Supplier Diversity Newsletter |
Greetings Partners,
New OMWBE State Certified Businesses
Every month we share a list of the most recent state certified businesses including the firm’s name, contact information, business description, etc. This list is best utilized regularly in combination with OMWBE's Directory of Certified Businesses.
Please contact our Supplier Diversity team for assistance using our online directory, or to schedule a virtual training for your procurement team.
Email: supplierdiversity@omwbe.wa.gov
Toolkit Update – Planning and Forecasting Process
OMWBE is working with the Department of Enterprise Services to develop and implement a process for collecting agency planning and forecasting data. We will use a spreadsheet-based template for the initial phases.
If you are involved in your agency’s budgeting process or are curious about the timeline for implementation, the process behind gathering and sending data, and what will be in the template, we encourage you to join us for the August 25th Workshop where we will discuss these topics as we develop the process together.
September 25th Toolkit Workshop: Inclusion Plans – Join us for a conversation about using inclusion plans, the inclusion plan template, and creative ways to work with small businesses with the support of a larger business.
 August is National Black Business Month!
Founded in 2004, National Black Business Month focuses on the importance of Black-owned businesses and the contributions these under-represented businesses make toward our nation’s economy. OMWBE would like to recognize the fact that approximately 10% of our nation’s businesses are Black-owned and are on the rise.
Learn More: Black Business Month - August 2022 - National Today
 Access Equity Open House
On July 28th, we hosted a virtual Open House for agencies in Phase 1 of the Access Equity system rollout. Thank you to the 50+ participants that attended.
We recorded the event, which includes the following information.
- Background on the need for change
- Access Equity overview and key functionality
- Live Demos of the Contract Compliance and Outreach modules
- Q&A with future users from various agencies
OMWBE will be reaching out to Phase 1 Agencies with training opportunities to start using the Contract Compliance and Outreach modules. We are also planning a second Open House event for all agencies in Phase 2 and Beyond.
More to come soon!
What is a Subcontractor?
Many of us think about construction and public works when we hear the word "subcontractor," but subcontracting opportunities apply to many different types of contracts including those in Goods and Services.
“Subcontractor” means one not in the employment of the Contractor (or “prime” or “primary contractor”), who is performing all or part of those services under a Contract through a separate contract with the Contractor.
Promote Your Bids and Contracting Opportunities!
OMWBE maintains a Bids & Contracting Opportunities page on our website, to share time sensitive RFP and RFQ information with our Certified Businesses. State agencies, colleges, local governments, and more submit opportunities regularly.
We are now accepting bid posts through our website. Submitted posts are reviewed by the OMWBE team before they are published. When you submit a bid post, please include a brief description and a link to where the full details are posted either on WEBS or on your organization's website.
If you would like to include others on our distribution list to receive these monthly supplier diversity emails, please let us know at supplierdiversity@omwbe.wa.gov. |