Join us for a webinar!
Join OSPI Child Nutrition Services as we discuss upcoming school year operations, USDA's transitional rule, and P-EBT!
Register for the School Meal Program Operations in SY 2022–23 & P-EBT Webinar Date: Thursday, May 19 Time: 1–2:30 pm PT
Please review the 4/18 School Meal Program Operations in SY 2022–23 article for more details and resources.
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
The non-competitive Safe School Meals Grant (Form Package 170) has been utilized by over 240 School Food Authorities around the state. This is a reminder that equipment and supplies purchased with this grant must be on-site by May 31, 2022.
Questions? Please email the CNS Grants team.
What is it: The Farm to School Purchasing Grant is a competitive reimbursement grant that supports the purchase and use of local, Washington-grown foods in child nutrition programs.
Who can apply: Active NSLP and CACFP sponsors. Funding is available for SY 2022–23.
Join Us for an Info Session!
Register for a Farm to School Purchasing Grant Info Session to learn about the program and how to apply. Both sessions will include the same information and a recording will be made available.
WSU Extension SNAP-Ed would like your input to determine training and nutrition education needs and preferences among school food service and early childhood education providers.
Please take 5 minutes to complete this Training and Nutrition Education Survey before Friday, May 27.
The Washington State legislature appropriated over $11 million to support Child Nutrition Programs in WA during 2021–22. These funds support a variety of programs and grants.
All public school districts, charter schools and tribal compact schools operating the NSLP or Seamless Summer Option (SSO) in SY 2021–22 were provided funds to support meal access and distribution. A portion of these funds will be distributed at the end of June 2022.
Questions? Please email Hydie Kidd, Fiscal Supervisor.
All public school districts and private schools must conduct outreach for summer meals each school year as required by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The outreach is to advertise the availability of summer meals before the end of the school year. Even if you are not sponsoring an SFSP program, you must share resources that allow households to locate summer meals in the area.
Outreach includes distributing locations, meal times, and contact information through your regular communication channels.
There are a number of resources, in both English and Spanish, to raise awareness in your community.
- USDA Resources
Summer Meals Locator- Promote this tool in English or Spanish.
USDA National Hunger Hotline- can be reached Monday–Friday
- Families can call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479)
- For Spanish, families can call 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273)
- No Kid Hungry Resources
The OSPI Communication Toolkit located on the SFSP Resources webpage, under the 'Promote the SFSP' dropdown. There you'll find:
- Social Media Graphics and Sample Social Media Posts
- Marketing Materials such as flyers, door hangers, and a banner image
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
OSPI Child Nutrition Services is opening a new grant opportunity!
Child Nutrition Services will soon be opening a grant opportunity for public school districts, charter schools, and Tribal Compact Schools with at least one school mandated to implement Breakfast after the Bell (BAB) and/or Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), in school year 2022–23.
Grant awards will be $10,000 each and used to purchase equipment and supplies to implement or expand BAB and/or CEP.
Application Details
Applications will be available soon in iGrants as Form Package 203. The grant will close June 6, 2022.
In preparing to apply, identifying equipment and receiving quotes, please also ensure all equipment will be on site by August 31, 2022.
The application will ask that you specify how the funding will be used to implement BAB or CEP. To award, a modified lottery system weighing applications based on local education agency-wide free and reduced-price percentage will be used.
Child Nutrition Services will notify everyone through the CNS Newsletters when the application opens.
Questions about the grant may be emailed to Mikhail Cherniske.
School Meal Programs Annual Training will be held 8/8 & 8/9 at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA.
OSPI Child Nutrition Services hosts an annual training for the upcoming school year. This training is meant to enhance your knowledge about the School Meal Programs and allow time for you to connect to other School Food Service Directors around the state. Training is free to attend; however, participants must pay for meals, parking, and any overnight stays.
How to Register
Registration information for all training options is planned to open on Monday, May 23. Registrants will need a pdEnroller account to register for this training, create your account early so you can register as soon as it’s available!
Monday, August 8 - Pre-Con Day
We are hosting a 'pre-con' day with two trainings.
- SY 2022–23 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Awardee Annual Training
- New Director Training
Tuesday, August 9 - Annual Training
Planned training sessions will include a variety of topics for both new and seasoned staff. We will post a draft agenda including session descriptions to the NSLP Training webpage as soon as it is finalized.
The Annual Updates training will be recorded and posted to the NSLP Training webpage for those who are unable to attend this in-person training.
Questions? Please email Sam Brueske, Training and Communications Specialist.

Soap Lake School District celebrated their School Lunch Heroes on Friday, May 6, in style!
Students colored a bouquet of flowers and the food service staff sported some super shirts!
Thank you to all our School Food Service Staff across the state!
The District Directors and Supervisors (DDS) Chapter of the WSNA wants your input!
If you have not done so already, please take a few minutes to complete the survey to inform the future direction of this chapter.
Responses are due by May 27, 2022. Enter your email address if you would like to be put into a drawing for one of several prizes. Survey results and possible changes to the chapter will be presented on Sunday, July 24, 2022 (a day before the WSNA Summer Conference begins) at the DoubleTree Hotel in Spokane.