Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash
Wishing you a Hope-FULL Summer
Consider taking time this summer to build your ‘hope muscles’!
We can build our own hope and that of others by focusing on creating actionable goals within our locus of control, building pathways to achieve the goals, successfully navigating barriers that arise, and using personalized strategies to maintain our motivation along the way. To get started:
- Envision what a successful summer looks like and feels like for you.
- Write down your goals for the summer that will help you achieve your vision, with as much detail as possible. Try out this Goals Worksheet.
- Make a plan for the pathways you can take to achieve your goals.
- Think ahead about the barriers you might face. How can you prevent the barriers from getting in your way? If you do encounter barriers, how will you navigate around or through them? Do you have any backup pathways, just in case? Try out this Hope Worksheet to add detail to each of your goals.
- Think about and document the things that keep you motivated.
- How can you reward yourself for achieving milestones along your pathway to your goal? Simple or extravagant – you pick what you’re willing to work for!
For a great read, check out Dr. Shawn Ginwright's blog post: The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement
Or listen to Dr. Ginwright and Brene Brown talk about his new book The Four Pivots on the Unlocking Us podcast. More about healing and liberation for youth and in schools on the Flourish Agenda CARMA Chronicles podcast.
CSCP Transition Plan Template
The OSPI School Counseling team has developed the CSCP Transition Plan Template to provide a guiding framework, used in conjunction with the District Self-Assessment & Template, to help guide districts in the creation of the board-approved Transition Plan.
A Transition Plan MUST be adopted by the school board by the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
The template includes:
- Section-by-section guidance for transitionary implementation of each required component of SSB 5030
- Areas of consideration for transitionary implementation of each required component of SSB 5030, including staffing, professional development, collaboration, collective-bargaining/contract considerations and more!
- An example of a completed CSCP Transition Plan section.
 OSPI would like to thank all of the districts who have given their permission to share their CSCP examples! For our final issue of School Counselor News and Notes this school year, we'd like to highlight Lake Washington School District, whose CSCP development process, and resulting CSCP plan, serve as an exemplary model for Comprehensive School Counseling Program plan development.
Some of the highlighted steps for engagement from LWSD's CSCP development process include:
- The initiatiation of a district CSCP committee to lead the development of the CSCP plan.
- The committee is comprised of one building administrator and two school counselors from each level, the Director of Student Services, and the Counselor on Special Assignment.
- The committee meets monthly with meetings focused on specific components of SB 5030 (aligning to state and national learning standards, process for identifying needs, how direct and indirect services will be delivered, and annual review and assessment process for the CSCP), reviewing input from stakeholders and developing the CSCP and transition plans.
- Upon realizing a need to dedicate more time to this work, LWSD added bi-weekly work group meetings.
- Throughout the school year, LWSD arranged four district school counselor meetings, facilitated by School Counselors for MTSS, to lay the foundation for aligning their CSCP with MTSS. Topics for these meetings have included CSCP and MTSS alignment, culturally sustaining and anti-racist school counseling, tier 2/3 systems and supports for elevated needs, and using data in CSCP and MTSS alignment.
- LWSD has also held four additional district school counselor collaboration meetings this year. During these meetings, updates on 5030 committee work was shared, current program strengths and areas of growth identified, and the CSCP and transition plans reviewed.
- Lastly, LWSD leveraged the expertise of partners through collaboration with School Counselors for MTSS, Kent School District, the Regional SB 5030 Workgroup, and OSPI, among others.
We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to LWSD for allowing us to share their CSCP planning proccess. OSPI will continue to collect example plans for posting, and has assembled a list of sample CSCP plans from school districts across the state. Some are completed plans, while others are works-in-progress. All of them reflect general adherence to SSB 5030 guidelines and structure, which can be used to guide the development of your own district’s CSCP.
 Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Want to share yours?
Works in progress, initial drafts, and final products are ALL welcomed!
Click the button below to submit your plan! We will be accepting examples via email moving forward. Please address the subject line as "CSCP Example."
CSCP Templates (SSB5030)
For Boards of Directors
CSCP Transition Plan Template
- The purpose of this tool is to provide a guiding framework, to be used in conjunction with the District Self-Assessment & Template, to support the creation of districts’ transition plans. The transition plan is to be adopted by your school district by the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
CSCP Policy Template
- Utilize this template to document and inform stakeholders about your district’s CSCP Policy.
CSCP Procedure Template
- Utilize this template to document and inform stakeholders about your district’s CSCP Procedure.
CSCP Plan Resolution Template
- Utilize this template to document and inform stakeholders about your district’s Board Adoption of the CSCP and Transition Plan.
For Districts
District Self-Assessment
- This tool has been developed to support all districts in deep, intentional thinking about how the CSCP is planned, delivered, evaluated, and improved to support high-priority, district-aligned student outcomes.
District CSCP Template
- This template will assist districts in organizing the information from their Self-Assessment into an actionable CSCP, in alignment with SSB5030.
For School Counseling Practitioners
March 24, 2022: SSB5030 & ASCA Overview - Recording Link
May 24, 2022: School Counselor & Admin Relationship - Recording Link
Stay tuned next year for FOUR MORE statewide webinars all about comprehensive school counseling programming!
2022 ASCA Webinar Series: Track Your Time and Share Your Data
June 10, 2022, 9-10 am
Ever wonder how you’re spending the majority of your time? Focus on using the use-of-time 5-day calculator to take control of your time and share your data to advocate for your school counseling program and your students.
After viewing this webinar, you will be able to:
- Use the use-of-time 5-day calculator to track your indirect and direct services with students.
- Strategize ways to advocate for your school counseling program using data
 Five new state Career and Technical Education (CTE) course equivalencies are now available for district adoption!
- The Superintendent of Public Instruction has approved five new state Career and Technical Education (CTE) course equivalencies, now available for district adoption (Superintendent Letter of Approval)
- CTE equivalencies support student flexibility and choice on their path to obtaining a diploma
- These state equivalency frameworks were built in collaboration with educators and business and industry partners.
Newly-Approved CTE Course Equivalencies:
School Counselor Considerations:
- School counselors play an integral role through the context of school counseling programs to facilitate students’ acquisition of attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to achieve positive postsecondary and career outcomes.
- When school counselors provide all students with information about high-quality CTE programs, they help all students consider all of their options following high school completion, including directly entering the world of work.
- When school counselors demonstrate a shared understanding of CTE programs with other CTE stakeholders (e.g., teachers, administrators, legislators and employers), they are better equipped to encourage all students and their families to consider the advantages of enrolling in rigorous and relevant CTE courses.
OSPI Contact:
- If you have questions, or if there is a course you’d like to become a statewide equivalency, please contact Lisa Fish at
 "Hope is the belief the future will be better than today, and you play a role in making that futue possible. Hope is not a wish. Hope allows us to identify valued goals, set the pathways to achieve these goals, and exert the willpower to make these goals possible."
Interested in becoming a Hope Navigator? Kitsap Strong is extending an invitation for educator staff teams to learn about and apply the science of hope. Participants will engage in: • Hope Navigator training • Guided development of hope implementation project. • Building connections with colleagues, coaches, and trainers through an ongoing, statewide hope Community of Practice
To apply: Complete the statewide request for applications by 5PM 6/3/2022 Successful applicants will be notified by June 10, 2022.
For questions, contact:
Are you selecting a new SEL curriculum?
Check out these resources for information to help you make an informed decision.
Photo by Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash

WSAC wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts and experiences around Financial Aid Advising Day!
Financial Aid Advising Day (FAAD) is an opportunity to provide every high school senior and their family equitable access to the key resources and knowledge to complete the financial aid application process.
Please consider completing this survey to share what Financial Aid Advising Day activities you may have hosted in the winter/spring of 2022. Even if you were unable to offer a Financial Aid Advising Day, WSAC would still like to learn about your experience.