You've gone the extra mile and have not only persisted against the many challenges but have continued to adjust to the needs of your community in remarkable ways.
School staff, child care employees, and community organizations collaborated as the need for meals rose across the state. Your heroic efforts resulted in over 100 million meals served to kids since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We could never thank you enough for the amazing work you’ve done over the past 18 months, here's a brief message from Superintendent Reykdal:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently published the Request for Information: Buy American in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.
This request is to gather feedback from stakeholders on:
- How the Buy American provision and guidance are currently implemented,
- Changes FNS should make to current regulations, and
- Guidance and feedback on how FNS can better support local operators as they strive to purchase domestic foods and food products.
Please submit your responses by November 2, 2021.
While many schools will return to their regular cafeteria meal service this year, some may continue with socially distant meal service models, such as grab-and-go meals or meals in the classroom. Some schools will provide a virtual learning option for students who are not ready to return to in-person learning this fall, for example, due to an increased risk of severe illness and/or special healthcare needs.
To support schools in planning for a dynamic school environment, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a set of nationwide waivers for School Year 2021-2022.
Join the Live Webinar
This webinar will discuss the available flexibilities and scenarios for implementing waivers for the upcoming school year.
Join Live Using This Link - Passcode: 482970 Date: Thursday, August 26 Time: 11 am – 12 pm PT
The School Meal Programs’ renewal application for SY 21–22 is officially open in WINS.
Applications for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) are due by August 30 for Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI) and September 30 for Local Education Agencies (LEA).
Please follow the instructions provided in the bulletins to ensure the renewal process is complete. A Renewal Information Guide is also available to assist you in this process.
Bulletins Released
Seamless Summer Option
Local Education Agencies operating the SSO must complete the application process outlined in B053-21 Seamless Summer Option Application for School Year 2021–22 – Public School District/Private Schools.
National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program
Local Education Agencies operating the NSLP and SBP must complete the application process outlined in B055-21 National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs Application for School Year 2021–22 – Public School District/Private Schools.
Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCIs) Residential Child Care Institutions operating the NSLP and SBP must complete the application process outlined in B039-21: National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or School Breakfast Program (SBP) sponsor application materials for Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCIs) for School Year 2021–22.
General Reminders
SY 21–22 Meal Distribution Plans (MDP)
The SY 21–22 Meal Distribution Plan must be submitted, in addition to the WINS application. Within the survey, you may apply for specific waivers. Waivers may be implemented “only for the extent and duration needed" and approval will be on a case-by-case basis. Sponsors should wait to submit their MDP until operational plans have been determined.
- The MDP and WINS application should align. If operation is unclear and the MDP does not align with WINS, applications will be returned and a new MDP may be required.
Meal Service Schedules
A separate meal service schedule should be created in the WINS site calendar to capture "grab and go" meal distribution times at open and closed enrolled sites. The schedule’s end date should reflect the date of waiver expiration (December 31, 2021 or sooner depending on waiver request).
August Operating Dates
Please contact your Program Specialist for instructions on how to add August to your site calendar.
Questions? Contact your Program Specialist.
Join us for upcoming trainings!
1. SSO Launching Point Training
In SY 21–22, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) will be allowed to operate the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) in lieu of the National School Lunch Program. Join us to discover how to operate the SSO!
Register Here! Date: Thursday, August 19 Time: 1–4 pm PT
For more information about this training, please review our 7/26 Seamless Summer Option Training article.
NEW! Check out the SY 21–22 Seamless Summer Option short trainings! These short trainings are perfect for you or your staff and review topics such as Meal Patterns, Offer vs Serve, Production Records, Point of Service, and Special Dietary Needs for those operating SSO in SY 21–22.
2. ICN's Financial Management for Managers Training
This Virtual Instructor-Led session provides participants instruction on the relationship of program cost and revenue, standard security practices to protect the financial integrity, budget management, increasing productivity and decreasing waste, and staff responsibility for sound financial management practices.
This 6-hour training will be held from 9:00 am–3:30 pm PT, with a half hour lunch and additional breaks scheduled. Please mark your calendars for one of these dates:
- Tuesday, August 17 | Waitlist Only
- Thursday, August 26 | Register Here! 22 spots left!
For more information on registering events through the pdEnroller platform, please review our 7/26 Financial Management Training article.
Earlier this year, we announced Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application state materials will be translated into additional languages. We’re happy to share that these documents are now available on the Meal Application and Verification webpage!
Materials are now available in the following languages: Chinese – Mandarin, Marshallese, Russian, Somali, and Vietnamese.
Translations into additional languages will occur over the next couple years due to the number of documents that need to be translated, be on the lookout for future CNS Updates!
If you had to utilize English materials to accomplish printing needs, we encourage you to review the Important Information to Translate Notice Reference Sheet for options to ensure meaningful access to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals.
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
Sponsors who contracted with Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs) for school year 2020-21 are required to submit reconciliation of USDA foods received.
This report must be submitted to OSPI Child Nutrition Services (CNS) before the last day of your 2020–21 FSMC agreement. If CNS does not receive your reconciliation, we may not approve your FSMC Fact Sheet for school year 2021–22.
The following compliance requirement is documented in each sponsor's original FSMC agreement:
- Sponsors must conduct a reconciliation at least annually (and upon termination of the FSMC contract) to ensure that the FSMC has credited it for the value of all USDA donated foods received for use in the sponsors food service in the school year including USDA Direct Foods, the DOD fresh fruits & vegetable program and USDA Foods diverted for processing. [7 CFR 250.51(a)]
How to Submit
Submit your reconciliation via email to Jeff Booth, Audit and Financial Manager, and cc Marlon Hopkins, Foods Distribution Supervisor.
Questions? Please email Jeff Booth.
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) application is corrected in WINS!
Sponsors who wish to administer the CEP must complete their program application in the Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS) by August 31, 2021.
Unfamiliar with CEP? You can explore our CEP webpage and read our CEP Reference Sheet.
Unsure if your schools are eligible for CEP? You can look at the 2020-21 CEP-Eligible LEA & School Report to get an idea if your schools will be eligible.
SY21–22 Deadlines USDA released COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #82, which allows flexibility for the date for calculating the Identified Student Percentage (ISP), and an extension for the deadline to apply for CEP .
Data used to calculate ISP- Use dates any time between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021.
Application deadline- August 31, 2021.
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
Team Nutrition is excited to present the latest enhancements to the Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool (PSTTT). Since the PSTTT was first released in November 2017, Team Nutrition has continuously worked to incorporate feedback to streamline the user experience.
Register Here! Date: Wednesday, August 25 Time: 11 am – 12 pm PT
This webinar will showcase the latest enhancements, such as:
- Updated Welcome dashboard where you can access your own certificates and training history
- Optional employee identification numbers that can be added to employee profiles
- Training duration logged in increments of 5 minutes
- Additional manager/director role features
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you are unable to attend the live webinar, a recording will be posted a few weeks after the webinar’s completion.
As vendors and processors continue to have challenges with production capacity and transportation, we are experiencing delays and shortages with various products.
For the most current product updates please see the CNP web homepage.
Estimated September Availability
W287- Breakfast Sandwich
W869- Diced Pears
W870- Mixed Fruit
Estimated October Availability
W109- Beef Rib Patty (TBD)
W132- Beef Teriyaki Dippers (TBD)
W274- Cheddar Cheese Omelet (TBD)
W289- French Toast Sticks (TBD) 110242 - Blueberries
Estimated November Delivery
100256- Strawberry Cups
110911- Turkey Ham
Estimated January 2022 Availability:
W281- Whole French toast IW (TBD)
W288- Cheese Tortilla Wrapped Omelet (TBD)
100364- Vegetarian Beans (Delay in Western Washington Orders Only)
100365- Pinto Beans (Delay in Western Washington Orders Only)
100370- Red Kidney Beans (Delay in Western Washington Orders Only)
110361- Applesauce Cups
111100- Cereal Bowls (USDA unable to find a supplier)
USDA Unable to Provide During during SY 21–22
111230- Mixed Vegetables
110851- Pollock Fish Sticks
Please continue to utilize surplus for substitutions.
Please remember all shipping pallets must be returned to the delivery company. Please have your pallets available for pick up at the time of your next USDA Foods shipment.
Unreturned pallets can lead to increased shipping costs for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation.
Questions? Contact the Food Distribution Office at 360-725-6204.
August 19
SSO "Launching Point" Training - Register Here
August 30
June Claim 60-day Deadline - if you haven't already, submit your claim
September 1 |
Anticipated Date for the School Meals Annual Updates Webinar Recording in Moodle |
September 15
August Claim Due in WINS!