Supplier Diversity Newsletter |
Greetings Partners,
New OMWBE Certified Businesses
Every month we share a list of the most recent state certified businesses including the business name, contact information, business description, etc. This list is best utilized regularly in combination with OMWBE's Directory of Certified Businesses.
Please contact our Supplier Diversity team for assistance using our online directory, or to schedule a virtual training for your procurement team.
Email: supplierdiversity@omwbe.wa.gov
Toolkit Workshops - Record Attendance!
This years’ toolkit workshop series is off to a great start with a record attendance of 132 participants at the March 16th Outreach Workshop. We discussed the different meanings of “outreach,” how the expectations vary by role, and what buyers can do to get word out about procurement needs.
Our next workshop will focus on Forecasting. We will talk about preparations to collect data for forecasting and how to use the Forecasting template developed by the Department of Enterprise Services. We encourage everyone to attend but would really like anyone involved in the budget process to join us to share your ideas about how this can work. Sign up for the Forecasting Workshop below:
Registration Changes Coming in May
We shifted to GoToMeetings this year to accommodate larger audiences with increased security, but it requires an additional step to RSVP. We apologize for this extra step and are working to simplify the registration process. Please be sure to RSVP and register with GoToMeetings for the April Forecasting workshop.
Starting in May, we will shift to a different function in GoToMeetings that will not require additional registration. It will also allow us to make the workshops more interactive. We will be reaching out to everyone who has already registered for a 2023 workshop to ensure future events are easier to attend.
Connecting with Agencies
Does your agency have concerns about the expectations for supplier diversity and/or how to apply the Tools for Equity in Public Spending? A member of the Supplier Diversity Team can join your team meeting to discuss the workload impact and how to connect the concepts to daily work. We will tailor the content to fit the audience, from senior leadership to procurement teams, all staff meetings, or another existing forum.
Contact equitytoolkit@omwbe.wa.gov for more info and to get the ball rolling.
 Access Equity Update
March saw a lot of positive behind-the-scenes progress for the Access Equity project. We identified Access Equity Sponsors for the majority of Washington State Agencies, and configuration for these agencies is currently underway. Over the coming months, we will introduce these agencies to the tools available to them within the Access Equity system and share how best to utilize these tools for the betterment of the State of Washington and its citizens. Look toward upcoming newsletters for more details surrounding the launch plans for Access Equity.
Governor's Subcabinet on Business Diversity
The Subcabinet is meeting again in April, after a temporary hiatus to focus on internal planning. In April’s Subcabinet meeting, we aim to establish a set of prioritized action teams to explore how our state can maximize opportunities for certified businesses. The frequency of the Subcabinet meetings will change too. The meetings will now be on a quarterly basis, with more frequent targeted meetings for those who are a part of various Action Teams. |
We are excited that these changes will provide opportunities for impactful collaboration between state agencies, with inclusion of the business community.
We are nearing the end of March and Women's History Month, but that doesn't mean we need to stop celebrating women who have changed our world for the better. This year's theme celebrates the women who tell our stories, with highlights on women in media, journalism, music, radio, and more.
Learn more about Women's History Month by visiting the National Women's History Alliance website, or visit OMWBE's Facebook page where we have been highlighting influential women in Washington State and beyond.
 Management Analyst 4 - Job Opportunity
OMWBE is excited to announce that we are looking for an amazing individual to join our team to serve as our Management Analyst 4!
Working Title: Management Analyst 4
Closing: 4/11/2023 11:59 PM Pacific
Type: Full Time – Non Permanent
Location: Multiple Locations - Statewide, WA
Salary: $63,216.00 - $85,020.00 Annually
This position supports the mission of the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE) by maintaining the integrity of the agency’s certification program when processing new certification applications and renewals. The analyst accomplishes this by analyzing the particular facts of an application against relevant state and federal rules, following processes and procedures and using their discretion to ensure certification decisions are legally sound, consistent, and fair for minority, women, and socially and economically disadvantaged business owners who are interested in becoming certified with OMWBE.
If you would like to include others on our distribution list to receive these monthly supplier diversity emails, please let us know at supplierdiversity@omwbe.wa.gov. |