The federal government passed continuing resolution H.R. 8337 into law, avoiding a federal government shutdown.
There are several pieces of the resolution that impact Child Nutrition Programs. We are waiting on guidance from USDA regarding implementation details.
This continuing resolution:
- Extends and expands Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) for the 2021 federal fiscal year.
Details on who will be eligible for benefits and how to implement the updated P-EBT program have not yet been released.
- OSPI CNS will release information as we receive it.
- Extends USDA's authority to issue waivers through the 2021 federal fiscal year.
- USDA has not issued waivers to continue summer programs at this time.
- OSPI CNS will release information as we receive it.
- Extends SNAP Flexibilities in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Please review the full text of the legislation for more information.
Verification Process
Verification is the process of confirming free and reduced-price meal eligibility based on an application. The verification process begins each year on October 1 and concludes November 15. Results of the verification process (Verification Summary Report) must be submitted to Child Nutrition Services by February 1, 2021.
Sponsors currently operating the NSLP and SBP who determine eligibility for meals using meal applications should move forward with the annual verification process for SY 20-21. We are waiting for further guidance from USDA on sponsors operating Summer feeding programs through December 31, 2020.
Please review last week's Verification update for more resources and details about completing this process.
Updated Materials Now Available!
Updated materials are located under the 'Verification of Applications' dropdown on the NSLP Meal Applications and Verification webpage. Materials include:
- Reference Sheets
- Timeline and Instruction Sheets
- Tools to help you complete Verification
- Letters for households in English and Spanish
Questions about the verification process? Please contact your program specialist.
We have two online trainings scheduled for the remainder of the year!
OSPI and PrimeroEdge are working together to offer Menu Planning Nutrient Analysis (MPNA) software and training at no cost to districts.
Join us for either 2-day session:
- October 20 & 21
- November 19 & 20
Visit our PrimeroEdge MPNA software website to request a demo to sign up for training.
This software is USDA-approved for nutrient analysis to meet the school meal program requirements and will help you manage ingredients, create recipes, create cycle menus, and more!
With this software you’ll be able to:
- Manage ingredients and link to stock items
- Create recipes and add them to your menus
- Create custom menus and cycle menus
Renewal Application Deadline Extended Until 10/31!
Last month, we released a CNS Update detailing important information regarding NSLP renewal for SY20-21. Applications submitted late may not be approved in time to receive reimbursement for meals for the first month of operation.
Important Reminders
- You must submit your WINS application AND Meal Distribution Plan for your renewal application to be considered complete. We recommend to utilize the NSLP/SBP MDP Sponsor Checklist to help you meet each step.
- Review the applicable bulletins and addendum released for detailed renewal information.
- Application due dates:
Sponsors Who Contract Meals
Questions? Please contact your program specialist.
The federal government outlines when and how purchasing by noncompetitive proposals is allowable. These requirements apply to Child Nutrition Programs receiving federal funds.
Per 2 CFR 200.320(f), organizations may purchase from a single source and not go out to bid if one or more of the following applies:
- The item is available only from a single source;
- There's a public emergency and sponsors do not have time to complete a full bid process;
- This must be for a limited time until a full bid process can be completed
- The Federal awarding agency (OSPI) authorizes noncompetitive proposals after written request is submitted; or
- Not enough competition after soliciting from multiple sources.
Please review 2 CFR 200.320(f) for more details.
How to Ensure Procurement Compliance
- Document all actions and decisions regarding any non-competitive procurement.
- Retain all supporting documents. Documentation must be available for auditors or reviewers. This includes:
- Phone calls
- Emails
- Sole source justification, etc.
Have Questions? Please contact your OSPI CNS Procurement Specialists, Barbara Krogstad or Stacie Boyd.
Last week, we shared details regarding the flexibilities of U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) COVID-19: Child Nutrition Response #58.
Please review last week's At-Risk Waiver Update for details about this waiver and renewal reminders.
Important Things to Consider
- Staff must be trained on At-Risk program requirements.
- Pre-approval visits must be conducted at new sites.
- A monitoring visit must be done within the 1st four weeks of operation.
- Site would need a fire or health inspection if not located in a school building or licensed daycare center.
- Serving Meals
Sponsoring organizations that operate the CACFP At-Risk program must serve meals after the end of the instructional day if students are physically in care.
If students are not in care physically (i.e. remote/virtual)
At-Risk sponsors may continue to distribute meals for multiple days at a time, however, meals must be marked/labeled to indicate that they are an afterschool snack or supper.
This type of meal distribution may occur at any time in the day.
Questions? Please contact your OSPI CNS Program Specialist.
Districts offering the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)/ School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) this fall are encouraged to join us for weekly webinars.
Register Here Date: Wednesdays through November 4, 2020 Time: 2 - 3 pm PT
Please hold a space on your calendar. A reminder email with your link to log into the webinar is sent 1 hour before the session starts.
Weekly follow up emails with a copy of the slides are sent to everyone registered for the session, even if they did not attend. We will not be posting recordings to the CNS webpages due to rapidly changing information .
Please keep an eye out in your inbox for these emails, if you do not see them in your inbox please check your SPAM box.
Miss last week? You can review last week's recording at this link.
Let’s make a noise that can be heard across the state to celebrate Washington agriculture!
October 7, 2020 - High Noon
Apples are a big deal in Washington – we grow more apples than any other state! More than half of all apples in the US for fresh eating come from orchards in Washington State.
You can celebrate by:
- Hosting a "crunch" at your school.
- Hosting a virtual crunch.
- Share pictures of your crunch on social media (make sure to get permission from families to share!)
- Use #WAfarmtoschool, #WAapplecrunch, and #OSPIChildNutrition, and join the conversation with other providers.
- Email pictures of your "crunch" to Samantha Brueske!
What’s in the Bag or Box from Washington?
Taste Washington Day is going to look a bit different this year! But it will still be a fun day to serve and highlight fresh, locally grown foods in your school meals, and promote your meal program to the community and encourage participation. On October 7, schools will celebrate farm to school and agriculture by distributing school meals with fresh, local ingredients, and help students learn about growing food and farming. Taste Washington Day 2020 will also recognize school nutrition heroes, school gardeners, teachers, and farmers for their important, frontline work keeping students fed during the pandemic.
The event theme this year is “What’s in the Bag or Box from Washington?”. Feature that one Washington grown vegetable, fruit, milk, dairy, grain, protein or other ingredient going into your bagged and boxed meals! You can also do a “Washington Apple Crunch” at noon on Oct. 7 with teachers and students.
Sign up, read more, and find resources below:
This year is going to look different, but we can still celebrate National School Lunch Week (NSLW)! This year’s theme is Now Playing: School Lunch.
Why participate?
- Increase participation.
- Spread the message to parents that you’re serving healthy, delicious lunch at school.
- Earn media coverage from local papers, TV stations, and bloggers.
- Connect with teachers and administrators at your school or in your district to spread the word that school meals are healthy and delicious.
How to participate?
Share With Us!
We look forward to seeing your celebrations! Use #OSPIChildNutrition and #NSLW20 on all your social media posts and join the conversation!
Want to be featured in a CNS Highlight? Send pictures and stories of your NSLW celebrations to Samantha Brueske!
Recently, the School Nutrition Association released “Working Through It” where they connected with eight district directors who shared pain points about staffing challenges, while reaffirming their pride and gratitude for the dedication of frontline team members.
Many districts are tackling reopening challenges in phases. Ongoing uncertainties about learning approaches and changes present challenges to school meal operations, including kitchen staffing strategies. While some districts have more staff onboard than work to fill the day, others are straining to cope with unfilled position vacancies.
You can read “Working Through It” and share it out with others. If you share this article, please credit the School Nutrition/School Nutrition Association.
November orders open Wednesday, October 7, and will close Wednesday, October 14, at 4pm.
Surplus orders will open Thursday, October 15, at 1pm for groups 1 - 3, and 2pm for all other groups. Surplus closes Friday, October 16, at 4pm.
For more information on your group number, please review the Order and Delivery Schedule.
- To place an order - log-in to CNP Web.
- Your Food Distribution Application must be completed (including certified and submitted) before you can place an order.
- Ordering Instructions
- Reminder:
The Ordering and Receiving webpage has multiple resources to assist you in placing your ordering including; instructions, order and distribution schedule.
Important Reminders
Possible Shift in Delivery Days for October
Due to recent delays with distributors accepting USDA foods, your delivery time period will shift to October 6 - 27. This may effect on which day you receive your USDA Foods. Please continue to confirm appointment times with your carrier.
Confirmation of USDA Foods
If you’re scheduled to receive a USDA Foods Delivery, you should receive an appointment confirmation from the carrier. Please remember to reply to the carrier confirming receipt of appointment.
To update or change your delivery contact person, please complete the Delivery Updates Form.
Questions? Please email the Food Distribution Office or call 360-725-6204.
New ordering minimum for DoD Fresh starting October 18, 2020
The new minimum order amount is $150.00 per order for all sponsors in WA.
Questions? Please email Sarah Davis.
October 7
SY20-21 Food Service Operations for NSLP and SFSP Sponsors Weekly Webinar - Register Here
October 7-14
November Food Distribution Order Period
October 15
September claims due in WINS
October 15-16
November FDP Surplus Order Period
October 31
Due Date for SY20-21 SFSP/ SSO Applications
October 31
NSLP/SBP Public/ Private Schools Renewal Applications Due! Make sure to complete all the required steps!