Photo by Vera Sh on Unsplash
Thank you so much to everyone who shared their feedback on our survey request last month! We know many more of you wanted to participate and your plates are just too full right now.
The overwhelmingly highest support needs your shared back are for mental health, social-emotional learning, comprehensive school counseling programs, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and diversity, equity, and inclusion resources. Read on to learn more about how we plan to share out resources in these key areas through this newsletter.
Based on what you've shared, we'll be implementing a few changes to this newsletter.
As resources come available, you can expect to find links to information in these monthly newsletters about:
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) components and systematizing school supports.
- Behavioral Health and Suicide Prevention supports
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Continuing resources for implementing SSB5030 and comprehensive school counseling programs.
We'll be scouring our go-to sources to share information with you. If you know of an upcoming event or a tactical resource that speaks to any of these topics, please share it with us (see our contact information at the end of this newsletter)!
In the spring of 2021, the Washington state legislature passed SSB 5030. This bill requires districts to develop a comprehensive school counseling program (CSCP) that aligns with the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) national model of best practices.
Photo by Felipe Santana on Unsplash
OSPI's Guidance Bulletin to support districts in developing and adopting a comprehensive school counseling program has been released!
Throughout the year, you'll find tools and opportunities for professional development in this newsletter that will support your work to develop and implement your district's program.
This month, we've received a lot of questions about data.
Below are a few resources to better understand your data, collect data about your program, use data to inform your support program, and report out your results.
Data Use is a core component that helps with design and facilitation of a comprehensive school counseling program (CSCP) and a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), and helps keep our focus centered on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash
Learn about how to use the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) process for integrating data into your MTSS with this module from the National Implementation Research Network.
Check out these additional state-level data sources to find relevant academic, career and social-emotional development information about your school and community that can support the implementation of your CSCP within a MTSS:
Healthy Youth Survey - Student survey for grades 6-12 about topics like substance use, mental health and well-being, and students' experiences in school and community.
State Report Card - District and school-level information with demographics, standardized test scores, and School Quality and Student Success (SQSS) measures.
COVID Student Survey Dashboard - Results from the 2020-2021 survey of grade 6-12 students in districts that elected to join the project.
ASCA Templates (file download) for data collecting, tracking, and reporting; including a Use of Time tool - a required component of SSB5030 comprehensive school counseling programs.
Anxiety, Depression, and Behavior Support Resources
Check out Seattle Children's Hospital's Fast Approach Skills Training (FAST) resources for brief, evidence-based behavioral approaches for youth and families with common mental health concerns. These tools are specifically created for use in non-long-term-treatment settings, like schools and primary care clinics. Along with the downloadable handouts and workbooks, you'll also find on-demand video training modules for support.
You'll find:
- FAST-A for Anxiety
- FAST-B for Behavior
- FAST-D for Depression
- FAST-P for Parenting Teens
- Coming soon: FAST-T for Trauma and FAST-S for Safety.
 Upcoming MTSS Events
Check out the OSPI MTSS Events page to stay up-to-date on the statewide MTSS PLC and future conference opportunities. The next MTSS PLC on Friday December 3, 2021 will focus on Tier One Evidence-Based Practices. Register for December's event here.
Future MTSS PLC topics are determined by group needs. You can register for each month at the following links:
OSPI's Monthly GATE Equity Webinars
Graduation: A Team Effort (GATE) Equity webinars help growth-minded educators and education advocates to learn from Washington districts that are closing opportunity gaps.
This month's topic is:
Early Learning with Bellingham School District
Some upcoming topics include: College Readiness and Transition, Mentoring & Hope, Youth Voice, Educator Wellbeing, and School Re-engagement
Register here for the series, streamed virtually the second Wednesday of each month from 10:00-11:30am during the school year.
Hatching Results Elementary School Counseling Institute
 2021-22 OSPI - WSAC Webinar Series
January 19: Building Pathways to Careers and College that Serve All Students
Join the OSPI-WSAC team on January 19, 2022 from 9-10:30am for the 3rd of 5 Wednesday Webinars. These webinars are designed for school counselors, career counselors/specialists, college access support staff, and and any other interested staff to provide cutting edge career and college readiness resources and information, and highlight promising and best practices happening in schools.
The Jan. 19th webinar focus will be on developing quality CTE programs and graduation pathways, including a highlight of Yelm School District's new four-year 'place-based' AA-DTA option that enables students to earn an Associate's of Arts degree while remaining at Yelm High School.
Register here for the 2021-22 series. Staff interested in clock hours will be given an opportunity to request a link to the pdEnroller event that corresponds to each webinar.
Join the Kaiser Permanente webinar series all about school staff well-being. Share with your colleagues and join as a team!
Learn about creating a culture of well-being along with 'deep-dive' sessions about secondary trauma, mental health, stress management, and more.
Thank you for joining us here! This picture is from our recent OSPI spirit week when we were challenged to dress like Superintendent Reykdal for the day.
If you have suggestions for future topics or resources to share, always feel free email them to us.
Megan & Kim (Elementary) (Secondary)