April 27, 2021
The Teaching Equity Network Fund is offering grants of up to $5,000 for stakeholders to develop and host their own virtual or in-person “Teaching Equity” events. These events are intended to gather regional stakeholders in a collaborative space to further equity initiatives and contribute to a statewide movement on equity in the teaching profession.
About the Teaching Equity Network Fund
The Teaching Equity Network is a network of cross-sector collaborators in Washington State promoting equity in the preparation of future educators, equity in pathways into teaching, and ongoing training around equity and culturally responsive practices for educators. The Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB), Washington Education Association (WEA), Center for Excellence in Careers in Education (CECE), Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP), Green River College Foundation, and Highline College are partnering to create and provide this opportunity.
Application details
- Applications must include partnerships with other education stakeholders, including local school districts, preparation programs, the WEA local association, and local community organization(s).
- Events must be held by September 3, 2021.
- The event gatherings must focus on racial justice, defined as the systemic fair treatment of people of all races that results in equitable opportunities and outcomes for everyone.
- Applications are due May 10, 2021.
View the application and eligibility information.