The Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) approved WAC amendments relating to clock hours for National Board certification and renewal. PESB is now in the process of codifying this WAC, and this policy is slated to be in place in time for this fall’s newly certified and newly renewed National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs).
What does this mean for NBCTs and candidates?
Did the candidate or NBCT submit their first National Board component of the portfolio in 2018 or later?
The individual is eligible for 50 clock hours for submission of each complete National Board component, for up to 200 clock hours per National Board certificate.
Did the candidate or NBCT submit their first National Board component of the portfolio in 2017 or earlier?
The individual is eligible for 45 clock hours for submission of a complete National Board portfolio, plus another 45 clock hours upon achievement of National Board certification.
Did the NBCT submit a National Board Renewal portfolio in 2018 or later?
The individual is eligible for 200 clock hours for submission of a complete National Board Profile of Professional Growth, for up to 200 clock hours per National Board certificate.
Scores of NS or zero are not eligible for clock hours.
PESB plans to review the policy regarding clock hours for National Board renewal when more is known regarding upcoming changes to the National Board Maintenance of Certification process.
See agenda item materials for more information.
 This past school year, PESB convened a work group to review policy around the limited certificates—WAC 181-79a-231. Recommendations from this work group were presented to the board in May. PESB made initial consideration of the WAC changes at the July board meeting.
The work group recommended streamlining the limited certificate system to reduce confusion, while also preserving flexibility.
Key points in the WAC being considered:
- Previously, there were seven types of limited certificates. The WAC being considered includes only four types of limited certificates. However, educators who qualified for one of the previous certificates would continue to qualify for one of the new certificates.
- The emergency certificate will no longer be available, but districts will be able to request a conditional certificate for those same individuals.
- The emergency substitute certificate will continue to be available, and will have a validity period of two years.
- Certificates are valid for the period determined at the time the certificate was issued. The validity period of a certificate currently held by an individual would not be cut short because of this policy change.
The board will be considering the proposed amendments to this WAC at the September meeting.
See agenda item materials for more information.
Micro-credentials are a way for educators to demonstrate their competence relating to a specific standard. Educators submit evidence to be assessed, and then may earn a digital badge representing that competency. Educators also earn clock hours for these micro-credentials.
PESB has developed micro-credentials in three areas:
- Culturally responsive social emotional learning
- Computational thinking in elementary computer science
- Recruiting Washington Teachers: leveraging RWT curriculum.
Seventeen organizations and consortiums are the successful recipients of the PESB micro-credential grant, and will be piloting these micro-credentials this fall.
Culturally responsive social emotional learning:
- Bellevue School District
- City University of Seattle | Partner: Selah School District
- ESD 113 | Partner: North Thurston School District
- Eastern Washington University | Partners: Cheney School District, Liberty School District
- Olympia School District
- Peninsula School District
- Ridgefield School District
- Seattle University | Partner: Seattle University ELL Academy
- The Rural Alliance | Partners: 14 small rural school districts
- Waitsburg School District
- Whitworth University | Partner: Spokane School District
Computational thinking in elementary computer science:
- ESD 101
- Renton School District | Partners: Bellevue School District, Highline School District, Issaquah School District
- Sumner School District
- Eastern Washington University | Partners: Cheney School District, Liberty School District
Recruiting Washington Teachers:
- Central Washington University | Partners: Grandview School District and Mabton School District
- Seattle Public Schools
The student voice rubrics in edTPA
will become consequential beginning fall 2019. The
Board approved a new edTPA passing score of 47 (41 for World
Languages and Classical languages) inclusive of student voice (SV) rubrics and the new edTPA
passing score will take in effect beginning Fall 2019 (Submissions after
August 15, 2019). Please note that the Board decided not to adopt a ramp up plan for
the new passing scores inclusive of SV rubrics.
the Board decided to make four low incident areas consequential beginning
fall 2019. Those four areas are:
- Agricultural Education
- Family and
Consumer Sciences
- Health Education
- Visual Arts.

- September 27-28, 2018 at the DoubleTree in Spokane
- November 29-30, 2018 at Heathman Lodge in Vancouver
- January 10-11, 2019 at ESD 113 in Tumwater