February 2020 Arts Newsletter

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The Arts News & Notes | February 2020

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Who doesn’t like a good story? It’s how we’re wired. Stories are fundamental to who we are, and how we experience our lives. Stories also go hand in hand with the arts - together they are powerful. They get our attention, activate our imagination and evoke emotion. They can inspire us and transform us.

This month, we want to hear your stories! Is there a particular story or book that inspires your art or your teaching? Are there stories that you use with your students? Can you share a story from your classroom about how art impacted a student, a colleague or you? Do you know of a Washington State student who has gone on to have a successful career in the arts?

Please take a few moments to share your stories with us at TheArts@k12.wa.us.  We want to create a collection of stories that will serve to inspire educators across the state.

Thank you for all that you do in service of the arts in education,

Janet Hayakawa, Program Supervisor
The Arts - Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Office: 360-725-4966             
Cell/Text: 360-764-6157

Art by: M. Filan "Grass Land" (Recipient of OSPI State Board of Education Award of 2011 Art Show) 


2018‒19 Instruction & Assessment Reporting: The Arts, Educational Technology, Health & Physical Education, & Social Studies

School districts are required to report annually on instruction and assessment information to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This report summarizes school district‒level data about instruction and assessment in the Arts, Educational Technology, Health and Physical Education, and Social Studies. For the 2018-19 reporting period, 95% percent of Washington’s 295 school districts submitted data about arts instruction and assessment.

OSPI Bulletin No. 008-20 outlines the reporting requirements for 2019-20, due by June 30, 2020.  To view the report and bulletin, click here.


The 47th Annual Regional School Art Shows

For the past few months, high school students from all nine WA State Educational Service Districts (ESDs) have been submitting their artwork for the 47th annual regional art shows. These young visual artists will have their amazing artwork displayed in recognition and awards ceremonies given by their ESD’s. Contact the ESD for more information. 

Finalists from these regional art shows will send their artwork to the Superintendent’s High School Art Show, where several exemplary pieces will be recognized.  To see winners from previous years, click here.

Art by: S. Holliday "Hope" (Recipient of OSPI Judges' Choice Award 2016 Art Show) 

Mickey Smith

Grammy’s Music Educator Award Recipient 

Louisiana state music teacher, Mickey Smith Jr., was honored with the Grammy's Music Educator Award 2020 for his inspirational teaching that makes students feel "loved, valued and wanted". To read the full story, visit CBS This Morning here.

CBS News. “Louisiana Music Teacher Mickey Smith Jr. Honored with Music Educator Award at Grammys.” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 24 Jan. 2020

Story by Sandy Macdonald

Why You Must Bring Preschoolers to the Theatre

In this story, Sandy MacDonald writes about why it's important to expose children to the theater from a very young age because as she writes it "Even a show that doesn't enchant has its value, helping to develop critical thinking skills as well as personal taste, however rudimentary."

To read the full story, visit TDF here

Macdonald, Sandy. “TDF Stages: Yes, You Should Take Preschoolers to the Theatre.” Theatre Development Fund, TDF, 23 Dec. 2019
