Grant funds available to host your own teaching equity event

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September 27, 2019

Grant funds available to host your own teaching equity event

teaching equity conference

Building from the annual, statewide teaching equity conference, the Teaching Equity Network (TEN) fund creates an opportunity for stakeholders to develop and host their own teaching equity events.

These events gather regional stakeholders in a collaborative space to further initiatives related to racial justice and equity in education. To foster these initiatives, TEN will provide grants of up to $5,000 to support the establishment of local equity gatherings.

The deadline to apply is October 15, 2019. To view the application and learn more, please visit the CECE website.

What is the Teaching Equity Network?

The Teaching Equity Network is a network of cross-sector collaborators promoting equity in the preparation of future educators, equity in pathways into teaching, and ongoing training around equity and cultural responsive practices for educators. The TEN mission is to advocate for a racially and linguistically diverse teacher workforce, and to develop teachers that are committed to equity and are actively engaging in educational transformation in schools. The Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB), Washington Education Association (WEA) and the Center for Excellence in Careers in Education (CECE) are partnering to create and provide this opportunity.