Supplier Diversity Newsletter |
Greetings Partners,
New OMWBE Certified Businesses
Every month we share a list of the most recent certified businesses including the firm’s name, contact information, business description, etc. This list is best utilized regularly in combination with OMWBE's Directory of Certified Businesses.
Please contact our Supplier Diversity team for assistance using our online directory, or to schedule a virtual training for your procurement team.
Email: supplierdiversity@omwbe.wa.gov
Toolkit Update – Outreach Program Guidelines and Plans
OMWBE is partnering with DES to update the toolkit resources posted on the website. We started with Outreach, developing guidelines for establishing a comprehensive agency outreach program. These resources will be posted to the public website by the end of October.
Join us at the last toolkit workshop of 2022 – the Outreach Toolkit Workshop on November 17th at 10:00, to discuss tracking outreach efforts and review those resources.
2023 Toolkit Workshops
The new year is right around the corner, so we are preparing the next toolkit workshop calendar. The Supplier Diversity team provided workshops focused on unbundling, hearing from businesses about how to do effective outreach, and what should go into a planning and forecasting template. Those were all suggestions from workshop attendees and agency partners.
Do you have any questions about using the Tools for Equity in Public Spending? Is there a tool that you would like to use and discuss with your colleagues?
Please send your workshop topic suggestions, ideas, and comments to: equitytoolkit@omwbe.wa.gov
Access Equity Update - Change Champion Network
The Access Equity Team is assembling a Change Champion Network comprised of representatives at several state agencies and educational institutions in Phase 1 of implementation. Change Champions will lead early adoption of Access Equity at their organizations, and will support impacted staff throughout implementation and after Go-Live.
Which agencies and universities are in the Phase 1 Change Network?
- Central Washington University (CWU)
- Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Department of Enterprise Services (DES)
- Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
- Health Care Authority (HCA)
- University of Washington (UW)
- Washington State University (WSU)
Upcoming Open House Event
OMWBE is hosting two Open Houses for Access Equity in early-mid November. Invitations will be sent out next week. This is your chance to learn more about the Access Equity Project, why the system is being implemented, and what this means for your agency or institution. We hope that you will join us, and share the invitation with your coworkers who are contract managers and DEI professionals.
More to come soon!
Fiscal Year 2021 Supplier Diversity Reporting
Every year state agencies and educational institutions are required to submit their public spending data to OMWBE, so we can report on each organization’s annual dollars spent on public works and procurement with certified minority- and women-owned businesses (RCW 39.19.250).
We recently sent the Supplier Diversity Reporting Memo to all 62 Agencies and 37 Colleges requesting spending reports. OMWBE will send each agency a preview of their FY22 spend report by early December 2022. Agencies will have time to preview the report and respond to OMWBE if needed. Final reports and agency inclusion plans will be posted on OMWBE’s website in December 2022.
How to report subcontractor spending: If your agency has contracted with a prime contractor that has paid an OMWBE state-certified subcontractor, you may provide OMWBE the payment details on the FY22 Subcontractor Reporting Template. Please return the template to OMWBE by October 18, 2022 to supplierdiversity@omwbe.wa.gov so the data can be included in your final spend report. We realize not all agencies track this data at this time.
 Buy MBE Day - Wrapping up MED Week 2022
Since 1983, the MBDA has led the National Minority Enterprise Development Week (MED Week) observance to recognize the achievements and economic contributions made by Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs). This year’s MED Week celebration will culminate with the 2nd Annual Buy MBE Day on Saturday, September 24, 2022!
The MBDA website includes a toolkit you can use to highlight Buy MBE Day, which helps generate awareness, support, and revenue to minority-owned businesses.
If you would like to include others on our distribution list to receive these monthly supplier diversity emails, please let us know at supplierdiversity@omwbe.wa.gov. |