The School Year (SY) 21–22 SSO Letter to Households is Now Available in Spanish!
Earlier this year, we announced that we are getting documents translated into additional languages. We're happy to share that the SSO Letter to Families Template is now available in Spanish!
Due to the large number of documents, we will receive additional translations over the next two weeks. Please continue to check the Meal Application and Verification webpage for updates.
Last week, the Washington Department of Health (DOH) released updated guidance on K-12 COVID-19 Requirements for Summer 2021 and the 2021–2022 School Year. Updates in this version reflect recently released Center for Disease Control's (CDC) recommendations for schools and seek to achieve two primary goals:
- Minimize transmission of COVID-19 among students and staff in K–12 schools and to their families and broader community.
- Maximize in-person instruction.
Summary of Changes
- Vaccination and face coverings/masks are the most effective tools to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
- All staff and students must continue to wear face coverings/masks, regardless of vaccination status.
- Physical distancing requirements have been updated to support full time in-person instruction.
- Information on how schools should “layer” mitigation strategies for the best outcome is provided.
- Quarantine protocols have been updated to reduce student exclusions from instruction.
- Expanded information on diagnostic and screening testing is provided.
- Updated links to relevant Labor & Industries orders are provided.
- General alignment updates to COVID-19 language are made.
- Extra- and Co-Curricular requirements will be published in early August.
Overview of Prevention Measures
For School Year (SY) 21–22, schools must plan to provide full time in-person education for all interested students with the following required mitigation measures: face coverings/masks, physical distancing, improving ventilation, handwashing and respiratory etiquette, cleaning and disinfecting, staying home when sick and seeking evaluation, testing as indicated, contact tracing in combination with quarantine and isolation, responding to cases of COVID-19, and meeting the reporting requirements to public health.
Visit K-12 COVID-19 Requirements for Summer 2021 and the 2021-2022 School Year on DOH’s webpage for more information and check out the CDC Modifying School Spaces during Mealtimes resource for help modifying your mealtime spaces to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released Child Nutrition Program reimbursement rates for the upcoming school year.
Rates are effective for the time period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
You may now submit your July claim for reimbursement.
USDA Foods Commodity Rates
USDA recently released the Value of Donated Foods rates for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022. The SY 21–22 per meal rate for NSLP and CACFP is $0.2600 cents, which is an increase from $0.2450 in SY 20–21.
For NSLP the effective SY21 NSLP rate $0.3975 (the sum of the per meal rate ($0.2600 cents) plus the 12% provision dollars and the $20M breakfast monies). This is an increase from the $0.3700 estimate entered in WBSCM in January. The Planned Assistance Level (PAL) is based on the Total Lunches Served from the previous school year.
The CACFP per meal cash in lieu of USDA foods rate will increase to $0.2600. The Planned Assistance Level (PAL) is based on the total number of lunches and suppers served from the previous school year.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released several policy memos relating to School Meal Programs.
SP 18-2021: Community Eligibility Provision Operations during School Year 2021-2022: Questions and Answers
This memo includes questions and answers intended to provide clarification to state agencies and Child Nutrition Program sponsors as they operate the during school year (SY) 21–22.
These questions and answers address the impact of nationwide waivers that FNS has issued in response to COVID-19, and how those waivers impact Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) requirements.
FD-40: Inventory Draw Down in USDA Foods Processing (Revised)
- OSPI CNS is in the process of reviewing the memo and will release additional information in future CNS Updates.
SP 16-2021, CACFP 14-2021: Previously Issued Questions and Answers Relating to Operation of the Child Nutrition Programs: Updated for School Year 2021–2022
SP 17-2021, CACFP 15-2021, SFSP 09-2021: COVID-19 Waiver Requests Submitted Prior to December 31, 2020
Questions? Please contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
The School Meal Programs’ renewal application for SY 21–22 is officially open in WINS.
Applications for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) are due by August 30 for Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI) and September 30 for Local Education Agencies (LEA).
General Reminders
SY 21–22 Meal Distribution Plans (MDP)
The SY 21–22 Meal Distribution Plan must be submitted, in addition to the WINS application. Within the survey, you may apply for specific waivers. Waivers may be implemented “only for the extent and duration needed" and approval will be on a case-by-case basis. Sponsors should wait to submit their MDP until operational plans have been determined.
- The MDP and WINS application should align. If operation is unclear and the MDP does not align with WINS, applications will be returned and a new MDP may be required.
Meal Service Schedules
A separate meal service schedule should be created in the WINS site calendar to capture "grab and go" meal distribution times at open and closed enrolled sites. The schedule’s end date should reflect the date of waiver expiration (December 31, 2021 or sooner depending on waiver request).
August Operating Dates
Please contact your Program Specialist for instructions on how to add August to your site calendar.
Questions? Contact your Program Specialist.
In School Year (SY) 21–22, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) have the option to operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or the Seamless Summer Option (SSO). With the return to in-person instruction and the anticipated end of the public health emergency, Child Nutrition Services will resume conducting administrative reviews (ARs) for LEAs operating the NSLP/ SBP and SSO in SY 21–22. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released guidance allowing SSO reviews to count towards the state NSLP Administrative Review Cycle.
In a regular school year a combined administrative review (AR) and procurement review (PR) notification letter would have been e-mailed to LEAs selected for review in the upcoming school year by June 30. The SY 21–22 e-mail notification letters are delayed as we adjust our processes to meet new USDA guidance.
For SY 21–22, the administrative and procurement review will be conducted separately. Local Education Agencies will receive two e-mail notification letters, one for the administrative review and one for the procurement review.
Notification letters will be sent to sponsors selected for review by Friday, August 6, 2021.
Who will be selected for an Administrative Review?
If a LEA was scheduled for a review in SY 19–20 or SY 20–21, but the AR was not conducted due to the public health emergency, anticipate being selected for an AR in SY 21–22. Preliminary materials will be due September 30, 2021 and must be received prior to approval of your renewal application.
Who will be selected for a Procurement Review?
If your procurement review was postponed in SY 20–21, anticipate a PR will be conducted in SY 21–22. The PR will be conducted off-site and the year of review is SY 20–21. For those selected for a PR, preliminary materials will be due September 30, 2021, and must be received prior to approval of your renewal application.
Submitting Materials
For questions about administrative reviews in SY 21–22, please reach out to your program specialist. For procurement review questions, please reach out to Barb Krogstad, Procurement Specialist.
The Direct Certification system is open for SY 21–22.
Students on the district list, confirmed near matches, and students found using the Student Search function are free and reduced-price meal eligible beginning SY 21–22.
Direct Certification is the process of matching Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) information with student enrollment in the Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS). This helps Local Education Agencies (LEAs) identify students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Students that are directly certified are not required to submit a meal application to their district.
Direct Certification is required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and must be conducted monthly under Washington state law. RCW 28A.235.280(3)
Students are directly certified for free or reduced-price meals because of participation in the following programs:
- Basic Food
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Foster Care
- Medicaid Programs (Only some Medicaid programs)
- Migrant Students
The direct certification list is in OSPI’s Education Data System (EDS). Locate the User Manual and other resources on the CNS webpages.
Potentially Enrolled and Definitely Enrolled Students
At the beginning of each year, each school district will not have students identified as definitely enrolled and the definitely enrolled list will be blank. Once the district data manager for EDS uploads CEDARS enrollment, usually around October 1, the definitely enrolled list will show.
In the meantime, local education agencies will use the potentially enrolled list to identify directly certified students. Potentially enrolled means the student may be enrolled in the school district for SY 21–22 but until district enrollment is submitted in CEDARS, it cannot be confirmed. Potentially enrolled students are directly certified for free and reduced-price meals.
For more details, please review the Direct Certification User Manual.
Exact Match, Near Match, and Unmatched Lists
Directly Certified students will appear in three ways in the system. OSPI uses a matching software system and establishes parameters for exact and near matches. All students that do not fit into the parameters are considered unmatched and are available in the student search function.
Exact Match
The student meets matching parameters as an exact match and student is shown on the direct certification list.
Near Match
The student is not an exact match, but enough information potentially matches a student in the district. LEAs must use district information to “confirm” the DSHS information matches enrollment information. The parameters for near matches are set to allow for only some students to show up on this list.
Unmatched List
The unmatched list contains all students that cannot be matched with the software. Use the Student Search to find students in the Direct Certification system.
CNS encourages LEAs to use the Student Search often as a way to ensure all eligible children receive meal benefits.
Contact Information
For EDS access, passwords, and to have Direct Certification added to your application list within the EDS system – public school districts should contact their district data security manager. Private schools should email Liz Beechler, School Meals Program Supervisor.
For Direct Certification system questions –Email OSPI Customer Support
For eligibility and program questions – Contact your School Meals Program Specialist.
For questions regarding your meal counting system – Contact your software vendor.
OSPI CNS is hosting several trainings to help you in the upcoming school year!
1. School Meal Programs Annual Training
Join us as we discuss the upcoming year, things to expect, and updates.
Register Here! Date: Wednesday, August 11 Time: 1:30–3:00 pm PT
2. SSO Launching Point Training
In SY 21–22, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) will be allowed to operate the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) in lieu of the National School Lunch Program. Join us to discover how to operate the SSO!
Register Here! Date: Thursday, August 19 Time: 1–4 pm PT
For more information about this training, please review our 7/26 Seamless Summer Option Training article.
NEW! Check out the SY 21–22 Seamless Summer Option short trainings! These short trainings are perfect for you or your staff and review topics such as Meal Patterns, Offer vs Serve, Production Records, Point of Service, and Special Dietary Needs for those operating SSO in SY 21–22.
3. ICN's Financial Management for Managers Training
This Virtual Instructor-Led session provides participants instruction on the relationship of program cost and revenue, standard security practices to protect the financial integrity, budget management, increasing productivity and decreasing waste, and staff responsibility for sound financial management practices.
This 6-hour training will be held from 9:00 am–3:30 pm PT, with a half hour lunch and additional breaks scheduled. Please mark your calendars for one of these dates:
For more information on registering events through the pdEnroller platform, please review our 7/26 Financial Management Training article.
Take advantage of summer’s bounty of fresh produce and consider these five ways to include more veggies in your school meals this fall.
1. Feature What’s Growing Near You
Prepare for Farm to School Month and Taste Washington Day in October by locating local farms in your area that want to sell products to your school. See who participated in Taste Washington Day last year.
2. Use Vegetables from USDA Foods
Check out what products are available, including state processed products, and learn how you can receive USDA Foods.
3. Offer Grab and Go Salads
4. Cater to Your Audience
Consider conducting a back to school survey for students to provide feedback on school menu offerings. Ask students and the community about foods they would like to see on the menus to help you design a menu that is both culturally inclusive and appealing to students.
5. Dress Your Veggies
A little dip or dressing for veggies goes a long way to encourage kids (and adults) to eat their veggies. Remember—it’s not nutrition until it’s eaten!
Check out the full details, including recipe ideas, from USDA Team Nutrition.
September orders open Wednesday, August 4, and will close Wednesday, August 11 at 4 pm.
Surplus orders will open Thursday, August 12 at 1pm for groups 1–3, and 2 pm for all other groups. Surplus closes Friday, August 13, at 4 pm.
For more information on your group number, please review the SY 21–22 Order and Delivery Schedule.
- To place an order - log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order.
- Ordering Instructions
- Reminder:
The Ordering and Receiving webpage has multiple resources to assist you in placing your ordering including; instructions, order and distribution schedule.
Important Reminders
Confirmation of USDA Foods If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA Foods Delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution Office or call 360-725-6204.
The DoD Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), in cooperation with USDA, contracts with a prime vendor to deliver produce in Washington state. For more information about our new prime vendor, Charlies Produce, please view the DOD Vendor Update webinar.
View the DOD Vendor Update webinar here Password: USDADoDFresh2021
Note: This webinar is password protected and will require the password listed to watch.
As vendors and processors continue to have challenges with production capacity and transportation, we are experiencing delays and shortages with various products.
For the most current product updates please see the CNP web homepage.
Estimated September Availability W287 - Breakfast Sandwich W869 - Diced Pears W870 - Mixed Fruit 100364 - Vegetarian Beans (Delay in Western Washington Orders Only) 100365 - Pinto Beans (Delay in Western Washington Orders Only) 100370 - Red Kidney Beans (Delay in Western Washington Orders Only)
Estimated October Availability 110361 - Applesauce Cups 110242 - Blueberries 111100 - Cereal Bowls
Estimated November Delivery 110911 - Turkey Ham
Estimated January 2022 Availability: W281 – Whole French toast IW W288 – Cheese Tortilla Wrapped Omelet IW
USDA Unable to Provide During for the 21–22 SY 111230 - Mixed Vegetables 110851 - Pollock Fish Sticks 111230 - Mixed Vegetables
Please continue to utilize surplus for substitutions.
August 4–11
September USDA Foods Order Period Open in CNP Web.
August 11
SY 21–22 School Meal Programs Annual Updates Webinar - Register Here
August 12–13 |
September USDA Foods Surplus Order Period Open in CNP Web. |
August 15
July Claim Due in WINS!
August 19
SSO "Launching Point" Training - Register Here
August 30
June Claim 60-day Deadline - if you haven't already, submit your claim