Expand Your Business with the ScaleUp Program – Flexible Online and In-Person Options
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? The ScaleUp Business Training Program is here to help you grow, improve operations, and increase profitability.
- Online (English): Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at 6:00 PM
- Online (Spanish): Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
- In-person (Spanish): Tuesdays at 6:00 PM in Yakima and Pasco
- Dates: January 20, 2025 – March 18, 2025
Registration Information:
The ScaleUp Program is designed to help businesses like yours create sustainable strategies for growth, better navigate challenges, and position for long-term success.
Don’t miss this opportunity! Reserve your spot today.
For more information, email us at Elia.Mendoza@omwbe.wa.gov or call 564.669.4067.
Escala tu Negocio con el Programa ScaleUp – Opciones Flexibles en Línea y Presencial |
Estimados Empresarios,
¿Listos para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel? El Programa de Capacitación ScaleUp está aquí para ayudarle a crecer, mejorar operaciones e incrementar la rentabilidad.
- En línea (inglés): martes, miércoles o jueves a las 6:00 PM
- En línea (español): martes a las 6:00 PM
- Presencial (español): martes a las 6:00 PM en Yakima and Pasco
- Fechas: 20 de enero de 2025 – 18 de marzo de 2025
Información de Registro:
El Programa ScaleUp está diseñado para ayudarle a crear estrategias sostenibles de crecimiento, superar desafíos y posicionarse para el éxito a largo plazo.
¡No pierda esta oportunidad! Reserve su lugar hoy mismo.
Para más información, envié un correo electrónico a Elia.Mendoza@omwbe.wa.gov o llame al 564.669.4067.
BizConnect: Your Path to Business Success! Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Workshop for Business Owners
- Workplace Rules and Regulations
- Worker Safety Programs
- Worker’s Compensation and Guidelines
- Key Changes for 2025
Business owners and managers looking to stay informed and compliant with Washington State’s workplace standards.
When: January 15, 2025 | 4PM - 5PM
Where: Yakima County Development Association 2520 W Washington Ave, Suite 1, Yakima, WA 98903
Email, Call, or Text: Lara Cantero | Lara.Cantero@omwbe.wa.gov | 360.489.7635
- Reglas y regulaciones del lugar de trabajo
- Programas de seguridad de los trabajadores
- Compensación al Trabajador y Polizas
- Cambios clave para 2025
Propietarios y gerentes de negocios que buscan mantenerse informados y cumplir con los estándares laborales del estado de Washington.
Cuando: enero 15, 2025 | 6PM - 7PM
Dónde: Yakima County Development Association 2520 W Washington Ave, Suite 1, Yakima, WA 98903
Correo electrónico, llamada o texto a Lara Cantero Lara.Cantero@omwbe.wa.gov | 360.489.7635
Join COMTO in person at Tabor 100 for an exciting gathering of transportation professionals and our special guest speaker, Terri Mestas, Deputy CEO, Chief Capital Delivery Officer of Sound Transit.
Connect with fellow members, expand your network, and stay updated on the latest industry news and trends. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals and contribute to the growth of our community. See you there!
When: January 15, 2025 | 12PM - 2PM Where: Tabor 100 | 7100 Fort Dent Way, #100, Tukwila, WA 98188
Attend a free tax workshop offered by Washington State Department of Revenue to learn about your tax reporting responsibilities. We will discuss tax classifications, deductions, sales tax collection, and recordkeeping requirements. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions about taxes that apply specifically to your business.
Multiple dates are available throughout 2025, including virtual webinars and in-person workshops. Register soon!
Attend a free webinar to learn how to file basic excise tax returns using the online portal, My DOR. We will demonstrate how to report for three business and occupation tax classifications (retailing, wholesaling, and service and other activities), deductions, credits, and litter tax.
If you haven’t already, please watch the Business Tax Basics video, or sign up to attend a Business Tax Basics workshop in person or online before taking the My DOR – How to file an excise tax return webinar.
With great pride and a touch of sadness, we announce that our deputy director, Sarah Erdmann, is moving on from OMWBE. Starting January 15, Sarah will join the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) within the United States Department of Transportation's Civil Rights division. Sarah's new position will serve as the FTA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise subject matter expert, supporting all 800 transit authorities across the United States. It is an incredible opportunity for Sarah to take the lessons she learned in Washington, and apply them to support DBE certified businesses across the nation.
While this news is bittersweet for many of us at OMWBE, we want to take a moment to recognize the incredible impact Sarah has had on OMWBE over the years. Since joining the agency in 2011 as a Certification Analyst, Sarah rose up through the ranks to become one of our greatest leaders. Here is a small list of some of Sarah's major accomplishments over the past 13 years.
- Oversaw our digital transformation, from paper to electronic applications
- Helped eliminate the Certification backlog, a first in OMWBE's history
- Launched Access Equity, our business diversity management system
- Secured resources and funding to expand OMWBE's service delivery
- First employee and mother at OMWBE to have an infant in the workplace
In addition to her legacy supporting Washington's small and diverse business community, we will never forget how Sarah always took the time to get to know every new employee in the agency.
Farewell, Sarah, and best of luck on your next adventure!
New Certifications
64 businesses obtained OMWBE certification in December! We share these monthly lists of newly certified firms with our contract and procurement contacts at State Agencies and Institutions of Higher Education.