E-lert - SAVE THE DATE - Shredder Day Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 9am to 12 Noon!




 Be safer together


Medina Police Department



Community E-lert®


DATE:        February 9th, 2023


TO:              E-lert® Recipients                      


FROM:       Jeff Sass, Chief of Police


SUBJECT:  Community E-lert® Save the Day - Get ready to spring clean it, shred it and recycle it! Saturday, April 15, from 9am to 12 Noon!

Community E-lert® is a registered trademark of the City of Medina Police Department.   This announcement is provided as a public service to residents of Medina and Hunts Point.  It is our intention to distribute these E-lerts typically following an occurrence or condition that may have public safety or community well-being implications. 




SATURDAY April 15, 2023

9:00 am -12:00 Noon


For more information visit www.medina-wa.gov or

Call Medina Police (425) 233-6420


  • Document Shredding - Limited to one visit of five boxes
  • Drug Take-back - Intra-venous solutions, injectables, syringes, chemotherapy medications, or medical waste WILL NOT be accepted due to potential hazard
  • Electronic Recycling* - Electronic items that will be not accepted are Tube TVs/Projection TVs /CRT Monitors (Flat Screen TVs are accepted) - for questions on other items please call the Medina Police Mon-Fri 8am-4pm at 425-233-6420

*Selected items only 


A Community Event brought to you by:

SBKShredder imagesShredder images                 Shredder images 




Medina Police Department






If you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please contact the Medina Police Department at 425-233-6420. You may also contact us via email, Chief Sass can be reached at jsass@medina-wa.gov and Captain Gidlof at agidlof@medina-wa.gov