture pasta for the start of the school year and the impact of Avian Influenza has been substantial in limiting turkey production. Manufacturers have indicated they simply do not have the capacity to meet demand. We will do our best to provide updates as they become available.
100277 - Orange Juice 110651 - Orange Juice
Pasta/ Grain
110504 - Rotini 110520 - Penne Pasta 110501 - Macaroni
110554 - Turkey Breast 100125 - Turkey Roast Raw 110910 - Turkey Deli Slice 110911 - Turkey Ham - (Will have for September but may be short in November)
Canned Fruit/ Vegetables
100362 - Refried Beans - (No ETA) 100327 - Tomato Paste 100330 - Salsa (Short for Eastern WA Only)
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution team.
June 29
April 60-day Claiming Deadline - if you haven't already, submit your claim |
June 30 |
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) renewal closing date (for schools planning to operate At-Risk or Pre-school programs that start in August or September 2022) |
June 30 |
CEP Applications Due in WINS |
July 15 |
June Claims Due in WINS |
August 8–9 |
SY 22–23 School Meal Programs In-Person Annual Training |